

To my father and mother, Lee and Ruby Hammel, who taught me to love life and serve God. To my children, Sara, Jed, Eliza, Jason, and Samantha, who inspire me every day. And to Myke and Jo Ellen Farricker, my business partners of twenty-five years. Jo Ellen left us way too soon, and we miss her spirit encouraging us to change the world one person at a time.


To my father, who taught me about business, my mother, who taught me about service, and my husband, who supported me.


  • 不择手段(卢克·斯通系列惊险小说第一部)


    “今年我看过的最好看的惊险小说,情节巧妙,从一开始就扣人心弦。作者匠心独运地塑造出了一系列形象丰满令人喜爱的角色。我都等不及要知道结果会怎么样了。”来源于《书籍和影视评论》,Roberto Mattos(针对《不择手段》这本书)纽约市的一家防卫松散的医院里的核废料在一天夜里被一群伊斯兰对战分子盗走了,在和时间的疯狂赛跑过程中警察打通了FBI的电话。FBI里的一支秘密精英特工队伍的队长卢克·斯通是他们唯一可以求助的人。卢克立刻意识到那些恐怖分子的目的是造脏弹,意识到他们会寻找高价值的目标在48小时内发动袭击。一场猫追老鼠的游戏随之上演,这个世界上最机智的政府特工和最顶尖的恐怖分子之间的对决随之展开。当斯通特工把案情一层层剥开,他很快意识到他面对的是一块巨大的阴谋,意识到这场阴谋的目标的价值超乎他的想象——一路直指美国总统。自己遭到诬陷,队伍受到威胁,家人身陷危险,情势无比危急。但是作为前部队特种突击队员,卢克曾多次身陷绝境,在不惜一切代价阻止他们之前他绝不会放弃。他遇上了一个又一个困难和阴谋,案情甚至超出了他的掌控能力,剧情随之发生了一个又一个转折,在这些转折中故事被推向了高潮。以国际为背景设定,悬念不断、惊心动魄的政治惊险小说《不择手段》是一系列将让你挑灯夜读、欲罢不能的震撼惊险小说的第一部。卢克·斯通系列小说第2部现在也已上市!
  • Oppose Any Foe (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 4)

    Oppose Any Foe (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 4)

    "One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Any Means Necessary)OPPOSE ANY FOE is book #4 in the bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (book #1)!A small arsenal of U.S. nuclear weapons are stolen from a NATO base in Europe. The world scrambles to figure out who the culprits are and what their target is—and to stop them before they unleash hell on humanity.
  • The Trial for Murder 杀人犯的审判(英文版)

    The Trial for Murder 杀人犯的审判(英文版)

    The Trial For Murder, written in 1865, is a short story by Charles Dickens. It is one of Dickens' ghost stories, and is perhaps the best known outside of "A Christmas Carol." In the tale, a certain murder was committed in England, which attracted great attention. As described in the article, when the Murderer was asked by the Judge whether he had anything to say before sentence of Death should be passed upon him, he complain that he had not had a fair trial, because the Foreman of the Jury was prepossessed against him. The remarkable declaration that he really made was this: "My Lord, I knew I was a doomed man, when the Foreman of my jury came into the box. My Lord, I knew he would never let me off, because, before I was taken, he somehow got to my bedside in the night, woke me, and put a rope round my neck."
  • Shirley(V) 雪莉(英文版)

    Shirley(V) 雪莉(英文版)

    Shirley, It was Bronte's second published novel after Jane Eyre. Today it is regarded as a distinctly female name and an uncommon male pgsk.com in Yorkshire during the time of the Luddite unrest—a labor movement that began in 1811-1812 in an effort to protect the interests of the working class—the novel consists of two narrative strands woven together, one involving the struggles of workers against mill owners, and the other involving the romantic entanglements of the two heroines. The novel's popularity led to Shirley's becoming a woman's name. The title character was given the name that her father had intended to give a son. Before the publication of the novel, Shirley was an uncommon – but distinctly male – name and would have been an unusual name for a woman.
  • Constable & Toop
  • 蒸唐


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  • 喜欢你,才想你


  • Martin Chuzzlewit(I)马丁·翟述伟(英文版)
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