
第148章 Rose's Adventure (1)

If Christians would teach Infidels to be just to Christianity, they should themselves be just to infidelity.John Stuart Mill The green room was one of those rooms which show to most advantage on a winter evening; attractive and comfortable at all times, it nevertheless reached its highest degree of comfort when the dusky green curtains were drawn, when the old wainscoted walls were lighted up by the red glow from the fire, and the well-worn books on the shelves were mellowed by the soft light into a uniform and respectable brown.One November evening, when without was the thickest of London fogs, Erica was sitting at her writing table with Friskarina on her lap, and Tottie curled up at her feet, preparing for one of her science classes, when she was interrupted by the sound of a cab drawing up, speedily followed by a loud ring at the bell.

"Surely Monsieur Noirol can't have come already!" she said to herself, looking at her watch.It was just six o'clock, a whole hour before dinner time.Steps were approaching the door, however, and she was just inhospitably wishing her guest elsewhere, when to her intense amazement the servant announced "Miss Fane-Smith."She started forward with an exclamation of incredulity for it seemed absurd to think of Rose actually coming to see her in her father's house.But incredulity was no longer possible when Rose herself entered, in ulster and traveling hat, with her saucy laughing face, and her invariable content with herself and the world in general.

"Why, Erica!" she cried, kissing her on both cheeks, "I don't believe you're half properly glad to see me! Did you think it was my wraith? I assure you it's my own self in the flesh, and very cold flesh, too.What a delightful room! I'd no idea atheists'

homes were so much like other people's.You cold-hearted little cousin, why don't you welcome me?""I am very glad to see you," said Erica, kissing her again."But, Rose, what did bring you here?""A fusty old cab, a four-wheeler, a growler, don't you call them?

But, if you knew why I have come to you in this unexpected way, you would treat me like the heroine I am, and not stand there like an incarnation of prudent hesitation.I've bee treated like the man in the parable, I've fallen among thieves, and am left with my raiment, certainly, but not a farthing besides in the world.And now, of course, you'll enact the good Samaritan..""Come and get warm," said Erica, drawing a chair toward the fire, but still feeling uncomfortable at the idea of Mr.Fane-Smith's horror and dismay could he have seen his daughter's situation.

"How do you come to be in town, Rose, and where were you robbed?""Why, I was going to stay with the Alburys at Sandgale, and left home about three, but at Paddington, when I went to get my ticket, lo and behold my purse had disappeared, and I was left lamenting, like Lord Ullin in the song.""Have you any idea who took it?"

"Yes, I rather think it must have been a man on the Paddington platform who walked with a limp.I remember his pushing up against me very roughly, and I suppose that was when he took it.The porters were all horrid about it, though, I could get no one to help me, and I hadn't even the money to get my ticket.At last an old lady, who had heard of my penniless condition, advised me to go to any friends I might happen to have in London, and I bethought me of my cousin Erica.You will befriend me, won't you? For it is impossible to get to Sandgale tonight; there is no other train stopping there.""I wish I knew what was right," said Erica, looking much perplexed.

"You see, Rose, I'm afraid Mr.Fane-Smith would not like you to come here.""Oh, nonsense," said Rose, laughing."He couldn't mind in such a case as this.Why, I can't stay in the street all night.Besides, he doesn't know anything about your home, how should he?"This was true enough, but still Erica hesitated.

"Who was that white-haired patriarchal-looking man whom I met in the hall?" asked Rose."A sort of devotional quaker-kind of man."Erica laughed aloud at this description.

"That's my father!" she said; and, before she had quite recovered her gravity, Raeburn came into the room with some papers which he wanted copied.

"Father," said Erica, "this is Rose, and she has come to ask our help because her purse has been stolen at Paddington, and she is stranded in London with no money.""It sounds dreadfully like begging," said Rose, looking up into the brown eyes which seemed half kindly, half critical.

They smiled at this, and became at once only kind and hospitable.

"Not in the least," he said; "I am very glad you came to us."And then he began to ask her many practical questions about her adventure, ending by promising to put the matter at once into the hands of the police.They were just discussing the impossibility of getting to Sandgale that evening when Tom came into the room.

"Where is mother?' he asked."She has kept her cab at the door at least ten minutes; I had to give the fellow an extra sixpence.""That wasn't auntie's cab," said Erica, "she came home half an hour ago; it was Rose's cab.I hope you didn't send away her boxes?""I beg your pardon," said Tom, looking much surprised and a little amused."The boxes are safe in the hall, but I'm afraid the cab is gone beyond recall.""You see it is evidently meant that I should quarter myself upon you!" said Rose, laughing.

Upon which Raeburn, with a grave and slightly repressive courtesy, said they should be very happy if she would stay with them.

"That will make my adventure perfect!" said Rose, her eyes dancing.



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