
第7章 The Wreck(1)

Mary Louise and the Mermaid Princess settled themselves back comfortably in their seats and looked about them. The Iceberg Express certainly had every convenience. Of course almost everything was made of ice. But, then, so is most everything in a Pullman car made of steel. There was really very little difference except that the ice was much prettier, it was so clear and white, and the moss cushions that covered the seats were soft and springy. The crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling were resplendent with little twinkling lights, and the curtains at the ice- paned windows were made of the thinnest spun ice threads. Even the little drinking cups that were packed in a column, one within the other, at the ice water tank, were made of thin ice.

"I don't feel the least bit cold," said Mary Louise, turning with a laugh to her mermaid friend. "Do you?""Not the least bit," she replied.

"It's so different, though, from the first train we were on," continued Mary Louise. "It isn't anything like it really. Why, the first train was only an ordinary iceberg, don't you remember?""That's because we never went inside," replied the mermaid. "We didn't have the opportunity, the explosion came so soon.""That's so," agreed Mary Louise. "The only think I distinctly remember is the Polar Bear porter calling out to be careful, and then the awful explosion. After that we were in the water and there was nothing around us but cracked ice.""Dining car in the rear," announced the Polar Bear porter, walking down the isle with a menu card held gracefully in his paw. "Last call for the dining car!""Goodness!" exclaimed Mary Louise. "Let's hurry, or we won't be able to get anything to eat, and I always love to eat in a dining car."Jumping up from the seat, she and the Princess swam down the aisle, across the vestibuled platform, through the next car, and then into thediner.

There were quite a number of passengers still seated at the different little tables. A soldierly looking Penguin sat at one and a few tables beyond a motherly looking Seal with a baby boy Seal at her side was just finishing some delicious looking pink water ice.

Mary Louise and the Mermaid sat down at the nearest table and looked over the menu. It was great fun selecting what they wanted, and when they had finished their water ices they felt that they had dined most sumptuously.

They then returned to their seats and looked out of the window for a time. Strange sights met their eyes as the train rushed on. There were no telegraph poles to count, nor cows to see grazing in green meadows. Instead, however, were numerous fish swimming here and there, some of gorgeous coloring, others of white or silver hue. Hills and valleys of sand, as well as long meadows of seaweed, stretched away for miles and miles. Strange-looking sea animals crawled close to the rushing train. If they came too close the suction of the water drew them along until they disappeared beneath the car.

As darkness settled down over the quiet deep, Mary Louise turned from the window with a sigh. "I feel sleepy already," she said, "and it's only supper time!""We'll tell the porter to make up our berths," said the Mermaid Princess. He can do it while we are having our supper in the dining car."On their return they found their berth in readiness. Soft green seaweed curtains hung gracefully to the floor, one of them being drawn aside, showing a little white bed. It looked as comfortable as her own little bed at home, Mary Louise thought.

It took the two little mermaids but a few minutes to undress, and as soon as their tired heads touched the pillow they were sound asleep.

Softly the seabells are ringing away, Dipping and dripping and white with the spray, Ding-dong, and ding-dong, and ding-dong, so deep, The seabells are singing me softly to sleep.

Over and over again in her dreams little Mary Louise repeated this song.Then suddenly the bells seemed to change their tune.Theyclanged out wildly until a sudden loud crash awoke her with a start. The engine whistle was sending forth loud, warning cries. The Mermaid Princess began to tremble with fright.

"What do you suppose is the matter?" she whispered.

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    不能陪她同甘共苦,凭什么坐享其福。 以前,古锐轩总觉得放手之后,宁缘雅会更加的幸福。 后来他却发现拿着大道理全都是骗人的,他做不到。 在他的眼里,宁缘雅是真爱,孩子都是意外。某女人说“阿轩你为什么会做饭?”“因为有人说以后要找一个会做饭的老公。”某女人嘟了嘟嘴,不高兴了。“傻子,哪有人自己和自己吃醋的。”某女人开心了。……“阿雅,我们再生一个吧。”“都三个还不够吗?”“他们一点都不贴心。”“要生你自己生去。”某女人傲娇的走了,自己又不是母猪。新书《余生漫漫,你我安好》已发布,谢谢大家支持。