

Afterward I found out that I had been made the victim of the first dark and irreligious trick played on me by Ed Collier. Him and me had been taking drinks together uptown regular, trying to drown our thirst for food. That man had bribed about ten bartenders to always put a big slug of Appletree's Anaconda Appetite Bitters in every one of my drinks. But the last trick he played me was hardest to forget.

"One day Collier failed to show up at the tent. A man told me he left town that morning. My only rival now was the bill of fare. A few days before he left Collier had presented me with a two-gallon jug of fine whisky which he said a cousin had sent him from Kentucky. I now have reason to believe that it contained Appletree's Anaconda Appetite Bitters almost exclusively. I continued to devour tons of provisions.

In Mame's eyes I remained a mere biped, more ruminant than ever.

"About a week after Collier pulled his freight there came a kind of side-show to town, and hoisted a tent near the railroad. I judged it was a sort of fake museum and curiosity business. I called to see Mame one night, and Ma Dugan said that she and Thomas, her younger brother, had gone to the show. That same thing happened for three nights that week. Saturday night I caught her on the way coming back, and got to sit on the steps a while and talk to her. I noticed she looked different. Her eyes were softer, and shiny like. Instead of a Mame Dugan to fly from the voracity of man and raise violets, she seemed to be a Mame more in line as God intended her, approachable, and suited to bask in the light of the Brazilians and the Kindler.

"'You seem to be right smart inveigled,' says I, 'with the Unparalleled Exhibition of the World's Living Curiosities and Wonders.'

"'It's a change,' says Mame.

"'You'll need another,' says I, 'if you keep on going every night.'

"'Don't be cross, Jeff,' says she; 'it takes my mind off business.'

"'Don't the curiosities eat?' I ask.

"'Not all of them. Some of them are wax.'

"'Look out, then, that you don't get stuck,' says I, kind of flip and foolish.

"Mame blushed. I didn't know what to think about her. My hopes raised some that perhaps my attentions had palliated man's awful crime of visibly introducing nourishment into his system. She talked some about the stars, referring to them with respect and politeness, and Idrivelled a quantity about united hearts, homes made bright by true affection, and the Kindler. Mame listened without scorn, and I says to myself, 'Jeff, old man, you're removing the hoodoo that has clung to the consumer of victuals; you're setting your heel upon the serpent that lurks in the gravy bowl.'

"Monday night I drop around. Mame is at the Unparalleled Exhibition with Thomas.

"'Now, may the curse of the forty-one seven-sided sea cooks,' says I, 'and the bad luck of the nine impenitent grasshoppers rest upon this self-same sideshow at once and forever more. Amen. I'll go to see it myself to-morrow night and investigate its baleful charm. Shall man that was made to inherit the earth be bereft of his sweetheart first by a knife and fork and then by a ten-cent circus?'

"The next night before starting out for the exhibition tent I inquire and find out that Mame is not at home. She is not at the circus with Thomas this time, for Thomas waylays me in the grass outside of the grub tent with a scheme of his own before I had time to eat supper.

"'What'll you give me, Jeff,' says he, 'if I tell you something?'

"'The value of it, son,' I says.

"'Sis is stuck on a freak,' says Thomas, 'one of the side-show freaks.

I don't like him. She does. I overheard 'em talking. Thought maybe you'd like to know. Say, Jeff, does it put you wise two dollars'

worth? There's a target rifle up town that--'

"I frisked my pockets and commenced to dribble a stream of halves and quarters into Thomas's hat. The information was of the pile-driver system of news, and it telescoped my intellects for a while. While Iwas leaking small change and smiling foolish on the outside, and suffering disturbances internally, I was saying, idiotically and pleasantly:

"'Thank you, Thomas--thank you--er--a freak, you said, Thomas. Now, could you make out the monstrosity's entitlements a little clearer, if you please, Thomas?'

"'This is the fellow,' says Thomas, pulling out a yellow handbill from his pocket and shoving it under my nose. 'He's the Champion Faster of the Universe. I guess that's why Sis got soft on him. He don't eat nothing. He's going to fast forty-nine days. This is the sixth. That's him.'

"I looked at the name Thomas pointed out--'Professor Eduardo Collieri.' 'Ah!' says I, in admiration, 'that's not so bad, Ed Collier. I give you credit for the trick. But I don't give you the girl until she's Mrs. Freak.'

"I hit the sod in the direction of the show. I came up to the rear of the tent, and, as I did so, a man wiggled out like a snake from under the bottom of the canvas, scrambled to his feet, and ran into me like a locoed bronco. I gathered him by the neck and investigated him by the light of the stars. It is Professor Eduardo Collieri, in human habiliments, with a desperate look in one eye and impatience in the other.

"'Hello, Curiosity,' says I. 'Get still a minute and let's have a look at your freakship. How do you like being the willopus-wallopus or the bim-bam from Borneo, or whatever name you are denounced by in the side-show business?'

"'Jeff Peters,' says Collier, in a weak voice. 'Turn me loose, or I'll slug you one. I'm in the extremest kind of a large hurry. Hands off!'

"'Tut, tut, Eddie,' I answers, holding him hard; 'let an old friend gaze on the exhibition of your curiousness. It's an eminent graft you fell onto, my son. But don't speak of assaults and battery, because you're not fit. The best you've got is a lot of nerve and a mighty empty stomach.' And so it was. The man was as weak as a vegetarian cat.

  • 受五戒八戒文


  • Cymbeline




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  • 浣溪铃


    金气秋分,风清露冷秋期半。凉蟾光满,桂子飘香远。世间有一地,称之花翎,此地赋灵,宛如仙府。多年前,有一女子,名为肖如颜,育有二女,长女字瑾,幼女字玲。游历四方,占此地为室,广收门众,称其花翎宫。花翎之人皆着素练宽衣,额间红雪。秋分袭来,霓裳乱,银桥无人,吹彻繁花,银铃声响。及至今日,“花翎宫”、“南屿阁”、“夜幽谭”、“巫溪岛”最负盛誉,其门下弟子人数众多,四大门派由此而立。世人传说,在地脉雪山深处,生长着一种奇物,名唤九穗禾。九穗禾一茎九穗,茎刺拥有剧毒,除穗叶不可解。穗叶食之,可灵力鼎赫,拥有仙身。世间之人趋之如鹜,但遍寻无迹。故事就是从九穗禾重现世间开始的…… 她是肖玲时,他化名旭尧…… 她化名榕冰时,她是岑溪…… 无奈成为这天选之人,她又该如何抉择? 背叛、欺骗……终有一日,凡此种种,皆会以血水浣尽……
  • 溯洄书屋


  • 快穿之套路那个主神


  • 卿如沐尘风


    ————新文《疏妆》已开,希望大家多多支持!谢谢———— 崇吾山上,白雪苍茫。自沉睡千年的卿潇上仙睁开双眼那刻起,四海便不再安宁。女娲灵石,神女再世。冰境灵主,画族之后。妖族祸起,八荒战乱。散尽元神,以血为祭……一切尘埃落定,且问沉浮与谁,倾情亦与谁。只道是如沐尘风,不染霜雪。
  • 诺恩斯的特权者


  • 既然琴瑟起


    顾愆是万众瞩目的璀璨明星,也是苏颜五年的生活里唯一的亮光。 她并不勇敢,却在生日时在顾愆的餐厅里偷到了他的手机号码, 两年如一日的“晚安”,顾愆终被打动。 天台相见,一夜醉酒,他已深深记住这个长发飘飘倔强冷寂的女孩。 苏颜被媒体曝光后,他顺理成章地公布他们是情侣关系。 他明知苏颜心中为他人所牵绊,却仍这样自私地把她留在身边。 惊鸿一瞥,心已深陷。他爱上了,就注定不放手。
  • 我在等你长大天

