

I wrote to Agnes as soon as Dora and I were engaged. I wrote her a long letter, in which I tried to make her comprehend how blest Iwas, and what a darling Dora was. I entreated Agnes not to regard this as a thoughtless passion which could ever yield to any other, or had the least resemblance to the boyish fancies that we used to joke about. I assured her that its profundity was quite unfathomable, and expressed my belief that nothing like it had ever been known.

Somehow, as I wrote to Agnes on a fine evening by my open window, and the remembrance of her clear calm eyes and gentle face came stealing over me, it shed such a peaceful influence upon the hurry and agitation in which I had been living lately, and of which my very happiness partook in some degree, that it soothed me into tears. I remember that I sat resting my head upon my hand, when the letter was half done, cherishing a general fancy as if Agnes were one of the elements of my natural home. As if, in the retirement of the house made almost sacred to me by her presence, Dora and I must be happier than anywhere. As if, in love, joy, sorrow, hope, or disappointment; in all emotions; my heart turned naturally there, and found its refuge and best friend.

Of Steerforth I said nothing. I only told her there had been sad grief at Yarmouth, on account of Emily's flight; and that on me it made a double wound, by reason of the circumstances attending it.

I knew how quick she always was to divine the truth, and that she would never be the first to breathe his name.

To this letter, I received an answer by return of post. As I read it, I seemed to hear Agnes speaking to me. It was like her cordial voice in my ears. What can I say more!

While I had been away from home lately, Traddles had called twice or thrice. Finding Peggotty within, and being informed by Peggotty (who always volunteered that information to whomsoever would receive it), that she was my old nurse, he had established a good-humoured acquaintance with her, and had stayed to have a little chat with her about me. So Peggotty said; but I am afraid the chat was all on her own side, and of immoderate length, as she was very difficult indeed to stop, God bless her! when she had me for her theme.

This reminds me, not only that I expected Traddles on a certain afternoon of his own appointing, which was now come, but that Mrs.

Crupp had resigned everything appertaining to her office (the salary excepted) until Peggotty should cease to present herself.

Mrs. Crupp, after holding divers conversations respecting Peggotty, in a very high-pitched voice, on the staircase - with some invisible Familiar it would appear, for corporeally speaking she was quite alone at those times - addressed a letter to me, developing her views. Beginning it with that statement of universal application, which fitted every occurrence of her life, namely, that she was a mother herself, she went on to inform me that she had once seen very different days, but that at all periods of her existence she had had a constitutional objection to spies, intruders, and informers. She named no names, she said; let them the cap fitted, wear it; but spies, intruders, and informers, especially in widders' weeds (this clause was underlined), she had ever accustomed herself to look down upon. If a gentleman was the victim of spies, intruders, and informers (but still naming no names), that was his own pleasure. He had a right to please himself; so let him do. All that she, Mrs. Crupp, stipulated for, was, that she should not be 'brought in contract' with such persons. Therefore she begged to be excused from any further attendance on the top set, until things were as they formerly was, and as they could be wished to be; and further mentioned that her little book would be found upon the breakfast-table every Saturday morning, when she requested an immediate settlement of the same, with the benevolent view of saving trouble 'and an ill-conwenience' to all parties.

After this, Mrs. Crupp confined herself to making pitfalls on the stairs, principally with pitchers, and endeavouring to delude Peggotty into breaking her legs. I found it rather harassing to live in this state of siege, but was too much afraid of Mrs. Crupp to see any way out of it.

'My dear Copperfield,' cried Traddles, punctually appearing at my door, in spite of all these obstacles, 'how do you do?'

'My dear Traddles,' said I, 'I am delighted to see you at last, and very sorry I have not been at home before. But I have been so much engaged -'

'Yes, yes, I know,' said Traddles, 'of course. Yours lives in London, I think.'

'What did you say?'

'She - excuse me - Miss D., you know,' said Traddles, colouring in his great delicacy, 'lives in London, I believe?'

'Oh yes. Near London.'

'Mine, perhaps you recollect,' said Traddles, with a serious look, 'lives down in Devonshire - one of ten. Consequently, I am not so much engaged as you - in that sense.'

'I wonder you can bear,' I returned, 'to see her so seldom.'

'Hah!' said Traddles, thoughtfully. 'It does seem a wonder. Isuppose it is, Copperfield, because there is no help for it?'

'I suppose so,' I replied with a smile, and not without a blush.

'And because you have so much constancy and patience, Traddles.'

'Dear me!' said Traddles, considering about it, 'do I strike you in that way, Copperfield? Really I didn't know that I had. But she is such an extraordinarily dear girl herself, that it's possible she may have imparted something of those virtues to me. Now you mention it, Copperfield, I shouldn't wonder at all. I assure you she is always forgetting herself, and taking care of the other nine.'

'Is she the eldest?' I inquired.

'Oh dear, no,' said Traddles. 'The eldest is a Beauty.'

He saw, I suppose, that I could not help smiling at the simplicity of this reply; and added, with a smile upon his own ingenuous face:

'Not, of course, but that my Sophy - pretty name, Copperfield, Ialways think?'

'Very pretty!' said I.

  • 三十六计


  • 佛说法受尘经


  • Queer Little Folks

    Queer Little Folks

  • 读史剩言


  • 法海经


  • 我家官总超有钱


  • 致全世界最甜的你


  • 宁娱之乐


  • 神话◎王妃是海贼


  • 王传福管理日志


  • 重生之学霸偶像


    回到最青春的十六岁,洛微想过自己前世想过却没有拥有的人生。可以实现吗?自己一直以来的音乐梦想? 人生在世,就应该不留遗憾! (本文讲述了一对由音乐结缘的情侣相知相许的故事,人生很长,一辈子很短,而我想和你,慢慢走下去。)
  • 兽宠天下:异界全能召唤师


  • 做个让人无法拒绝的女人


    有些人总是那么幸运,有些人却处处受挫。那些受欢迎的幸运儿,似乎具备了一切迷人的特质:真诚、乐观、热情,周围的人都喜欢与她为伍。这样的女人是一个极富魅力的女人,她轻易就获得了别人为之奋斗多年,甚至一辈子都无法获得的成功。 《做个让人无法拒绝的女人》就是写给有自我提升意识的中国女性,它可以给你无穷的信心,由内而外打造你美丽人生的黄金资本,让你一生都在别人的羡慕中优雅地生活,轻易获得他人眼中梦寐以求的梦想、事业和爱情,成为比别人更幸运的自己。
  • 超级修真保镖


  • 五封情书


    美丽的中学校园里,情窦初开的易笙遇到了一个有着温暖笑容的女孩——於夏。一次座位调换使两人成为前后桌,在每天的聊天打闹中,於夏渐渐走进易笙的心里。在一次模拟考试中,易笙大胆地将作文写成一封情书,并获得了满分,自习课后,易笙将情书郑重交给了於夏,第二天早自习收到於夏的回复,两人相约做无话不谈的好朋友。《五封情书》是一本以自传体方式写的校园爱情小说,记录了於夏和易笙两个人之间从初中一直到工作发生的一系列的故事,每个阶段都有一封情书代表着当时的情感,那是属于那个年代总该有的故事。 可能所有故事的美好就在于最后那遗憾的感觉吧,两个人总会有分离的时刻,於夏易笙,也会是余下一生,再有交集或许也不会再有当初的情感了。