
The Complete Short Stories Of Ernest Hemingway(III目录

  • The Secret of Teams

    The Secret of Teams

    Debbie and her team discover the three elements that all successful teams have in common. You’ll learn how to change entrenched ways of thinking and acting, what you have to do to optimize each of the three elements of a successful team, how to measure your progress, and more.
  • A Tale of Two Cities(双城记)(II)(英文版)

    A Tale of Two Cities(双城记)(II)(英文版)

    It was the time of the French Revolution — a time of great change and great pgsk.comy imprisoned for 18 years in the Bastille, Dr. Alexandre Manette is reunited with his daughter, Lucie, and safely transported from France to England. It would seem that they could take up the threads of their lives in peace. As fate would have it though, the pair are summoned to the Old Bailey to testify against a young Frenchman — Charles Darnay — falsely accused of treason. Strangely enough, Darnay bears an uncanny resemblance to another man in the courtroom, the dissolute lawyer's clerk Sydney Carton. It is a coincidence that saves Darnay from certain doom more than once. Brilliantly plotted, the novel is rich in drama, romance, and heroics that culminate in a daring prison escape in the shadow of the guillotine.
  • Sprout!


    The clever sales garden metaphor will change you the way you think about sales. By adhering to the easy, practical steps outlined in Sprout!, you, too, can beat career blues, increase your sales, and sustain yourself for the long term.
  • Notes From The Underground(III) 地下室手记(英文版)

    Notes From The Underground(III) 地下室手记(英文版)

    Notes from Underground (also translated in English as Notes from the Underground or Letters from the Underworld while Notes from Underground is the most literal translation) is an 1864 novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, who is a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, journalist and philosopher. It is considered by many to be one of the world's first existentialist novels. It presents itself as an excerpt from the rambling memoirs of a bitter, isolated, unnamed narrator (generally referred to by critics as the Underground Man) who is a retired civil servant living in St. Petersburg. The first part of the story is told in monologue form, or the underground man's diary, and attacks emerging Western pgsk.com second part of the book is called "Apropos of the Wet Snow" and describes certain events that appear to be destroying and sometimes renewing the underground man, who acts as a first person, unreliable narrator and anti-hero.
  • The Moon and Sixpence 月亮与六便士(V)(英文版)

    The Moon and Sixpence 月亮与六便士(V)(英文版)

    Charles Strickland is a staid banker, a man of wealth and privilege. He is also a man possessed of an unquenchable desire to create art. As Strickland pursues his artistic vision, he leaves London for Paris and Tahiti, and in his quest makes sacrifices that leaves the lives of those closest to him in tatters. Through Maugham's sympathetic eye Strickland's tortured and cruel soul becomes a symbol of the blessing and the curse of transcendent artistic genius, and the cost in humans lives it sometimes pgsk.com on the life of Paul Gauguin, The Moon and Sixpence is W. Somerset Maugham's ode to the powerful forces behind creative genius.
  • 若纪若离


  • 九塔震天


  • 求仙者


    英雄白骨,红粉骷髅,凡世千姿,终究难逃因果轮回。红尘百转,浮华皆虚,匆匆碌碌,但问众生所求为何?**********************************************她本凡尘孤女,幼时偶得机缘踏入修仙界。从此命运悄转,几经波折。探上古遗址,闯百族禁地。跨茫茫乱海,越万里险山……借丹药符箓,用法宝灵兽,遣阵法之道,辅功法秘术……学的是逆天术,行的是通天路。无数劫难,生死历险。不问因果,但求成仙! ps:无男主。不想再重复回答这个问题了,放简介上吧。
  • 驭兽天下:狂宠绝色魔妃


  • 快穿神秘世界遇见你


  • 洽洽相反


  • 超级顶包


  • 快穿之Boos今天恋爱吗


    身为一名历经三千世界夏繁星因为没有正经男票而被抹杀重头再来了。 某夏“是美食不香?是男宠不够?还是单身不爽?不去,打死都不去了!”来自灵魂的三连拷问。250世纪连冠三届全能首富的她,人前娇软可欺,人后杀伐果决,可惜红颜薄命,死于单身太久,所以为了证明自己就被忽悠去了。更何况某人盛世美颜以一抵所有,上得了厅堂下得了厨房! 事后,“你知道吗,那滔滔长江水就像我流的泪呀!”上了贼船后的某夏欲哭无泪! 某邪邪魅一笑:“老婆,我的是黄河水,只会天天让你流汗!” 某夏:“不,我只想回去继承我的后宫三千男宠!”“呜呜呜,宿主,银家对不起你,让你被金猪蹄子拱了!”系统可怜巴巴咬嘴唇【1V1,爽文A爆,这是一个闷骚男,颜控+吃货女的爱恨纠葛!!2020,小可爱们,你们,准备好了吗?要上车了哦哦哦~!新手上线,请多指教!】
  • 异端魔徒


  • 世清平

