

"She spoke the truth. I should have done far better never to think of her again. But after that day in the /Calle del Candilejo/ I couldn't think of anything else. All day long I used to walk about, hoping Imight meet her. I sought news of her from the old hag, and from the fried-fish seller. They both told me she had gone away to /Laloro/, which is their name for Portugal. They probably said it by Carmen's orders, but I soon found out they were lying. Some weeks after my day in the /Calle del Candilejo/ I was on duty at one of the town gates. Alittle way from the gate there was a breach in the wall. The masons were working at it in the daytime, and at night a sentinel was posted on it, to prevent smugglers from getting in. All through one day I saw Lillas Pastia going backward and forward near the guard-room, and talking to some of my comrades. They all knew him well, and his fried-fish and fritters even better. He came up to me, and asked if I had any news of Carmen.

" 'No,' said I.

" 'Well,' said he, 'you'll soon hear of her, old fellow.'

"He was not mistaken. That night I was posted to guard the breach in the wall. As soon as the sergeant had disappeared I saw a woman coming toward me. My heart told me it was Carmen. Still I shouted:

" 'Keep off! Nobody can pass here!'

" 'Now, don't be spiteful,' she said, making herself known to me.

" 'What! you here, Carmen?'

" 'Yes, /mi payllo/. Let us say few words, but wise ones. Would you like to earn a douro? Some people will be coming with bundles. Let them alone.'

" 'No,' said I, 'I must not allow them through. These are my orders.'

" 'Orders! orders! You didn't think about orders in the /Calle del Candilejo/!'

" 'Ah!' I cried, quite maddened by the very thought of that night. 'It was well worth while to forget my orders for that! But I won't have any smuggler's money!'

" 'Well, if you won't have money, shall we go and dine together at old Dorotea's?'

" 'No,' said I, half choked by the effort it cost me. 'No, I can't.'

" 'Very good! If you make so many difficulties, I know to whom I can go. I'll ask your officer if he'll come with me to Dorotea's. He looks good-natured, and he'll post a sentry who'll only see what he had better see. Good-bye, canary-bird! I shall have a good laugh the day the order comes out to hang you!'

"I was weak enough to call her back, and I promised to let the whole of gipsydom pass in, if that were necessary, so that I secured the only reward I longed for. She instantly swore she would keep her word faithfully the very next day, and ran off to summon her friends, who were close by. There were five of them, of whom Pastia was one, all well loaded with English goods. Carmen kept watch for them. She was to warn them with her castanets the instant she caught sight of the patrol. But there was no necessity for that. The smugglers finished their job in a moment.

"The next day I went to the /Calle del Candilejo/. Carmen kept me waiting, and when she came, she was in rather a bad temper.

" 'I don't like people who have to be pressed,' she said. 'You did me a much greater service the first time, without knowing you'd gain anything by it. Yesterday you bargained with me. I don't know why I've come, for I don't care for you any more. Here, be off with you. Here's a douro for your trouble.'

"I very nearly threw the coin at her head, and I had to make a violent effort to prevent myself from actually beating her. After we had wrangled for an hour I went off in a fury. For some time I wandered about the town, walking hither and thither like a madman. At last Iwent into a church, and getting into the darkest corner I could find, I cried hot tears. All at once I heard a voice.

" 'A dragoon in tears. I'll make a philter of them!'

"I looked up. There was Carmen in front of me.

" 'Well, /mi payllo/, are you still angry with me?' she said. 'I must care for you in spite of myself, for since you left me I don't know what has been the matter with me. Look you, it is I who ask you to come to the /Calle del Candilejo/, now!'

"So we made it up: but Carmen's temper was like the weather in our country. The storm is never so close, in our mountains, as when the sun is at its brightest. She had promised to meet me again at Dorotea's, but she didn't come.

"And Dorotea began telling me again that she had gone off to Portugal about some gipsy business.

"As experience had already taught me how much of that I was to believe, I went about looking for Carmen wherever I thought she might be, and twenty times in every day I walked through the /Calle del Candilejo/. One evening I was with Dorotea, whom I had almost tamed by giving her a glass of anisette now and then, when Carmen walked in, followed by a young man, a lieutenant in our regiment.

" 'Get away at once,' she said to me in Basque. I stood there, dumfounded, my heart full of rage.

" 'What are you doing here?' said the lieutenant to me. 'Take yourself off--get out of this.'

"I couldn't move a step. I felt paralyzed. The officer grew angry, and seeing I did not go out, and had not even taken off my forage cap, he caught me by the collar and shook me roughly. I don't know what I said to him. He drew his sword, and I unsheathed mine. The old woman caught hold of my arm, and the lieutenant gave me a wound on the forehead, of which I still bear the scar. I made a step backward, and with one jerk of my elbow I threw old Dorotea down. Then, as the lieutenant still pressed me, I turned the point of my sword against his body and he ran upon it. Then Carmen put out the lamp and told Dorotea, in her own language, to take to flight. I fled into the street myself, and began running along, I knew not whither. It seemed to me that some one was following me. When I came to myself I discovered that Carmen had never left me.

" 'Great stupid of a canary-bird!' she said, 'you never make anything but blunders. And, indeed, you know I told you I should bring you bad luck. But come, there's a cure for everything when you have a Fleming from Rome for your love. Begin by rolling this handkerchief round your head, and throw me over that belt of yours. Wait for me in this alley--I'll be back in two minutes.

  • 荆棘天使


  • 美男,我来也:小小皇妃


  • 锦衣良婿


  • 崛起在大明


  • 爆笑宠妻:夫君,你胆又肥了


  • 重生之最佳男神


    李青锋一睁眼,看着身上高中时期的校服,一切都开始发生了变化。邻居家有个很可爱的妹妹要跟我告白?隔壁的绝色校花在偷偷暗恋我?倾城之貌的女同桌是未来的商业女皇?新来的大长腿美女老师要我当课代表?他写的歌,每一首都成为华语乐坛不朽的经典。他拍的电影,每一部都是电影人无法攀爬的高峰,他手握巨大的财富,成为万千女神心中的最佳男神。 Ps:新书已发布:我成了血族始祖
  • 被雨淋湿的玻璃


  • 萌淑女驾到之天鹅公主成人礼


    "火星上的成人礼 舞会,是所有十六岁少女和十八岁少年走向成年的重大仪式,每年都会选出一位最潇洒的舞会王子和一 位最优雅美丽的舞会公主,得冠者将拥有毕生荣耀,而没有舞伴、无法参加盛大成人礼舞会的少女,将会被所有人嘲笑,成 为终生难以磨灭的奇耻大辱。而美希所在的天鹅城,女多男少, “多出来”的少数女孩,只能用机器人代替人类当舞会伴侣。但再美型的机 器人也无法替代有血有肉的真实人类, 势必在舞会上“低人一等”。假小子一样的美希,很不幸地成了 “多出来”的那个,她将如何面对这成人路上的第一个困境?而跟舞会有关的麻烦和秘密,还远远不止这些…… "
  • 太和正音谱


  • 篮坛第一欧皇


    【新书《篮坛之我真不是刷子》开始连载,欢迎朋友们前往捧场,感谢】 手握55开欧皇挂,大力飘了吗?并没有!咱靠实力成为篮坛GOAT!巨星哨?NO!裁判爹?NO!大球市?comeon,我在哪哪就是大球市!1995年,这是篮坛力时代的开端!