

When the rumble of the big lumber wagons passing the cabin on the way to the swamp wakened Freckles next morning, he sprang up and was soon following them. He was so sore and stiff that every movement was torture at first, but he grew easier, and shortly did not suffer so much. McLean scolded him for coming, yet in his heart triumphed over every new evidence of fineness in the boy.

The tree was a giant maple, and so precious that they almost dug it out by the roots. When it was down, cut in lengths, and loaded, there was yet an empty wagon. As they were gathering up their tools to go, Duncan said: "There's a big hollow tree somewhere mighty close here that I've been wanting for a watering-trough for my stock; the one I have is so small. The Portland company cut this for elm butts last year, and it's six feet diameter and hollow for forty feet. It was a buster! While the men are here and there is an empty wagon, why mightn't I load it on and tak' it up to the barn as we pass?"McLean said he was very willing, ordered the driver to break line and load the log, detailing men to assist. He told Freckles to ride on a section of the maple with him, but now the boy asked to enter the swamp with Duncan.

"I don't see why you want to go," said McLean. "I have no business to let you out today at all.""It's me chickens," whispered Freckles in distress. "You see, I was just after finding yesterday, from me new book, how they do be nesting in hollow trees, and there ain't any too many in the swamp.

There's just a chance that they might be in that one.""Go ahead," said McLean. "That's a different story. If they happen to be there, why tell Duncan he must give up the tree until they have finished with it."Then he climbed on a wagon and was driven away. Freckles hurried into the swamp. He was a little behind, yet he could see the men.

Before he overtook them, they had turned from the west road and had entered the swamp toward the east.

They stopped at the trunk of a monstrous prostrate log. It had been cut three feet from the ground, over three-fourths of the way through, and had fallen toward the east, the body of the log still resting on the stump. The underbrush was almost impenetrable, but Duncan plunged in and with a crowbar began tapping along the trunk to decide how far it was hollow, so that they would know where to cut.

As they waited his decision, there came from the mouth of it--on wings--a large black bird that swept over their heads.

Freckles danced wildly. "It's me chickens! Oh, it's me chickens!"he shouted. "Oh, Duncan, come quick! You've found the nest of me precious chickens!"Duncan hurried to the mouth of the log, but Freckles was before him.

He crashed through poison-vines and underbrush regardless of any danger, and climbed on the stump. When Duncan came he was shouting like a wild man.

"It's hatched!" he yelled. "Oh, me big chicken has hatched out me little chicken, and there's another egg. I can see it plain, and oh, the funny little white baby! Oh, Duncan, can you see me little white chicken?"Duncan could easily see it; so could everyone else. Freckles crept into the log and tenderly carried the hissing, blinking little bird to the light in a leaf-lined hat. The men found it sufficiently wonderful to satisfy even Freckles, who had forgotten he was ever sore or stiff, and coddled over it with every blarneying term of endearment he knew.

Duncan gathered his tools. "Deal's off, boys!" he said cheerfully.

"This log mauna be touched until Freckles' chaukies have finished with it. We might as weel gang. Better put it back, Freckles.

It's just out, and it may chill. Ye will probably hae twa the morn."Freckles crept into the log and carefully deposited the baby beside the egg. When he came back, he said: "I made a big mistake not to be bringing the egg out with the baby, but I was fearing to touch it.

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    已完结,he 【事业型X冷淡女主+苏爽金手指】 秦妙言前世老实木讷了一辈子,临死前终于有机会为惨死的父母报仇。可惜天不遂人愿,她好死不死的死在了仇人前面。再睁眼却重回年少寄人篱下之时,幸好人还未嫁,仇人还在等着她。这一世她便谨慎铺路,先在家中立稳脚跟,再靠一手回春妙术治怪病救贵人撑起家族门面。所谓行到水穷处,坐看云起时。有人问恶人怎么办?秦妙言淡定表示,自然是先下手为强,毕竟人不犯我,我不杀人。简而言之,这是一个有冤报冤有仇报仇,一不小心牵扯出许多大秘密的故事。
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