

Still, at times, he could not help wondering how the first plans had so mysteriously disappeared, and he would have given a good deal to know just how Andy got possession of them, and how he knew enough to use them.

"He, or some one whom he hired, must have gotten into our housemighty quickly that day," mused Tom, "and then skipped out while dad fell into a little doze.It was a mighty queer thing, but it's lucky it was no worse."The time was approaching for the big aviation meet.Tom's craft was in readiness, and had been given several other trials, developing more speed each time.Additional locks were put on the doors of the shed, and more burglar-alarm wires were strung, so that it was almost a physical impossibility to get into the Humming-Bird's "nest" without arousing some one in the Swift household.

"And if they do, I guess we'll be ready for them," said Tom grimly.He had been unable to find out who it was that had attempted once before to damage the monoplane, but he suspected it was the ill-favored man who was working with Andy.

As for Mr.Swift, at times he seemed quite well, and again he required the services of a physician.

"You will have to be very careful of your father, Tom," said Dr.Gladby."Any sudden shock or excitement may aggravate his malady, and in that case a serious operation will be necessary.""Oh, we'll take good care of him," said the lad; but he could not help worrying, though he tried not to let his father see the strain which he was under.

It was some days after this, and lacking about a week until the meet was to open, when a peculiar thing happened.Tom had given his Humming-Bird a tryout one day, and had then begun to make arrangements for taking it apart and shipping it to Eagle Park.For he would not fly to the meet in it, for fear of some accident.So big cases had been provided.

"I'll take it apart in the morning," decided Tom, as he went to his room, after seeing to the burglar alarm, "and ship her off.Then Mr.Damon and I will go there, set her up, and get ready to win the race."Tom had opened all the windows in his room, for it was very warm.In fact it was so warm that sleep was almost out of the question, and he got up to sit near the windows in the hope of feeling a breeze.

There it was more comfortable, and he was just dozing off, andbeginning to think of getting back into bed, when he was aware of a peculiar sound in the air overhead.

"I wonder if that's a heavy wind starting up?" he mused."Good luck, if it is! We need it." The noise increased, sounding more and more like wind, but Tom, looking out into the night, saw the leaves of the trees barely moving.

"If that's a breeze, it's taking its own time getting here," he went on.

The sound came nearer, and then Tom knew that it was not the noise of the wind in the trees.It was more like a roaring and rumbling,"Can it be distant thunder?" Tom asked himself."There is no sign of a storm." Once more he looked from the window.The night was calm and clear--the trees as still as if they were painted.

The sound was even more plain now, and Tom, who had sharp ears, at once decided that it was just over the house-- directly overhead.An instant later he knew what it was.

"The motor of an aeroplane, or a dirigible balloon!" he exclaimed."Some one is flying overhead!"For an instant he feared lest the shed had been broken into, and his Humming-Bird taken, but a glance toward the place seemed to show that it was all right.

Then Tom hastily made his way to where a flight of stairs led to a little enclosed observatory on the roof.

"I'm going to see what sort of a craft it is making that noise," he said.

As he opened the trap door, and stepped out into the little observatory the sound was so plain as to startle him.He looked up quickly, and, directly overhead he saw a curious sight.

For, flying so low as to almost brush the lightning rod on the chimney of the Swift home, was a small aeroplane, and, as Tom looked up, he saw in a light that gleamed from it, two figures looking down on him.

  • 明伦汇编交谊典师友部


  • The Gathering of Brother Hilarius

    The Gathering of Brother Hilarius

  • 金人铭


  • 少仪


  • 汉魏南北朝墓志汇编


  • 独步紫寒


  • 数字流修仙路


  • 2009中篇小说卷(中国当代文学经典必读)


    本书主要收录了2009年中篇小说卷。 当代人不能代替后人命名当代“经典”,当代人所能做的就是对过去“经典”的缅怀和回忆。这种错觉的一个直接后果就是在“经典”问题上的厚古薄今,似乎没有人敢于理直气壮地对当代文学作品进行“经典”的命名,甚至还有人认为当代人连写当代史的权利都没有。
  • 九天星辰之缥缈录


  • 主神的经营策略


  • 焦虑急救


  • 李致文存:我与川剧


  • 圣渝


  • 毒品,离我们有多远?


  • 舍利忏法

