

I'll drive across the ford and git Luther and some of the station men to come right across. Then I'll go on to the village to fetch more. It was seven when I looked at the clock as we come in from washin' dishes, so the tide must be still goin' out, and the ford jest right. Git dap!""Hurry all you can, for goodness' sake! Is this as fast as we can go?""Fast as we can go with this everlastin' Noah's Ark. Heavens! how them wheels squeal!""The axles ain't been greased for I don't know when. Abner was going to have the old carriage chopped up for kindlin' wood.""Lucky for him and us 'tain't chopped up now. Git dap, slow-poke!

Better chop the horse up, too, while he's 'bout it."The last remark the Captain made under his breath.

"My gracious, how dark it is! Think you can find the crossin'?""GOT to find it; that's all. 'Tis dark, that's a fact."It was. They had gone but a few hundred yards; yet the fire was already merely a shapeless, red smudge on the foggy blackness behind them. Horace Greeley pounded along at a jog, and when the Captain slapped him with the end of the reins, broke into a jerky gallop that was slower than the trot.

"Stop your hoppin' up and down!" commanded Perez, whose temper was becoming somewhat frayed. "You make me think of the walkin' beam on a steamboat. If you'd stop tryin' to fly and go straight ahead we'd do better."They progressed in this fashion for some distance. Then Miss Davis, from the curtained depths of the back seat, spoke again.

"Oh, dear me!" she exclaimed. "Are you sure you're on the right track? Seems 's if we MUST be abreast the station, and this road's awful rough."Captain Perez had remarked the roughness of the road. The carryall was pitching from one hummock to another, and Horace Greeley stumbled once or twice.

"Whoa!" commanded the Captain. Then he got down, lit a match, and, shielding it with his hands, scrutinized the ground. "I'm kind of 'fraid," he said presently, "that we've got off the road somehow.

But we must be 'bout opposite the crossin'. I'm goin' to drive down and see if I can find it."He turned the horse's head at right angles from the way they were going, and they pitched onward for another hundred yards. Then they came out upon the hard, smooth sand, and heard the water lapping on the shore. Captain Perez got out once more and walked along the strand, bending forward as he walked. Soon Miss Patience heard him calling.

"I've found it, I guess," he said, coming back to the vehicle.

"Anyhow, it looks like it. We'll be over in a few minutes now.

Git dap, you!"

Horace Greeley shivered as the cold water splashed his legs, but waded bravely in. They moved further from the shore and the water seemed to grow no deeper.

"Guess this is the crossin' all right," said the Captain, who had cherished some secret doubts. "Here's the deep part comin'. We'll be across in a jiffy."The water mounted to the hubs, then to the bottom of the carryall.

Miss Davis' feet grew damp and she drew them up.

"Oh, Perez!" she faltered, "are you sure this is the ford?""Don't git scared, Pashy! I guess maybe we've got a little to one side of the track. I'll turn 'round and try again."But Horace Greeley was of a different mind. From long experience he knew that the way to cross a ford was to go straight ahead. The bottom of the carryall was awash.

"Port your hellum, you lubber!" shouted the driver, pulling with all his might on one rein. "Heave to! Come 'bout! Gybe! consarn you! gybe!"Then Horace Greeley tried to obey orders, but it was too late. He endeavored to touch bottom with his forelegs, but could not; tried to swim with his hind ones, but found that impossible; then wallowed wildly to one side and snapped a shaft and the rotten whiffletree short off. The carryall tipped alarmingly and Miss Patience screamed.

"Whoa!" yelled the agitated Perez. "'Vast heavin'! belay!"The animal, as much frightened by his driver's shouts as by the water, shot ahead and tried to tear himself loose. The other sun-warped and rotten shaft broke. The carryall was now floating, with the water covering the floor.

"No use; I'll have to cut away the wreck, or we'll be on our beam ends!" shouted the Captain.

He took out his jackknife, and reaching over, severed the traces.

Horace Greeley gave another wallow, and finding himself free, disappeared in the darkness amid a lather of foam. The carriage, now well out in the channel, drifted with the current.

"Don't cry, Pashy!" said the Captain, endeavoring to cheer his sobbing companion, "we ain't shark bait yit. As the song used to say:

"'We're afloat, we're afloat, And the rover is free.'

"I've shipped aboard of 'most every kind of craft," he added, "but blessed if I ever expected to be skipper of a carryall!"But Miss Patience, shut up in the back part of the carriage like a water nymph in her cave, still wept hysterically. So Captain Perez continued his dismal attempt at facetiousness.

  • 水经注


  • 那先比丘经


  • 三峰藏和尚语录


  • 云峨喜禅师语录


  • 原李耳载


  • 论如何杀掉快老死的作者


  • 我和末世有个约会


  • 糖尿病百问百答


    《金阳光新农村丛书》围绕农民朋友十分关心的具体话题,分“新农民技术能手”“新农业产业拓展”和“新农村和谐社会”三个系列,分批出版。“新农民技术能手”系列除了传授实用的农业技术,还介绍了如何闯市场、如何经营;“新农业产业拓展”系列介绍了现代农业的新趋势、嘶模式;“新农村和谐社会”系列包括农村政策宣讲、常见病防治、乡村文化室建立,还对农民进城务工的一些知识作了介绍。 本书为其中之一的《图文精讲肉鸽饲养技术》分册,新颖实用,简明易懂。书中具体包括了:鸽业特点、肉鸽饲养管理技术等内容。
  • 南先生请多指教


  • 轮回的人生


  • 隐鳞藏彩


  • 我想有一把剑


  • 佛说受十善戒经


  • 天剩


    当遮蔽天空的大道死去,剩余的时代还有什么? 新的年轮已经启动,旧的序幕还不曾落下。 一个个人走出,一个个人相遇。各自的主角勾勒,命运的轨迹交错,历史的画卷涂抹,恢宏的序幕揭开……他们的他们,最终又将走向何方? (简介尽力,写作随心,好坏由他)
  • 阿里曼娜

