
第20章 University of Notre Dame: Life, sweetness and hope



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University of Notre Dame is a Catholic research university located in Notre Dame, an unincorporated community north of the city of South Bend in Indiana, United States. In 1842, the University of Notre Dame was founded by Reverend Edward F. Sorin, a French priest and member of the Congregation of Holy Cross. In 1844, the school received its charter. The name of the university, "Notre Dame," is French for "Our Lady," a Catholic honorific salutation in reference to the Virgin Mary, the patron saint of the university. Founded as an all-male institution, it became co-educational in 1972. The school"s Catholic identity is evident in the architecture around campus, manifested by the ornate Basilica of the Sacred Heart together with numerous chapels and religious iconography.

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System: The main schools of Notre Dame are the College of Arts and Letters, the College of Science, the College of Engineering and the Mendoza College of Business. Also part of Notre Dame are an architecture school, law school and graduate school, the oldest of which, the College of Arts and Letters, began awarding degrees in 1849,and its graduate program awards 32 master"s and 25 doctoral degrees. Many of the colleges" academic programs have been ranked highly in national publications. In addition, the University of Notre Dame has six research institutes and over 40 centers and special programs.

People: The University has been the academic home of some very influential people. Popular athletes like Joe Montana and Olympic medalist Mariel Zagunis attended this prestigious university, as did some entertaining personalities like Regis Philbin and Phil Donahue. Many people in the U.S. government earned their degrees at Notre Dame, like former United States Secretary, Condoleezza Rice.


priest [pri:st] n. 牧师;神父;教士

catholic [kθlik] adj. 天主教的;宽宏大量的

salutation [slju(:)tein] n. 称呼;问候;招呼

patron saint 守护神;保护圣徒

identity [aidentiti] n. 身份;同一性

manifest [mnifest] vt. 证明,表明;显示

ornate [:neit, :neit] adj. 华丽的;装饰的

iconography [aiknɡrfi] n. 图解;插图;肖像学;肖像研究


圣母大学(又称诺特丹大学)创建于1842年,位于美国印第安纳州南本德。大学包括圣十字学院与圣玛莉学院两所罗马公教的文理学院,是一所文理兼顾的著名私立大学。"Notre Dame"是圣母玛利亚之意,顾名思义,这是一所罗马天主教大学,七成学生信仰天主教。圣母大学对其学生没有任何宗教归属的要求,校园中其他宗教或无宗教信仰者同样受到学校的尊重和支持。




圣母大学的校园景色宜人,校内的西洋建筑多为拜占庭式风格,其中有闻名世界的金色圆屋顶主楼、神圣天主教堂和高约132 英尺(约40米)的描述基督故事壁画的海斯伯格图书馆。校园各处还能见到不少诸如圣女、海神的雕塑。金顶楼和图书馆里都保存有基督教民捐款的名单及金额,整个校园基督教会特色十分突出。


While there is life, there is hope.

有生命便有希望。/ 留得青山在,哪怕没柴烧。

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


Life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life.


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