

During Harry's absence, the little household at Granton had got along about as usual. They lived, as it were, from hand to mouth, never having a dollar to spare.

There was one neighbor who watched their progress sharply, and this was Squire Green.

It will be remembered that he had bound Mr. Walton to for feit ten dollars, if, at the end of six months, he was not prepared to pay the forty dollars and interest which he had agreed to pay for the cow. As a bonus of three dollars had already been paid, this would give him thirteen dollars for the use of the cow for six months, which, considering the value of the animal, was exorbitant.

One morning Squire Green accosted Mr. Walton as he was passing his house, the squire being at work in his own front yard.

``How is that cow a-doin'?''

``Pretty well.''

``She's a good cow.''

``Not so good as the one I lost.''

``You're jokin', now, neighbor. It was my best cow. I wouldn't have sold her except to obleege. Le' me see, how long is it since I sold her to ye?''

Though the squire apparently asked for information, he knew the time, to a day, and was not very likely to forget when it expired.

``It's between four and five months, I believe.''

``You'd better be a-savin' up for it.''

``There isn't much chance of my saving. It's all I can do to make both ends meet.''

``But you work out, don't you?''

``When I get a chance. You don't want any help, do you, squire? I might work off part of the debt that way.''

``No, I

don't want nothin' done now. Mebbe next spring I'd like some help. What do you hear from that boy of yours? Is he doin' well?''

``He's at work in a shoeshop.''

``He'd better have gone to work for me,'' he said.

``No, I

think he will do better away from home. He will get a good trade that he can fall back upon hereafter, even if he follows some other business.''

``Wal, I never learned no trade, but I've got along middlin' well,'' said the squire, in a complacent tone. ``Farmin's good enough for me.''

``Well, I must be going on to the store. Good-morning.''


``He evidently intends to keep me to my agreement, and will exact the ten dollars in case I can't pay for the cow at the appointed time. I hope Harry will succeed better in life than I have. I'm not without things to be thankful for; but it's hard to be so pinched for money.''

``This was not the day for a letter from Harry, but it occurred to Mr. Walton to call at the post office. Contrary to his anticipations, a letter was handed him.


won't open it till I get home,'' he said to himself.

``I've got a letter from Harry,'' he said, as he entered the house. ``I haven't opened the letter yet. Here, Tom, open and read it aloud.''

Tom opened the letter and read as follows:

``Dear Father: -- I must tell you, to begin with, that I have been compelled to stop work in the shoeshop. The market is overstocked, and so the trade has become very dull.''

``Of course, I felt quite bad when Mr. Leavitt told me this, for I feared it would prevent my helping you pay for the cow, as I want so much to do. I went round to several other shops, hoping to get in elsewhere; but I found it impossible.

Still, I have succeeded in getting something to do that will pay me better than work in the shop. You will be surprised when you find out what it is. So, to relieve your suspense, I will tell you that I have engaged as assistant to Professor Henderson, the famous magician and ventriloquist, and am to start to-morrow morning on a traveling tour with him.''

``Assistant to a magician!'' exclaimed Mrs. Walton. ``Well, of all things! What does the boy know about magic?''

Tom proceeded: ``I am to take money at the door in the different places where the professor gives his entertainments. Besides, I am to help him arrange his apparatus, and so on. You know I've never been round any, and I shall like traveling and seeing new places. Professor Henderson is very kind, and I think I shall like him. He pays my traveling expenses and five dollars a week, which is nearly twice as much money as I got from Mr. Leavitt. I hope, yet, to be able to pay for the cow when the money comes due. Love to all at home. HARRY.

``P. S.

-- You may direct your next letter to me at Concord, as we shall be there in a few days. I will write as often as I get a chance, and let you know how I am getting along.''

``He is fortunate to find employment at once,'' said his father; ``though, of course, something which he can follow steadily is better. But the pay is good, and I am glad he has got it.''

``How long it seems since Harry was at home,'' said his mother. ``I wish I could see him.''

Tom reported to his boy companions that Harry was traveling with a magician, and so excited their envy and admiration.

  • Colonel Starbottle's Client

    Colonel Starbottle's Client

  • 览镜


  • 许颠君石函记


  • 胁门


  • 谈渊


  • 呐喊·朝花夕拾


  • 这个世界我只爱你


  • 至尊佣兵女皇:狂妃逆天


  • 雪嫁衣


  • 慕少求轻宠,娇妻别想逃


  • 魔君嫁到:小狐狸快快入怀


    新文来袭(拐个灵女回家当老婆) 【晚安我的霍先生】 厉承烨,六界唯一魔君万万没想到被从天而降的一只小狐狸缠上,本来就是想吓唬一下这只不知深浅的小狐狸岂料这只小狐狸以被吓坏为由留在了魔界,还四处向其他人说厉承烨是她看上的男人……作为九尾天狐唯一的后代洛湘然完全是众人捧在手心里的宝,生怕磕了碰了后因贪玩误入魔界,与厉承烨结下了姻缘相遇本是命中注定我爱你,爱到入骨,深邃其中。
  • 至正集


  • 石田衣良作品9:龙泪


  • 做人做事做官:老子的智慧


  • 末世求生攻略

