

"T he actual force of events", to use one of Arnold's all-pervading beautiful forms, now took the following course. On 24 February, Ruge had compromised himself and the German émigrés in the presence of foreigners. Hence the few émigrés who still felt inclined to go along with him felt insecure and without any support. Arnold put the blame on the division in the emigration and pressed harder than ever for unity. Compromised as he was, he still reached eagerly for the chance to compromise himself further.

Hence the Anniversary of the March revolution in Vienna was used to give a German banquet. The chivalrous Willich declined the invitation; as he belonged to "citizen" Louis Blanc he could not collaborate with "citizen" Ruge who belonged to "citizen" Ledru. Likewise the ex-deputies Reichenbach, Schramm, Bucher, etc., recoiled from Ruge's presence. Not counting the silent guests there appeared Mazzini, Ruge, Struve, Tausenau, Haug, Ronge and Kinkel -- all of whom spoke.

Ruge filled the role of "the complete fool" as even his friends admitted. The German public was however to experience even greater things.

Tausenau's clowning, Struve's croaking, Haug's meanderings, Ronge's litanies turned the whole audience to stone and the majority drifted away even before that flower of rhetoric, Jeremiah-Kinkel, who had been saved for the dessert, could begin his speech. "In the name of the martyrs" for the martyrs, Gottfried spoke as a martyr and uttered lachrymose words of reconciliation to all "from the simple defender of the constitution down to the red republican".

At the same time as all these republicans, and even red republicans, like Kinkel, groaned away in this fashion, they also knelt down before the English constitution in humble adoration, a contradiction to which the Morning Chronicle politely drew their attention the following morning.

The same evening Ruge saw the fulfilment of his desires as can be seen from a proclamation whose most brilliant sections we offer here:

"To the Germans!

"Brothers and friends in Germany! We, the undersigned, constitute at present and until such time as you decide differently, the committee for German affairs" (irrespective which affairs).

"The Central Committee of the European democratic movement has sent us Arnold Ruge , the Baden revolution has sent Gustav Struve , the Viennese revolution has sent us Ernst Haug, the religious movement has sent us Johannes Ronge and prison has sent us Gottfried Kinkel, we have invited the social-democratic workers to send a representative to our midst.

"German brothers! Events have deprived you of your freedom ...

we know that you are incapable of abandoning your freedom for ever and we have omitted nothing" (in the way of committees and manifestoes) "that might accelerate your recovery of it.

"When we ... when we gave our guarantee and our support to the Mazzini loan, when we ... when we invoked the Holy Alliance of peoples against the unholy alliance of their oppressors, we only did, as you know, what you wished with all your hearts to see done.... The tyrants have been arraigned before the universal court of mankind in the great trial of freedom"(and with Arnold as public prosecutor, the "tyrants" can sleep in peace)"... arson, murder, pillaging, hunger and bankruptcy will soon be widespread throughout Germany.

"You have the example of France before your eyes -- Smouldering with fury it is more united than ever in its determination to liberate itself" (I ask you, who on earth could have foreseen the 2 December!) --look at Hungary, even the Croats have been converted" (thanks to the Deutscher Zuschauer and Ruge's wood-shaving coats) -- "and believe us, for we know, when we say that Poland is immortal" (Mr. Darasz confided this piece of information to them under solemn oath of secrecy).

"Force against force -- that is the justice that is being prepared.

And we shall leave nothing undone to bring into being a more effective provisional government" (aha!) "than the Vorparlament [54] and a more potent arm of the people than the National Assembly" (see below what these gentlemen brought into being when they attempted to lead each other by the nose).

"Our draft proposals concerning the finances and the press" (Articles 1 and 2 of the strong provisional government -- the Customs Officer, Christian Müller, is to be given the task of implementing this measure) "shall be presented separately. We wish only to say that every purchase for the Italian Loan will be of immediate benefit to our Committee and to our cause and that for the moment you can help in a practical way above all by ensuring a liberal supply of money. We shall then know how to translate this money into public opinion and public violence. (With Arnold as translator) "... We say to you: Subscribe 10 million Francs and we shall liberate the Continent!

"Germans, remember..." (that you sing baritone and light fires on the mountains) "... Iend us your thoughts" (which we need almost as badly as your money), "your purse" (yes, don't forget that) "and your arm!

We expect your zeal to increase with the intensity of your sufferings and that the Committee shall be adequately strengthened for the hour of decision by your present contributions." (If not, they would have to resort to spirituous liquor which would be against Gustav's principles.)"All democrats are instructed to publicise our appeal"(the Customs Officer, Christian Müller, will take care of the rest).

"London, 13 March 1851

The Committee for German Affairs Arnold Ruge, Gustav Struve, Ernst Haug, Johannes Ronge, Gottfried Kinkel"Our readers are now acquainted with Gottfried, they are also acquainted with Gustav; Arnold's "frequent appearances" have likewise been repeated often enough. So there remain but two members of the "effective provisional govemment" whom we have still to introduce.

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