

"My very dear and well-beloved son, when it shall be lawful for thee to read this I shall be, I thy father, reposing in the tomb, imploring thy prayers, and supplicating thee to conduct thyself in life as it will be commanded thee in this rescript, bequeathed for the good government of thy family, thy future, and safety; for I have done this at a period when I had my senses and understanding, still recently affected by the sovereign injustice of men. In my virile age I had a great ambition to raise myself in the Church, and therein to obtain the highest dignities, because no life appeared to me more splendid.

Now with this earnest idea, I learned to read and write, and with great trouble became in a fit condition to enter the clergy. But because I had no protection, or good advice to superintend my training I had an idea of becoming the writer, tabellion, and rubrican of the Chapter of St. Maurice, in which were the highest and richest personages of Christendom, since the King of France is only therein a simple canon. Now there I should be able better than anywhere else to find services to render to certain lords, and thus to find a master or gain patronage, and by this assistance enter into religion, and be mitred and esconced in an archiepiscopal chair, somewhere or other.

But this first vision was over credulous, and a little too ambitious, the which God caused me clearly to perceive by the sequel. In fact, Messire Jepan de Villedomer, who afterwards became cardinal, was given this appointment, and I was rejected, discomfited. Now in this unhappy hour I received an alleviation of my troubles, by the advice of the good old Hierome Cornille, of whom I have often spoken to you. This dear man induced me, by his kindness, to become penman to the Chapter of St. Maurice and the Archbishop of Tours, the which offer I accepted with joy, since I was reputed a scrivener. At the time I was about to enter into the presbytery commenced the famous process against the devil of the Rue Chaude, of which the old folk still talk, and which in its time, has been recounted in every home in France. Now, believing that it would be of great advantage to my ambition, and that for this assistance the Chapter would raise me to some dignity, my good master had me appointed for the purpose of writing all of that should be in this grave cause, subject to writing. At the very outset Monseigneur Hierome Cornille, a man approaching eighty years, of great sense, justice, and sound understanding, suspected some spitefulness in this cause, although he was not partial to immodest girls, and had never been involved with a woman in his life, and was holy and venerable, with a sanctity which had caused him to be selected as a judge, all this not withstanding. As soon as the depositions were completed, and the poor wench heard, it remained clear that although this merry doxy had broken her religious vows, she was innocent of all devilry, and that her great wealth was coveted by her enemies, and other persons, whom I must not name to thee for reasons of prudence.

  • 靖乱录




  • 锦绣妃途


  • 人生有意须尽欢


  • 把爱放在心间


  • 总裁蜜爱:老公操之过急


  • 战场合同工


  • 我们的联盟时代


  • 良缘再续


    本文一对一双洁,后期虐,结局HE。 文案一:十三岁那年,他与她初遇 两人约好,三年后再见 她如约而至,他却不见踪影 二十三岁那年, 他已经是震惊朝野的统帅 她却女扮男装成了御前侍卫 人人都说他俊美无双,无人能配 然而姻缘成迷 人人都说她丑陋无比,无人敢要 所以面具遮脸 缘分使然 她被赐婚,送去与他成婚时, 他却抗旨拒婚 原封不动将人退回 他不知道 那红盖头下,是他等了十年 找了十年的姑娘 文案二:狩猎会 武力值爆棚的他 只猎到两只兔子人们纷纷表示遗憾的时候 他却得意洋洋 朝一片丛林走去.....那里, 她坐在枯木桩上看着天他踩着落叶走过来 她觉得他应该满载而归 成为众星捧月 而她却因为身份,遭人排挤她问:“你应该第一吧?” 他笑:“嗯,倒数!” 怎么可能?她不信 他笑:“我不是来狩猎的, 我是来哄未来媳妇开心的。” 说完,他摊开怀抱 “送给你......” 当初虐妻一时爽,悔到断了肠! 终是大梦一场,还是良缘再续?
  • 翩翩孤倨引山洪

