

But it began to be evident that his delightful little office was not going to be a shrine for quiet meditation.His vanity had been pleased by the large advertisement about him, but he suddenly realized the poison that lies in printer's ink.Almost overnight, it seemed, he had been added to ten thousand mailing lists.Little Miss Whippet, although she was fast at typewriting, was hard put to it to keep up with his correspondence.She quivered eagerly over her machine, her small paws flying.New pink ribbons gleamed through her translucent summery georgette blouse.They were her flag of exultation at her surprising rise in life.She felt it was immensely important to get all these letters answered promptly.

And so did Gissing.In his new zeal, and in his innocent satisfaction at having entered the inner circle of Big Business, he insisted on answering everything.He did not realize that dictating letters is the quaint diversion of business men, and that most of them mean nothing.It is simply the easiest way of assuring yourself that you are busy.

This job was no sinecure.Old Mr.Beagle had so much affectionate confidence in Gissing that he referred almost everything to him for decision.Mr.Beagle junior, perhaps a little annoyed at the floorwalker's meteoric translation, spent the summer afternoons at golf.The infinite details of a great business crowded upon him.Inexperienced, he had not learned the ways in which seasoned "executives" protect themselves against useless intrusion.His telephone buzzed like a hornet.Not five minutes went by without callers or interruptions of some sort.

Most amazing of all, he found, was the miscellaneous passion for palaver displayed by Big Business.Immediately he was invited to join innumerable clubs, societies, merchants' associations.Every day would arrive letters, on heavily embossed paper--"The Sales Managers Club will hold a round-table discussion on Friday at one o'clock.We would greatly appreciate it if you would be with us and say a few words."-- "Will you be our guest at the monthly dinner of the Fifth Avenue Guild, and give us any preachment that is on your mind?"--"The Merchandising Uplift Group of Murray Hill will meet at the Commodore for an informal lunch.It has been suggested that you contribute to the discussion on Underwriting Overhead."--"The Executives Association plans a clambake and barbecue at the Barking Rock Country Club.Around the bonfire a few impromptu remarks on Business Cycles will be called for.May we count on you?"-- "Will you address the Convention of Knitted Bodygarment Buyers, on whatever topic is nearest your heart?"-- "Will you write for Bunion and Callous, the trade organ of the Floorwalkers' Union, a thousand-word review of your career?"-- "Will you broadcast a twenty-minute talk on Department Store Ethics, at the radio station in Newark? 250,000 radio fans will be listening in." New to the strange and high-spirited world of "executives," it was natural that Gissing did not realize that the net importance of this kind of thing was absolute zero.It did strike him as odd,perhaps, that merchants did not dare to go on a junket or plan a congenial dinner without pretending to themselves that it had some business significance.But, having been so amazingly lifted into this atmosphere of great affairs, he felt it was his duty to the store to play the game according to the established rules.He was borne along on a roaring spate of conferences, telephone calls, appointments, Rotarian lunches, Chamber of Commerce dinners, picnics to talk tariff, house-parties to discuss demurrage, tennis tournaments to settle the sales-tax, golf foursomes to regulate price-maintenance.Of all these matters he knew nothing whatever; and he also saw that as far as the business of Beagle and Company was concerned it would be better not to waste his time on such side-issues.The way he could really be of service was in the store itself, tactfully lubricating that complicated engine of goods and personalities.But he learned to utter, when called upon, a few suave generalities, barbed with a rollicking story.This made him always welcome.He was of a studious disposition, and liked to examine this queer territory of life with an unprejudiced eye.After all, his inward secret purpose had nothing to do with the success or failure of retail trade.He was still seeking a horizon that would stay blue when he reached it.

More and more he was interested to perceive how transparent the mummery of business was.He was interested to note how persistently men fled from success, how carefully most of them avoided the obvious principles of utility, honesty, prudence, and courtesy, which are inevitably rewarded.These sagacious, humorous fellows who were amusing themselves with twaddling trade apothegms and ridiculous banqueteering solemnities, surely they were aware that this had no bearing upon their own jobs? He suspected that it was all a feverish anodyne to still some inward unease.Since they must (not being fools) be aware that these antics were mere subtraction of time from their business, the obvious conclusion was, they were not happy with business.There was some strange wistfulness in the conduct of Big Business Dogs, he thought.Under the pretence of transacting affairs, they were really trying to discover something that had eluded them.

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