

He sat in his car, enjoying the silence. Streetlights cast a ghostly glow on the street. There weren't many cars out at such a late hour, making it eerily tranquil. He knew that anyone out in this part of town at such an hour was likely preoccupied or doing their dealings in secret. It made it easier for him to focus on the work at hand-the Good Work.

The sidewalks were dark except for the occasional neon glow of seedy establishments. The crude figure of a well-endowed woman glowed in the window of the building he was studying. It flickered like a beacon on a stormy sea. But there was no refuge in those places-no respectable refuge, anyway.

As he sat in his car, as far away from the streetlights as he could get, he thought about his collection at home. He'd studied it closely before heading out tonight. There were remnants of his work on his small desk: a purse, an earring, a gold necklace, a chunk of blonde hair placed in a small Tupperware container. They were reminders, reminders that he had been assigned this work. And that he had more work to do.

A man emerged from the building on the opposite side of the street, breaking him from his thoughts. Watching, he sat there and waited patiently. He'd learned a great deal about patience over the years. Because of that, knowing that he must now work quickly made him anxious. What if he was not precise?

He had little choice. Already, Hailey Lizbrook's murder was on the news. People were searching for him-as if he were the one who had done something bad. They just didn't understand. What he had given that woman had been a gift.

An act of grace.

In the past, he'd let much time pass between his sacred acts. But now, an urgency was upon him. There was so much to do. There were always women out there-on street corners, in personal ads, on television.

In the end, they'd understand. They'd understand and they'd thank him. They would ask him how to be pure, and he would open their eyes.

Moments later, the neon image of the woman in the window went black. The glow behind the windows died out. The place had gone dark, the lights cut off as they closed for the night.

He knew this meant that the women would be coming out of the back at any moment, headed to their cars and then home.

He shifted into drive and drove slowly around the block. The streetlights seemed to chase him, but he knew that there were no prying eyes to see him. In this part of the city, no one cared.

At the back of the building, most of the cars were nice. There was good money in keeping your body on display. He parked at the far edge of the lot and waited some more.

After a long while, the employee door finally opened. Two women came out, accompanied by a man that looked like he worked security for the place. He eyed the security man, wondering if he might be a problem. He had a gun under the seat that he would use if he absolutely had to, but he'd rather not. He hadn't had to use it yet. He actually abhorred guns. There was something impure about then, something almost slothful.

Finally, they all split up, getting in their cars and heading off.

He watched others emerge, and then he sat upright. He could feel his heart pounding. That was her. That was the one.

She was short, with fake blonde hair that bobbed just over her shoulders. He watched her get into her car and he did not drive forward until her taillights were around the corner.

He drove around the other side of the building, so as not to draw attention to himself. He trailed behind her, his heart starting to race. Instinctively, he reached under his seat and felt the strand of rope. It eased his nerves.

It calmed him to know that, after the pursuit, there would come the sacrifice.

And come, it would.

  • 三分管人,七分做人


  • 颜询天下气渐华


  • 傲娇月神你好甜


    公群群号910547689???? 大概是一个前期虐人中期扎心后期糖多到想求虐的故事。【一对一】【前期现代】【中期后期都是神界】 白凤一族有一少主,说生性淡薄,但喜欢笑,也爱吃糖。她忘了岁月洪荒,有一个白衣少年,衣袂翩翩,笑的时候如同融化冬雪的初阳,眉眼弯弯。再次醒来,物是人非。就像花开花落,转瞬即逝。不知那对有情人是否终成眷属,不知姻缘树上的花是否将开,亦是不知,谁的余生,有谁相伴.......【我把大纲改了,剧情有点变动,影响不大,信我,具体情况看我怎么改大纲】
  • 海神之恋


  • 她情是歹


  • 品质与修养(学生心理健康悦读)


  • 小凤皇慕容冲


  • 孔雀之星:恋上你的眉梢


  • 为自己着想


    企业就是你的船,你的每一次航行都离不开它,是它载你驶进浩瀚的 海洋,所以你要与它共命运。只有你的船安安稳稳地行驶,你才能踏踏实 实,如果你的船出现了什么漏洞,那么一定会殃及你。本书站在现实的角 度,从多个方面讲述“为企业着想就是为自己着想”的观念,既有耳熟能 详的经典案例,又有深入浅出的分析展开,希望能对大家培养良好的工作 习惯、提升工作能力有所帮助。
  • 它打开了你的脑子

