

From that time for a week on end he led me a dance. He traveled here and there and yonder--always on a general westward trend--but he was not a woman after the first day. He was a laborer, like myself, and wore bushy false whiskers. His outfit was perfect, and he could do the character without thinking about it, for he had served the trade for wages. His nearest friend could not have recognized him. At last he located himself here, the obscurest little mountain camp in Montana; he has a shanty, and goes out prospecting daily; is gone all day, and avoids society. I am living at a miner's boardinghouse, and it is an awful place: the bunks, the food, the dirt--everything.

We have been here four weeks, and in that time I have seen him but once; but every night I go over his track and post myself. As soon as he engaged a shanty here I went to a town fifty miles away and telegraphed that Denver hotel to keep my baggage till I should send for it. I need nothing here but a change of army shirts, and I brought that with me.


The Denver episode has never found its way here, I think. I know the most of the men in camp, and they have never referred to it, at least in my hearing. Fuller doubtless feels quite safe in these conditions. He has located a claim, two miles away, in an out-of-the-way place in the mountains; it promises very well, and he is working it diligently. Ah, but the change in him! He never smiles, and he keeps quite to himself, consorting with no one--he who was so fond of company and so cheery only two months ago. I have seen him passing along several times recently--drooping, forlorn, the spring gone from his step, a pathetic figure. He calls himself David Wilson.

I can trust him to remain here until we disturb him. Since you insist, I will banish him again, but I do not see how he can be unhappier than he already is. I will go hack to Denver and treat myself to a little season of comfort, and edible food, and endurable beds, and bodily decency; then I will fetch my things, and notify poor papa Wilson to move on.

DENVER, June 19

They miss him here. They all hope he is prospering in Mexico, and they do not say it just with their mouths, but out of their hearts. You know you can always tell. I am loitering here overlong, I confess it. But if you were in my place you would have charity for me. Yes, I know what you will say, and you are right: if I were in your place, and carried your scalding memories in my heart--I will take the night train back to-morrow.

DENVER, June 20

God forgive us, mother, me are hunting the wrong man! I have not slept any all night. I am now awaiting, at dawn, for the morning train--and how the minutes drag, how they drag!

This Jacob Fuller is a cousin of the guilty one. How stupid we have been not to reflect that the guilty one would never again wear his own name after that fiendish deed! The Denver Fuller is four years younger than the other one; he came here a young widower in '79, aged twenty-one--a year before you were married; and the documents to prove it are innumerable. Last night I talked with familiar friends of his who have known him from the day of his arrival. I said nothing, but a few days from now I will land him in this town again, with the loss upon his mine made good; and there will be a banquet, and a torch-light procession, and there will not be any expense on anybody but me. Do you call this "gush"? I am only a boy, as you well know; it is my privilege. By and by I shall not be a boy any more.


Mother, he is gone! Gone, and left no trace. The scent was cold when I came. To-day I am out of bed for the first time since. I wish I were not a boy; then I could stand shocks better. They all think he went west. I start to-night, in a wagon--two or three hours of that, then I get a train. I don't know where I'm going, but I must go; to try to keep still would be torture.

Of course he has effaced himself with a new name and a disguise. This means that I may have to search the whole globe to find him. Indeed it is what I expect. Do you see, mother? It is I that am the Wandering Jew. The irony of it! We arranged that for another.

Think of the difficulties! And there would be none if I only could advertise for him. But if there is any way to do it that would not frighten him, I have not been able to think it out, and I have tried till my brains are addled. "If the gentleman who lately bought a mine in Mexico and sold one in Denver will send his address to" (to whom, mother!), "it will be explained to him that it was all a mistake; his forgiveness will be asked, and full reparation made for a loss which he sustained in a certain matter." Do you see? He would think it a trap.

Well, any one would. If I should say, "It is now known that he was not the man wanted, but another man--a man who once bore the same name, but discarded it for good reasons"--would that answer? But the Denver people would wake up then and say "Oho!" and they would remember about the suspicious greenbacks, and say, "Why did he run away if he wasn't the right man?--it is too thin." If I failed to find him he would be ruined there--there where there is no taint upon him now. You have a better head than mine. Help me.

  • 祇园正仪


  • 童蒙须知


  • 龙川略志


  • 康平县乡土志


  • 佛说弥勒下生成佛经续


  • 数据生物观察日记


  • 曾经爱我和我爱过的人


  • 大乘法界无差别论


  • 心跳加速小子别跑


  • 快穿之主神加油


    “叮,检测到合适的宿主。是否绑定,是,否。”机械的声音突然出现在少星的脑海里“系,系统!!”少星的声音惊讶地响起。“是的,是否绑定。”机械的声音依旧响起没有消失。“这这这这...我可以问你一些问题吗?”少星在经过最初的惊讶后,小心翼翼的问道。毕竟不是所有系统都那么好说话的。 ̄^ ̄゜“咦!问题?绑定宿主有这样的环节吗?惊讶.jpg”刻板的声音突然消失,活跃的声音响起。声音像是十七八岁的少年:“嗯,你问吧。”“呃,你是干什么用的?”少星小心的问道,就怕这个系统一个不高兴,把她给灭了QAQ。毕竟的她不是系统文里的大佬呜。“咳,在下是有钱系统,有钱是主神系统,跟着有钱混,有花不完的钱。”少年激昂的声音响起。(所以所以快点绑定吧(﹡?o?﹡))咳,其实就是刚刚诞生的萌新系统和普通少女少星一路不断完善自己和收服无数小弟的脑残故事。至于男主,男主是不会有的。
  • 春风吻过你的美


  • 咸同将相琐闻


  • 顾夫人专治不服


  • 赋敬


  • 月狐缘

