
第8章 ACT II(2)

MESSENGER.All hail,my lords!Which of this princely train Call ye the warlike Talbot,for his acts So much applauded through the realm of France?TALBOT.Here is the Talbot;who would speak with him?MESSENGER.The virtuous lady,Countess of Auvergne,With modesty admiring thy renown,By me entreats,great lord,thou wouldst vouchsafe To visit her poor castle where she lies,That she may boast she hath beheld the man Whose glory fills the world with loud report.BURGUNDY.Is it even so?Nay,then I see our wars Will turn into a peaceful comic sport,When ladies crave to be encount'red with.You may not,my lord,despise her gentle suit.TALBOT.Ne'er trust me then;for when a world of men Could not prevail with all their oratory,Yet hath a woman's kindness overrul'd;And therefore tell her I return great thanks And in submission will attend on her.Will not your honours bear me company?BEDFORD.No,truly;'tis more than manners will;And I have heard it said unbidden guests Are often welcomest when they are gone.TALBOT.Well then,alone,since there's no remedy,I mean to prove this lady's courtesy.Come hither,Captain.[Whispers]You perceive my mind?CAPTAIN.I do,my lord,and mean accordingly.Exeunt


Enter the COUNTESS and her PORTER

COUNTESS.Porter,remember what I gave in charge;And when you have done so,bring the keys to me.PORTER.Madam,I will.COUNTESS.The plot is laid;if all things fall out right,I shall as famous be by this exploit.As Scythian Tomyris by Cyrus'death.Great is the rumour of this dreadful knight,And his achievements of no less account.Fain would mine eyes be witness with mine ears To give their censure of these rare reports.


MESSENGER.Madam,according as your ladyship desir'd,By message crav'd,so is Lord Talbot come.COUNTESS.And he is welcome.What!is this the man?MESSENGER.Madam,it is.COUNTESS.Is this the scourge of France?Is this Talbot,so much fear'd abroad That with his name the mothers still their babes?I see report is fabulous and false.I thought I should have seen some Hercules,A second Hector,for his grim aspect And large proportion of his strong-knit limbs.Alas,this is a child,a silly dwarf!It cannot be this weak and writhled shrimp Should strike such terror to his enemies.TALBOT.Madam,I have been bold to trouble you;But since your ladyship is not at leisure,I'll sort some other time to visit you.[Going]COUNTESS.What means he now?Go ask him whither he goes.MESSENGER.Stay,my Lord Talbot;for my lady craves To know the cause of your abrupt departure.TALBOT.Marry,for that she's in a wrong belief,I go to certify her Talbot's here.

Re-enter PORTER With keys

COUNTESS.If thou be he,then art thou prisoner.TALBOT.Prisoner!To whom?COUNTESS.To me,blood-thirsty lord And for that cause I train'd thee to my house.Long time thy shadow hath been thrall to me,For in my gallery thy picture hangs;But now the substance shall endure the like And I will chain these legs and arms of thine That hast by tyranny these many years Wasted our country,slain our citizens,And sent our sons and husbands captivate.TALBOT.Ha,ha,ha!COUNTESS.Laughest thou,wretch?Thy mirth shall turn to moan.TALBOT.I laugh to see your ladyship so fond To think that you have aught but Talbot's shadow Whereon to practise your severity.COUNTESS.Why,art not thou the man?TALBOT.I am indeed.COUNTESS.Then have I substance too.TALBOT.No,no,I am but shadow of myself.You are deceiv'd,my substance is not here;For what you see is but the smallest part And least proportion of humanity.I tell you,madam,were the whole frame here,It is of such a spacious lofty pitch Your roof were not sufficient to contain 't.COUNTESS.This is a riddling merchant for the nonce;He will be here,and yet he is not here.How can these contrarieties agree?TALBOT.That will I show you presently.

Winds his horn;drums strike up;a peal of ordnance.Enter soldiers How say you,madam?Are you now persuaded That Talbot is but shadow of himself?These are his substance,sinews,arms,and strength,With which he yoketh your rebellious necks,Razeth your cities,and subverts your towns,And in a moment makes them desolate.COUNTESS.Victorious Talbot!pardon my abuse.I find thou art no less than fame hath bruited,And more than may be gathered by thy shape.Let my presumption not provoke thy wrath,For I am sorry that with reverence I did not entertain thee as thou art.TALBOT.Be not dismay'd,fair lady;nor misconster The mind of Talbot as you did mistake The outward composition of his body.What you have done hath not offended me.Nor other satisfaction do I crave But only,with your patience,that we may Taste of your wine and see what cates you have,For soldiers'stomachs always serve them well.COUNTESS.With all my heart,and think me honoured To feast so great a warrior in my house.Exeunt

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