

For the laws of all countries must be suited to the bent and inclinations of the people; and (which I am loth to say) there is sometimes a necessity they should be a little accommodated to their depraved manners and corruptions.

The people of England, who have been long accustomed to mild laws and a loose administration, can never endure that severity, which is needful to make such a prohibition have effect: nor can they suffer high duties, or penalties to be imposed upon their pleasures, or bear a strict inquisition into their furniture and apparel.

There is no country without a multitude of sumptuary laws, but hardly a place can be instanced where they are observed, or produce any public good. They were somewhat regarded in the infancy of the Roman commonwealth, before riches and pomp had banished virtue and obedience: but their chiefest strength was always derived from the sanctity and veneration in which was held the office of censor. And in England they will be immediately contemned and derided; and any magistrate must become the public scorn, that should think to put them in execution.

And yet without strict sumptuary laws, well observed, the wisdom of the parliament will find itself eluded, when it endeavours to banish foreign vanities and luxury, in favour of our own product and manufactures.

For in all probability, the consequence of such a prohibition will be, that goods of the same kind, or goods applicable to the like use, instead of those imported from India, will be brought hither from abroad; and the consumption will not be less, but at a much dearer rate. It may indeed somewhat better our manufactures, but iwll more advance those of France, Italy and Holland, who can afford to work cheaper: and, in all appearance, will thereby prove such a drain of this kingdom's treasure, as may bring utter destruction upon us.

But the principal question is, whether, under such prohibitions, any body of men can find their account in carrying on this trade?

To make this traffic an addition of strength, as well as riches to the kingdom, encouragement should be given to send thither large and strong ships, which will be expensive to the undertakers.

Their business in India cannot be managed without frequent gifts and presents to the rajas and governors, according to the practice in all the eastern countries.

Forts and castles, with good garrisons, are there indispensably necessary for the preservation of the pepper-trade, and indeed needful upon many other accounts, ans magazines for naval povision, and as storehouses, in which to lay goods, bought in the country, at proper seasons: besides, they are a safety to our people from any insults of the natives, and a refuge upon any disorder, revolution, or other emergency in the Mogul's state and empire.

A trade limited and circumscribed in the manner proposed, cannot well undergo these expences, which notwithstanding are necessary for its preservation.

I have before divided the 400,000 l. prime cost sent into India, into two parts, viz. 1/2 for foreign exportation, and the other 1/2 for home consumption.

The returns of 200,000 l. in time of peace, may probably yield abroad 800,000 l.

The returns of 200,000 l. in time of peace, might probably yield at home 800,000 l.

Total 1,600,000 l.

But we must take notice, that the 1,200,000 l. profit, supposed in time of peace to arise from this trade, did not, all of it, accrue to the adventurers in the company, but was national, and divided among many thousands of the people. The merchants, who, at the companies sales, bought goods for exportation, had their share, and the retailers here had their proportion in the gain, which this traffic, in the whole, might be computed to produce.

And particularly for their share in the 600,000 l. supposed to be gained by our own consumption, in time of peace, by this traffic: there came in, the king for his customs; owners of ships; such as got by victualing them; seamen for wages; and lastly, factors and servants, both abroad and at home.

The gain made abstractedly by the company, has never been invidious: for if their whole stock be computed from their beginning, to this day, it will be found, by their dividends, that they have not, 1 year with another, divided 20 per cent which, considering the length and hazard of their voyages, is not a profit to be envied.

But since this war, the company have without doubt been great losers, and nothing but the invincible courage, which has been always observed in English merchants, could have hindered the trade from being entirely lost.

Notwithstanding all the companies late losses at sea, and their former ill-conduct in India, they have not lost footing there, but have hitherto preserved the trade, indeed, at their own expence.

However, if any thing should be done that will interrupt any great part of their commerce, they must apparently give it over, or sink under the burthen; for the charge and expence abroad must be full as much to support a little, as a more extended traffic.

If this trade be so restrained, by prohibitions, as that there can be sent to India, not above per ann. 200,000 l.

The national profit from thence arising cannot reasonably exceed 600,000 l.

The companies charge and expence, to support and carry on their affairs abroad, may be modestly computed at per ann. 100,000 l.

Which sum will be a great weight upon per ann. 600,000 l.

But will fall lightly upon per ann. 1,200,000 l.

According to the best and most impartial accounts I can receive, the bill in agitation must lose England 1/2 the trade to India in general, all the traffic to the Coast and Bay of Bengal, and 1/2 business to Surat.

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    【提示:练手之作,全本免费,emmm~暂时还不知道要写多少字,不过按大纲来说应该蛮多的】 关于女主,很郑重的说!废材逆袭流,魂穿流,虐渣流,感情为主修炼为辅,咱家女主就是贼强咋地?就是喝水睡觉打豆豆都能晋级又咋地?不服你顺着网站来打我哇?嗯!没错!就介样子。关于男主,嗯!很强大,非常强大,宠老婆,妻管严,你问谁最帅,当然是我家男主,不接受反驳!嗯!就是介个样子。 还想要更多简介?不好意思,没了!老子不大会写简介这种东西!自个移步正文看去吧,反正不要钱,觉得辣眼睛的赶紧滚蛋,咱也没钱给您买眼药水哈!
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