

I know and see for a certainty that this lady is not dead. Leave thy mourning and console thyself. If I give her not back to thee alive, either slay me or hang me." Now all the wailing throughout the palace is calmed and hushed, and the emperor tells the leech that now it is permitted him to give orders and to speak his will quite freely. If he brings back the empress to life, he will be lord and commander over him; but he will be hanged as a robber, if he has lied to him in aught. And he says to him: "I accept the condition; never have mercy on me, if I do not make the lady here speak to you. Without hesitation or delay have the palace cleared for me. Let not one or another stay here. I must see privately the evil from which the lady suffers. These two leeches alone, who are of my company, shall stay here with me, and let all the others go without." This thing Cliges, John, and Thessala would have gainsaid: but all those who were there would have interpreted it to their harm, if they had attempted to prevent it. Therefore they keep silence and give the counsel that they hear the others give, and have gone forth from the palace. And the three leeches have by force ripped up the lady's winding-sheet, for there was neither knife nor scissors: then they say: "Lady, have no fear, be not dismayed, but speak in all safety. We know for a surety that you are quite sound and well.

Now be wise and amenable, and despair of nought; for if you seek advice from us, we will assure you all three of us, that we will help you with all our power, where it be concerning good or concerning evil. We will be right loyal towards you, both in keeping your secret and in aiding you. Do not compel us to reason long with you. From the moment that we place our power and services at your disposal, you ought not to refuse us compliance." Thus they think to befool and to cheat her, but it avails nought; for she cares and recks nought of their service, so that when the physicians see that they will avail nothing with regard to her by cajolery or by entreaty, then they take her off the bier and strike her and beat her; but their fury is to no purpose, since for all this they draw not a word from her. Then they threaten and frighten her and say that, if she does not speak, she will that very day find out the folly of her action; for they will inflict on her such dire treatment that never before was its like inflicted on any body of caitiff woman. "Well we know that you are alive and do not deign to speak to us. Well we know that you are feigning and would have deceived the emperor. Have no fear of us at all. But if any man has angered you, disclose your folly, before we have further wounded you, for you are acting very basely; and we will aid you, alike in wisdom or in folly." It cannot be, it avails them nought. Then once more they deal her blows on the back with their straps, and the stripes that run downwards become visible, and so much do they beat her tender flesh that they make the blood gush out from it.

  • 佛说未曾有正法经


  • 汲古堂集


  • 亭堂


  • Signs of Change

    Signs of Change

  • 伤寒心法要诀


  • 我在明朝开学院


  • 凌霄尽处


  • 第七进化


  • 在下不才道号重阳


  • 路过游戏王世界的打牌神


    当一个arcv世界原住民被逮到其他打牌世界, 当ocg思路在他的思考模式中占据上风, 当这个原住民获得了强大的力量衣锦还乡,光创:“你需要神的力量吗?”尤姐:“你需要精灵的力量吗?”红龙:“你需要外挂的力量吗?”游昊之(扔):“想要什么,从我这里拿吧。” 总而言之,这是一个闲得无聊只会打牌的神四处打牌拯救世界的故事(的后续) 本作为续篇,有完结前传《游戏王之未来王的预言》,全文免费,如果有书友看不懂这本可以先看上一本
  • 旁门高手


  • 末世之修神


  • 代课总裁狠霸气


  • 只想爱你再多一点点


  • 这个徒弟,成年之后照样打


    此书耽美向!! 前世,青渡寒只是闭了个关,出门后玄韶山满门被灭,自己也因修为不够而被斩杀。怎么就这么气呢?!!!死后,青渡寒怨气太强,一朝重生,强压心中的戾气,世界还是那么美好。只是,为什么总有人看起来不正常,说的话也怪怪的。师尊青无月:徒儿啊,最近是不是又和徒孙闹别扭了?别否认,为师都算到了。青渡寒:……某妖界大佬:你个前期小炮灰,浪荡到现在还没挂,能不能好好的走剧情了?!原作者很伤心的。 青渡寒:??? 反正这俩人说话他听不懂,不听就是了。 直到某天…… 徒弟御决:师尊,既然我们情投意合,双修吧! 青渡寒:…… 谁TM和你情投意合?!!!