
第78章 Indiana University, Bloomington: Light and truth



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Indiana University Bloomington (IU Bloomington) is a public research university located in Bloomington, Indiana, in the United States. IU Bloomington is the flagship campus of the Indiana University system. Being the flagship campus, IU Bloomington is often referred to simply as IU or Indiana. Indiana"s state government in Corydon founded Indiana University in 1820 as the "State Seminary". It was originally located at what is now called Seminary Square Park near the intersection of Second Street and College Avenue.The Bloomington campus is one of the five most beautiful in America. Most of the campus buildings are built of Indiana limestone. The "Jordan River" is a stream flowing through the center of campus.The other campuses of Indiana University are located in Indianapolis, Richmond, Kokomo, Gary, South Bend, New Albany, Fort Wayne respectively.

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System: Numerous schools and programs are part of IU Bloomington, including College of Arts and Sciences, Jacobs School of Music, School of Global and International Studies, School of Informatics and Computing, Kelley School of Business, School of Journalism, School of Public Health, the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, the Maurer School of Law, the IU School of Library and Information Science, School of Nursing, School of Optometry, School of Social Work, School of Educationand University Graduate School.Note: The Jacobs School of Music of Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, is a music conservatory established in 1921. Until 2005, it was known as the Indiana University School of Music. As one of the most comprehensive and acclaimed institutions for the study of music, the IU Jacobs School of Music plays a key role in educating performers, scholars, and music educators who influence music performance and education around the globe.

City show: Bloomington is a city in and the county seat of Monroe County in the southern region of the U.S. state of Indiana. Bloomington is known as the "Gateway to Scenic Southern Indiana." Bloomington has been designated a Tree City for more than 20 years. The city was the site of the Academy Award-winning movie Breaking Away. Bloomington has an unusual amount of humidity throughout the year, even in the winter.


limestone [laimstun] n. 石灰岩

informatics [infmtiks] n. 信息学

acclaimed [kleimd] adj. 受到赞扬的;受欢迎的

an amount of … 许多……

humidity [hju:miditi] n. 湿度



印第安纳大学伯明顿分校下设学院或机构有:文理学院、商学院、教育学院、健康、体育与娱乐学院、新闻学院、法学院、人文研究学院、图书馆与信息科学学院、视力测试中心、公共与环境事务学院和社会工作学院等。学校拥有众多出色的学院和专业,实力最强的学科是社会科学。其凯利商学院、雅各布斯音乐学院,环境与公共事务学院,信息与计算机学院在全美乃至世界享有盛誉,提供世界一流的本科课程与研究。其商科学生就职的企业主要有:美国美林银行、摩根大通公司、通用电气、亚马逊公司、卡夫食品公司、保洁公司等。其MBA课程的特色是"团队合作"(Teamwork and Cooperation)和"专业焦点"(Professional Focus)。其音乐系闻名全球,是全美修读音乐最佳的大学之一。学生中选择最多的专业有商业/销售学、教育、保护服务/公共管理。



All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


It is no use doing what you like ; you have got to like what you do .


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