

"Two years afterward I found myself in Vernon, stopping for a night at the hotel. 'I will see them in the morning,' I said; 'Harry, Matty, and the little child;' and I asked the landlord where you lived. I was standing upon the stairs, and in the partial darkness he could not see my anguish when he replied, 'Bless you, miss. Harry Remington died a fortnight ago.'"

"How I reached my room I never knew, but reach it I did, and half an hour later I knelt by his grave, where I wept away every womanly feeling of my heart, and then went back to the giddy world, the gayest of the gay. I did not seek an interview with your mother, though I have often regretted it since. Did she never speak of me?

Think. Did you never hear my name?"

"In Vernon, I am sure I did," answered Maude, "but I was then too young to receive a very vivid impression, and after we came here mother, I fear, was too unhappy to talk much of the past."

"I understand it," answered Maude Glendower, and over her fine features there stole a hard, dark look, as she continued, "I can see how one of her gentle nature would wither and die in this atmosphere, and forgive me, Maude, she never loved your father as I loved him, for had he called me wife I should never have been here."

"What made you come?" asked Maude; and the lady answered, "For Louis' sake and yours I came. I never lost sight of your mother. I knew she married the man I rejected, and from my inmost soul I pitied her. But I am redressing her wrongs and those of that other woman who wore her life away within these gloomy walls. Money is his idol, and when you touch his purse you touch his tenderest point.

But I have opened it, and, struggle as he may, it shall not be closed again."

She spoke bitterly, and Maude knew that Dr. Kennedy had more than met his equal in that woman of iron will.

"I should have made a splendid carpenter," the lady continued, "for nothing pleases me more than the sound of the hammer and saw, and when you are gone I shall solace myself with fixing the entire house. I must have excitement, or die as the others did."

"Maude--Mrs. Kennedy, do you know what time it is?" came from the foot of the stairs, and Mrs. Kennedy answered, "It is one o'clock, I believe."

"Then why are you sitting up so late, and why is that lamp left burning in the parlor, with four tubes going off at once? It's a maxim of mine--"

"Spare your maxims, do. I'm coming directly," and kissing the blind girl affectionately, Mrs. Kennedy went down to her liege lord, whom she found extinguishing the light, and gently shaking the lamp to see how much fluid had been uselessly wasted.

He might have made some conjugal remark, but the expression of her face forbade anything like reproof, and he soon found use for his powers of speech in the invectives he heaped upon the long rocker of the chair over which he stumbled as he groped his way back to the bedroom, where his wife rather enjoyed, than otherwise, the lamentations which he made over his "bruised shin." The story she had been telling had awakened many bitter memories in Maude Glendower's bosom, and for hours she turned uneasily from side to side, trying in vain to sleep. Maude Remington, too, was wakeful, thinking over the strange tale she had heard, and marveling that her life should be so closely interwoven with that of the woman whom she called her mother.

"I love her all the more," she said; "I shall pity her so, staying here alone, when I am gone."

Then her thoughts turned upon the future, when she would be the wife of James De Vere, and while wondering if she should really ever see again, she fell asleep just as the morning was dimly breaking in the east.

  • 北梦琐言


  • 青天歌注释


  • 存余堂诗话


  • 浪淘沙二首


  • 大乘集菩萨学论


  • 半壁史书:历史上的那些姐儿们第1卷


    本书作者从汉朝吕后开始,历数西汉时期著名女性的故事。吕后、窦太后、卓文君、赵飞燕……她们的故事在作者笔下幽默诙谐,又不失深刻的人文关怀和历史苍凉的反思。 本书是继当年明月和袁腾飞之后又一论史巨作,那些你不知道的历史故事,那些你一知半解的历史史实,那些你好奇已久的美人的秘密,那些充满争议的女人,都可以在本书中得到答案。你还等什么?赶紧拿起此书,寻找答案吧。
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  • 兽王·海岛鱼王


    结束了在璧山城的任务,柳远藤继续踏上寻找塔首之路。魔刀范在山和柳远藤打赌,他若生擒柳远藤三次,柳远藤便要拜他为师,否则他便将斩雷擎天刀诀无偿教给柳远藤……柳远藤回到桃花源,接受了贪狼赋予的重任。贪狼传授他上古丹心术高级修炼法诀——万里星河沧浪诀。在贪狼的帮助下。柳远藤凝练出星核龙兽 ……根据星核龙兽的指引,柳远藤在一个养鸡场中找到了十二生肖塔塔首之一——鸡首。孰料新人类联盟的高手也同时现身,并与柳远藤发生激烈冲突 ……柳远藤展开调查,发现新人类联盟正在秘密搜集塔首。新人类联盟四大天王之一鱼力天王俞倾波坐镇一方。对柳远藤虎视眈眈,鱼人计划渐渐浮出水面……为了守护公正,柳远藤将一往无前……
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