

SILLY, simple, harmless SIMPLE, silly, witless; plain, true SIMPLES, herbs SINGLE, term of chase, signifying when the hunted stag is separated from the herd, or forced to break covert SINGLE, weak, silly SINGLE-MONEY, small change SINGULAR, unique, supreme SI-QUIS, bill, advertisement SKELDRING, getting money under false pretences; swindlilng SKILL, "it -- a not," matters not SEINK(ER), pour, draw(er), tapster SKIRT, tail SLEEK, smooth SLICE, fire shovel or pan (dial.)SLICK, sleek, smooth 'SLID, 'SLIGHT, 'SPRECIOUS, irreverent oaths SLIGHT, sleight, cunning, cleverness; trick SLIP, counterfeit coin, bastard SLIPPERY, polished and shining SLOPS, large loose breeches SLOT, print of a stag's foot SLUR, put a slur on; chear (by sliding a die in some way)SMELT, gull, simpleton SNORLE, "perhaps snarl as Puppy is addressed" (Cunningham)SNOTTERIE, filth SNUFF, anger, resentment; "take in --," take offence at SNUFFERS, small open silver dishes for holding snuff, or receptacle for placing snuffers in (Halliwell)SOCK, shoe worn by comic actors SOD, seethe SOGGY, soaked, sodden SOIL, "take --," said of a hunted stag when he takes to the water for safety SOL, sou SOLDADOES, soldiers SOLICIT, rouse, excite to action SOOTH, flattery, cajolery SOOTHE, flatter, humour SOPHISTICATE, adulterate SORT, company, party; rank, degree SORT, suit, fit; select SOUSE, ear SOUSED ("Devil is an Ass"), fol. read "sou't," which Dyce interprets as "a variety of the spelling of 'shu'd': to shu is to scare a bird away." (See his Webster, p. 350)SOWTER, cobbler SPAGYRICA, chemistry according to the teachings of Paracelsus SPAR, bar SPEAK, make known, proclaim SPECULATION, power of sight SPED, to have fared well, prospered SPEECE, species SPIGHT, anger, rancour SPINNER, spider SPINSTRY, lewd person SPITTLE, hospital, lazar-house SPLEEN, considered the seat of the emotions SPLEEN, caprice, humour, mood SPRUNT, spruce SPURGE, foam SPUR-RYAL, gold coin worth 15s.

SQUIRE, square, measure; "by the --," exactly.

STAGGERING, wavering, hesitating STAIN, disparagement, disgrace STALE, decoy, or cover, stalking-horse STALE, make cheap, common STALE, approach stealthily or under cover STALL, forestall STANDARD, suit STAPLE, market emporium STARK, downright STARTING-HOLES, loopholes of escape STATE, dignity; canopied chair of state; estate STATUMINATE, support vines by poles or stakes; used by Pliny (Gifford)STAY, gag STAY, await; detain STICKLER, second or umpire STIGMATISE, mark, brand STILL, continual(ly), constant(ly)STINKARD, stinking fellow STINT, stop STIPTIC, astringent STOCCATA, thrust in fencing STOCK-FISH, salted and dried fish STOMACH, pride, valour STOMACH, resent STOOP, swoop down as a hawk STOP, fill, stuff STOPPLE, stopper STOTE, stoat, weasel STOUP, stoop, swoop=bow STRAIGHT, straightway STRAMAZOUN (Ital. stramazzone), a down blow, as opposed to the thrust STRANGE, like a stranger, unfamiliar STRANGENESS, distance of behaviour STREIGHTS, OR BERMUDAS, labyrinth of alleys and courts in the Strand STRIGONIUM, Grau in Hungary, taken from the Turks in 1597STRIKE, balance (accounts)

STRINGHALT, disease of horses STROKER, smoother, flatterer STROOK, p.p. of "strike"STRUMMEL-PATCHED, strummed is glossed in dialect dicts. as "a long, loose and dishevelled head of hair"STUDIES, studious efforts STYLE, title; pointed instrument used for writing on wax tablets SUBTLE, fine, delicate, thin; smooth, soft SUBTLETY (SUBTILITY), subtle device SUBURB, connected with loose living SUCCUBAE, demons in form of women SUCK, extract money from SUFFERANCE, suffering SUMMED, term of falconry: with full-grown plumage SUPER-NEGULUM, topers turned the cup bottom up when it was empty SUPERSTITIOUS, over-scrupulous SUPPLE, to make pliant SURBATE, make sore with walking SURCEASE, cease SUR-REVERENCE, save your reverence SURVISE, peruse SUSCITABILITY, excitability SUSPECT, suspicion SUSPEND, suspect SUSPENDED, held over for the present SUTLER, victualler SWAD, clown, boor SWATH BANDS, swaddling clothes SWINGE, beat TABERD, emblazoned mantle or tunic worn by knights and heralds TABLE(S), "pair of --," tablets, note-book TABOR, small drum TABRET, tabor TAFFETA, silk; "tuft-taffeta," a more costly silken fabric TAINT, "-- a staff," break a lance at tilting in an unscientific or dishonourable manner TAKE IN, capture, subdue TAKE ME WITH YOU, let me understand you TAKE UP, obtain on credit, borrow TALENT, sum or weight of Greek currency TALL, stout, brave TANKARD-BEARERS, men employed to fetch water from the conduits TARLETON, celebrated comedian and jester TARTAROUS, like a Tartar TAVERN-TOKEN, "to swallow a --," get drunk TELL, count TELL-TROTH, truth-teller TEMPER, modify, soften TENDER, show regard, care for cherish; manifest TENT, "take --," take heed TERSE, swept and polished TERTIA, "that portion of an army levied out of one particular district or division of a country" (Gifford)TESTON, tester, coin worth 6d.

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