

"Yes," stammered Gissing, "I--in fact, I am hoping to--to enter the ministry."The Bishop was plainly amazed, and his long, aristocratic nose seemed longer than ever as he gazed keenly at his caller.

"But have you had any formal training in theology?""None, right reverend Bishop," said Gissing, "But it's this way," and, incoherently at first, but with increasing energy and copious eloquence, he poured out the story of his mental struggles.

"This is singularly interesting," said the Bishop at length."I can see that you are wholly lacking in the rudiments of divinity.Of modern exegesis and criticism you are quite innocent.But you evidently have something which is much rarer --what the Quakers call a CONCERN.Of course you should really go to the theological seminary and establish this naif intuitive mysticism upon a disciplined basis.You will realize that we churchmen can only meet modern rationalism by a rationalism of our own--by a philosophical scholarship which is unshakable.I do not suppose that you can even harmonize the Gospels?"Gissing ruefully admitted his ignorance.

"Well, at least I must make sure of a few fundamentals," said the Bishop."Of course a symbological latitude is permissible, but there are some essentials of dogma and creed that may not be foregone."He subjected the candidate to a rapid catechism.Gissing, in a state of mind curiously mingled of excitement and awe, found himself assenting to much that, in a calmer moment, he would hardly have admitted; but having plunged so deep into the affair he felt it would be the height of discourtesy to give negative answers to any of the Bishop's queries.By dint of hasty mental adjustments and symbolic interpretations, he satisfied his conscience.

"It is very irregular," the Bishop admitted, "but I must confess that your case interests me greatly.Of course I cannot admit you to ordination until you have passed through the regular theological curriculum.Yet I find you singularly apt for one without proper training."He brooded a while, fixing the candidate with a clear darkly burning eye.

"It struck me that you were a trifle vague upon some of the Articles of Religion, and the Table of Kindred and Affinity.You must remember that these articles are not to be subjected to your own sense or comment, but must be taken in the literal and grammatical meaning.However, you showoutward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace.It so happens that I know of a small chapel, in the country, that has been closed for lack of a minister.I can put you in charge there as lay reader."Gissing's face showed his elation."And wear a cassock?" he cried.

"Certainly not," said the Bishop sternly."Not even a surplice.You must remember you have not been ordained.If you are serious in your zeal, you must work your way up gradually, beginning at the bottom.""I have seen some of your cloth with a little purple dickey which looks very well in the aperture of the waistcoat," said Gissing humbly."How long would it take me to work up to that?"Bishop Borzoi, who had a sense of humour, laughed genially.

"Look here," he said."It's a fine afternoon: I'll order my car and we'll drive out to Dalmatian Heights.I'll show you your chapel, and tell you exactly what your duties will be."Gissing was startled.Dalmatian Heights was only a few miles from the Canine Estates.If the news should reach Mr.Poodle...

"Sir Bishop," he said nervously, "I begin to fear that perhaps after all I am unworthy.Now about those Articles of Religion: I may perhaps have given some of them a conjectural and commentating assent.Possibly I have presumed too far--"The Bishop was already looking forward to a ride into the country with his unusual novice.

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