

As Keri pulled up in front of the Venice address Susan had texted her, she forced herself to forget about the lingering pain in her chest and knee. She was entering potentially dangerous territory. And since she was not officially on the job right now, she had to be on extra high alert. No one here would give her the benefit of the doubt.

It was only mid-morning and as she crossed Pacific Avenue in this seedy stretch of Venice, her only company was tattooed surfers, oblivious to the cold and headed to the ocean just a block away, and homeless men huddled in the doorways of not-yet-open businesses.

She arrived at the rundown apartment complex, walked through the open front door, and walked up three flights of stairs to the room where Lupita was supposedly expecting her. Business didn't usually pick up until after lunch so this was a good time to stop by.

Keri approached the door and was about to knock when she heard noise from inside. She checked and found the door unlocked and quietly opened it, peeking her head in.

On the bed in the unadorned room was a brunette girl who looked to be about fifteen. On top of her was a naked, wiry man in his thirties. Covers hid the particulars, but he was thrusting down aggressively. Every few seconds he would slap the girl in the face.

Keri fought the strong urge to march in and rip the guy off her. Even without the badge, it was her natural inclination. But she had no idea if this was a john and the activity taking place was standard operating procedure.

Sad experience had taught her that sometimes coming to the rescue was counterproductive in the long run. If this was a client and Keri interrupted, the guy might get upset and complain to Lupita's pimp, who would take it out on her. Unless a girl was willing to leave the life for good, as Susan Granger had, stepping in, while following the law, might only make things worse for her in the big picture.

Keri stepped into the room a bit more and caught Lupita's eye. The frail-looking girl with curly dark hair gave her a familiar look, a mix of pleading, fear, and wariness. Keri knew almost immediately what it meant. She needed help but not too much help.

This clearly was a john, maybe a new, unexpected last-minute one, because he was here when Lupita had agreed to meet Keri. But she'd been told to service him anyway. It was likely that the slapping was unexpected. But she wasn't in a position to object in case her pimp had given permission.

Keri knew how to handle it. She stepped forward quickly and quietly, pulling a rubber baton from the inside pocket of her jacket. Lupita's eyes got big and Keri could tell the john had noticed. He was just starting to turn his head to look behind him when the baton connected with the rear of his skull. He fell forward, collapsing on top of the girl, unconscious.

Keri held her finger to her lips, indicating for Lupita to stay quiet. She stepped around to the side of the bed to make sure the john really was out cold. He was.

"Lupita?" she asked.

The girl nodded.

"I'm Detective Locke," she said, neglecting to say that for now, she wasn't technically a detective. "Don't worry. If we're quick, this doesn't have to be a problem. When your pimp asks, here's what happened: a short guy in a masked hood came in, knocked out your john, and stole his wallet. You never saw his face. He threatened to kill you if you made a sound. When I leave this room, you count to twenty, then start screaming for help. There's no way you can be blamed. Got it?"

Lupita nodded again.

"Okay," Keri said as she rifled through the man's jeans and pulled out his wallet. "I don't think he'll be out more than a minute or two so let's cut to the chase. Susan said you overheard some guys talking about the Vista happening tomorrow night. Do you know who was talking? Was one of them your pimp?"

"Uh-uh," Lupita whispered. "I didn't recognize the voices. And when I looked out in the hall they were gone."

"That's okay. Susan told me what they said about my daughter. What I want you to focus on is the location. I know they always hold this Vista thing in the Hollywood Hills. But were they any more specific than that? Did they mention a street? Any landmarks?"

"They didn't mention a street. But one of them was complaining that it was going to be more of a hassle than last year because it was gated. In fact, he said 'the estate is gated.' So I'm assuming it's more than just a house."

"That's really helpful, Lupita. Anything else?"

"One of them said he was bummed because they wouldn't be close enough to see the Hollywood sign. I guess last year, the house was right near it. But this time they'll be too far away, in a different area. Does that help?"

"Actually it does. That means it's probably closer to West Hollywood. It narrows it down. That's really helpful. Anything more?"

The man on top of her groaned softly and started to stir.

"I can't think of anything," Lupita muttered, barely audible.

"That's all right. This is more than I had before. You've been a big help. And if you ever decide you want to get out of the life, you can reach out to me through Susan."

Lupita, despite her situation, smiled. Keri took off her cap, pulled a black hood out from her pocket, and put it on. It had small slits for her eyes and mouth.

"Now remember," she said in a deep voice intended to hide her own, "wait twenty seconds or I'll kill you."

The man on top of Lupita was coming to, so Keri turned and hurried out of the room. She rushed down the hall and was halfway down the stairs when she heard the screams for help. She ignored them and made her way to the front door, where she pulled off the hood, stuffed it back in her pocket, and put on her cap.

She rifled through the guy's wallet, and, after taking out the cash-all of twenty-three dollars-she tossed it in the corner by the door. As casually as possible, she walked back across the street to her car. As she got in, she could hear the shouts of angry men, headed toward Lupita's room.

When she was clear of the area, she called Ray to see if he'd had any luck with his lead. He picked up after one ring and she could tell from his voice that it hadn't gone well.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's a dead end, Keri. I've gone back ten years and can't find any record of a former child star who was found with her throat slit. I did find a record of a former child actress named Carly Rose who fell on hard times and went missing as a teen. She'd be about twenty now. It could easily be her. Or she could have just overdosed in a subway tunnel and never been found. Hard to know. I also found records of other girls between eleven and fourteen who meet a similar description-throats slit. Bodies just left in dumps or even on street corners. But usually they're girls who were on the streets for a while. And they're really spread out over time."

"That actually makes sense to me," Keri said. "These people probably had no compunction about dumping the bodies of girls who worked the streets or had no family. But they wouldn't want to draw attention by leaving the bodies of girls from good homes who were recently abducted or a girl who was well known. Those might initiate real investigations. I bet those girls were burned, buried, or dumped in the ocean. It's the ones no one would follow up on that they just dumped anywhere."

Keri chose to ignore the fact that she'd said all of that so matter-of-factly. If she lingered on it, she'd be bothered by how inured she'd become to these kinds of atrocities.

"That fits," Ray agreed, sounding equally unfazed. "It might also explain the gap in years. If they used a street prostitute one year, then used a few kidnapped suburban kids before returning to another teen hooker, it would be harder to establish a pattern. I mean, if a teen hooker showed up once a year with her throat slit, that might generate interest too."

"Good point," Keri said. "So there wasn't anything to go on then."

"Nah. Sorry. You have better luck?"

"A little," she said. "Based on what Lupita said, it sounds like the location may be in West Hollywood, on a gated estate."

"That's promising," Ray noted.

"I guess. There are a thousand of those up in those hills."

"We can have Edgerton cross-reference them to see if the property titles match up to anyone we know. With dummy companies, it's probably a long shot. But you never know what that guy will come up with."

It was true. Detective Kevin Edgerton was a genius when it came to anything tech. If anyone could suss out a meaningful connection, it was him.

"Okay, let him have at it," Keri said. "But have him do it under the radar. And don't give him too many details. The fewer people who know what's going on, the less chance someone inadvertently leaks something that tips off the wrong people."

"Understood. What are you going to do?"

Keri thought for a moment and realized she didn't have any new leads to follow up. That meant she had to do what she always did when she hit a brick wall-start fresh. And there was one person she realized she definitely needed a fresh start with.

"Actually," she said, "can you ask Castillo to call me, but have her do it outside, using her cell?"

"Okay. What are you thinking?" Ray asked.

"I'm thinking it's about time I reacquainted myself with an old friend."

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