
第1章 First Performance

To Jimmy Wax

No Man's Land was first presented by the National Theatre at the Old Vic, London, on 23 April 1975, with the following cast:

HIRST Ralph Richardson

SPOONER John Gielgud

FOSTER Michael Feast

BRIGGS Terence Rigby

Directed by Peter Hall

Designed by John Bury

This production transferred to Wyndham's Theatre, London, on 15 July 1975.

The play was revived at the Almeida Theatre, London, on 2 November 1992, with the following cast:

HIRST Harold Pinter

SPOONER Paul Eddington

FOSTER Douglas Hodge

BRIGGS Gawn Grainger

Directed by David Leveaux

Designed by Bob Crowley

This production transferred to the Comedy Theatre, London, in February 1993.

The play was revived on the Lyttelton stage of the National Theatre, London, on 6 December 2001, with the following cast:

HIRST Corin Redgrave


FOSTER Danny Dyer

BRIGGS Andy de la Tour

Directed by Harold Pinter

Designed by Eileen Diss

The play was revived by the Gate Theatre, Dublin, on 21 August 2008 with the following cast:

HIRST Michael Gambon

SPOONER David Bradley

FOSTER David Walliams

BRIGGS Nick Dunning

Directed by Rupert Goold

Designed by Giles Cadle

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