
第3章 Abstract(2)

This study involves a weak link on the innovative study of China's rural land system variance.Through“critical”way of thinking,it studies the issue of“uncompleted-right houses”comprehensively and thoroughly.The issue of“uncompleted-right houses”contains important information about system variance.In this article,the author does the real diagnosis research on the issue of rural land system variance from five aspects:the property portfolio,the interaction of urban and rural areas,system locking,path dependence and the system engine,clarifies that the current China's rural land system has reached the critical point of system variance.First,conduct the analytical study from a property portfolio point of view,the tendency that the property rights expanding and reorganizing along with the developments of the division of labor,the society,science and technology,as well as human understanding,is irreversible.And the expansion,reorganizing,clarifying of property rights and the promotion of social economy also further the changes of the system at different levels.

The issue of“uncompleted-right houses”is a concrete manifestation of property portfolio;its existence is of realistic rationality.It is a revolution originated in farmers themselves since after the household contract system in the process of Chinese farmers'self-urbanization advancement.The standardization of“uncompleted-right houses”and the innovation of government functions and so on are the key issues needed to be focused on presently.Second,conducting the analytical study from the interaction between urban and rural areas,the proportion of urban population is the most important indicators of urbanization.The factors obstructing the proportion to increase are household registration,social security,land property rights and so on,and among these factors the two-tier model of land is the core.The“uncompleted-right houses”plays a revolutionary function in the process of urbanization,the harmonious development of the society and more.It is an important promoter in interaction between urban and rural areas;it is an approach under which problems can be solved comprehensively taken Pareto as the objective result;it is another Agrarian Revolution characterized by“self-urbanization”of the farmers.Third,conducting the analytical study from the perspective of system locking,the effective rural land system can enable the production to carry on the possible boundary.After the founding of New China,the inefficient rural land system has gradually been locked;the reform and opening up policy and the household contract responsibility system is a breakthrough to the previous system locking.However,the system designed in accordance with the integrating environment displayed its obvious shortcomings and deficiencies with the passing of time and changing of the overall situation.The reasons for the relocking of the existing rural land system can be analyzed from six aspects basing on the“national paradoxes”.

The“uncompleted-right houses”,which came into being under special national situation,explains the locking of the ineffective rural land system from the“system environment”on seven aspects.Four,conducting the analytical study from perspective of depending on the path,the rural land system shows obvious flaws,but changes along its low-efficiency path.The coming into being of the path of rural land system variance relies on the realistic national condition premise.Essentially,it does not design and arrange from the perspective of market economy.How to explain it is a problem that constructing a harmonious society facing.The“uncompleted-right houses”,which came into being under special situation,has got rid of the dependent path of the original rural land system variance from six pairs of relations,“the market and the plan”,“the economy and the society”,“the farmer and the national”,“the collective and the country”,“the external and the internal forces”,“rural and urban”.Five,conducting the analytical study from the perspective of system engine,a system plays an important role in promoting economic development.Economic development and system variance are an organic system which is mutually connected,restricted and interacted.The“uncompleted-right houses”is an adoptive innovation to“the dual land system”which is impeding social development.After having analyzed the reason why the“uncompleted-right houses”came into being and the promoters,the article also elaborates the revolutionary significances of the system engine effect and the system variance which are represented by it profoundly.

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