

ask me when thou wilt, and thou shalt have it. POINS [Within] Francis! FRANCIS Anon, anon. PRINCE HENRY Anon, Francis? No, Francis; but to-morrow, Francis;or, Francis, o' Thursday; or indeed, Francis, when thou wilt. But, Francis! FRANCIS My lord? PRINCE HENRY Wilt thou rob this leathern jerkin, crystal-button, not-pated, agate-ring, puke-stocking, caddis-garter, smooth-tongue, Spanish-pouch,-- FRANCIS O Lord, sir, who do you mean? PRINCE HENRY Why, then, your brown bastard is your only drink;for look you, Francis, your white canvas doublet will sully: in Barbary, sir, it cannot come to so much. FRANCIS What, sir? POINS [Within] Francis! PRINCE HENRY Away, you rogue! dost thou not hear them call?

Here they both call him; the drawer stands amazed, not knowing which way to go Enter Vintner Vintner What, standest thou still, and hearest such a calling? Look to the guests within.

Exit Francis My lord, old Sir John, with half-a-dozen more, are at the door: shall I let them in? PRINCE HENRY Let them alone awhile, and then open the door.

Exit Vintner Poins!

Re-enter POINS POINS Anon, anon, sir. PRINCE HENRY Sirrah, Falstaff and the rest of the thieves are at the door: shall we be merry? POINS As merry as crickets, my lad. But hark ye; what cunning match have you made with this jest of the drawer? come, what's the issue? PRINCE HENRY I am now of all humours that have showed themselves humours since the old days of goodman Adam to the pupil age of this present twelve o'clock at midnight.

Re-enter FRANCIS

What's o'clock, Francis? FRANCIS Anon, anon, sir.

Exit PRINCE HENRY That ever this fellow should have fewer words than a parrot, and yet the son of a woman! His industry is upstairs and downstairs; his eloquence the parcel of a reckoning. I am not yet of Percy's mind, the Hotspur of the north; he that kills me some six or seven dozen of Scots at a breakfast, washes his hands, and says to his wife 'Fie upon this quiet life! I want work.' 'O my sweet Harry,' says she, 'how many hast thou killed to-day?' 'Give my roan horse a drench,' says he; and answers 'Some fourteen,' an hour after; 'a trifle, a trifle.'

Iprithee, call in Falstaff: I'll play Percy, and that damned brawn shall play Dame Mortimer his wife. 'Rivo!' says the drunkard. Call in ribs, call in tallow.

Enter FALSTAFF, GADSHILL, BARDOLPH, and PETO; FRANCIS following with wine POINS Welcome, Jack: where hast thou been? FALSTAFF A plague of all cowards, I say, and a vengeance too!

marry, and amen! Give me a cup of sack, boy.

Ere I

lead this life long, I'll sew nether stocks and mend them and foot them too. A plague of all cowards!

Give me a cup of sack, rogue. Is there no virtue extant?

He drinks PRINCE HENRY Didst thou never see Titan kiss a dish of butter?

pitiful-hearted Titan, that melted at the sweet tale of the sun's! if thou didst, then behold that compound. FALSTAFF You rogue, here's lime in this sack too:

there is nothing but roguery to be found in villanous man:

yet a coward is worse than a cup of sack with lime in it. A villanous coward! Go thy ways, old Jack;die when thou wilt, if manhood, good manhood, be not forgot upon the face of the earth, then am I a shotten herring. There live not three good men unhanged in England; and one of them is fat and grows old: God help the while! a bad world, Isay.

I would I were a weaver; I could sing psalms or any thing. A plague of all cowards, I say still. PRINCE HENRY How now, wool-sack! what mutter you? FALSTAFF A king's son! If I do not beat thee out of thy kingdom with a dagger of lath, and drive all thy subjects afore thee like a flock of wild-geese, I'll never wear hair on my face more. You Prince of Wales! PRINCE HENRY Why, you whoreson round man, what's the matter? FALSTAFF Are not you a coward? answer me to that:

and Poins there? POINS 'Zounds, ye fat paunch, an ye call me coward, by the Lord, I'll stab thee. FALSTAFF I call thee coward! I'll see thee damned ere I call thee coward: but I would give a thousand pound Icould run as fast as thou canst. You are straight enough in the shoulders, you care not who sees your back: call you that backing of your friends?

Aplague upon such backing! give me them that will face me. Give me a cup of sack: I am a rogue, if Idrunk to-day. PRINCE HENRY O villain! thy lips are scarce wiped since thou drunkest last. FALSTAFF All's one for that.

He drinks A plague of all cowards, still say I. PRINCE HENRY What's the matter? FALSTAFF What's the matter! there be four of us here have ta'en a thousand pound this day morning. PRINCE HENRY Where is it, Jack? where is it? FALSTAFF Where is it! taken from us it is: a hundred upon poor four of us. PRINCE HENRY What, a hundred, man? FALSTAFF I am a rogue, if I were not at half-sword with a dozen of them two hours together. I have 'scaped by miracle. I am eight times thrust through the doublet, four through the hose; my buckler cut through and through; my sword hacked like a hand-saw--ecce signum! I never dealt better since I was a man: all would not do. A plague of all cowards! Let them speak: if they speak more or less than truth, they are villains and the sons of darkness. PRINCE HENRY Speak, sirs; how was it? GADSHILL We four set upon some dozen-- FALSTAFF Sixteen at least, my lord. GADSHILL And bound them. PETO No, no, they were not bound. FALSTAFF You rogue, they were bound, every man of them; or Iam a Jew else, an Ebrew Jew. GADSHILL As we were sharing, some six or seven fresh men set upon us-- FALSTAFF And unbound the rest, and then come in the other. PRINCE HENRY What, fought you with them all? FALSTAFF All! I know not what you call all; but if I fought not with fifty of them, I am a bunch of radish:

  • 慈尊升度宝忏


  • 诸教决定名义论


  • 经史百家杂钞


  • 归愚词


  • 四宜堂集


  • 红楼之表妹攻略


  • 老残游记(精装典藏本)


  • 轻奢爱


  • 礼仪常识悦读


  • 世界最具智慧性的哲理故事(4)


  • 叶先生的隐忍娇妻,惹人怜


    叶先生的自家泳池旁突然楼上掉个林妹妹林妹妹不是病喘娇娇,而是湿身诱惑!林妹妹:不、不好意思啊,楼上的邻居失足落水。打扰你了。(尴尬)叶先生:看准我家泳池失足?(可真巧!)林妹妹:对不起,我不是故意的。(这男人可真好看!)叶先生:别动!林妹妹:(逃走)谁知:一场别有用心的家宴,叶先生再次见到“林妹妹” 他宽阔的臂膀为她挡下家人的权杖自此共谱一曲生死大爱原来他、她的命运早已暗中交集......爱在生命的最深处于她、他
  • 书中侠客行


  • 甜甜圈套住的血族


  • Wives and Daughters(IV) 妻子与女儿/锦绣佳人(英文版)

    Wives and Daughters(IV) 妻子与女儿/锦绣佳人(英文版)

    Wives and Daughters is an emotional novel by Elizabeth Gaskell, first published in the Cornhill Magazine as a serial from August 1864 to January 1866. When Mrs Gaskell died suddenly in 1866, it was not quite complete, and the last section was written by Frederick Greenwood. The heroine of the novel is Molly, an attractive and rather unworldly young woman. Her father sends her to stay with the Hamleys of Hamley Hall, a gentry family. Molly forms a close attachment with Mrs. Hamley, who embraces her almost as a daughter. Molly also befriends the younger son, Roger. Molly is aware that she would not be considered a suitable match for the sons of Squire Hamley because of her status. However, she has always preferred Roger's good sense and honourable character and soon falls in love with him. Unfortunately, Roger falls in love with other girl. Molly is heartbroken, and struggles with her sorrow and her knowledge that the girl lacks affection for Roger.
  • 文明的故事(中小学生必读丛书)

