

"You've no right to turn me off in a minute like this!" she burst forth.

"I'll leave it to Madam Weatherstone!"

"If you will look at the terms on which I engaged you, Mrs.Halsey, you will find that a month's warning, or a month's wages, was specified.

Here are the wages--as to the warning, that has been given for some months past!""By whom, Ma'am?"

"By yourself, Mrs.Halsey--I think you understand me.Oscar will take your things as soon as they are ready."Mrs.Halsey met her steady eye a moment--saw more than she cared to face--and left the room.

She took care, however, to carry some letters to Madam Weatherstone, and meekly announced her discharge; also, by some coincidence, she met Mr.

Matthew in the hall upstairs, and weepingly confided her grievance to him, meeting immediate consolation, both sentimental and practical.

When hurried servants were sent to find their young mistress they reported that she must have gone out, and in truth she had; out on her own roof, where she sat quite still, though shivering a little now and then from the new excitement, until dinner time.

This meal, in the mind of Madam Weatherstone, was the crowning factor of daily life; and, on state occasions, of social life.In her cosmogony the central sun was a round mahogany table; all other details of housekeeping revolved about it in varying orbits.To serve an endless series of dignified delicious meals, notably dinners, was, in her eyes, the chief end of woman; the most high purpose of the home.

Therefore, though angry and astounded, she appeared promptly when the meal was announced; and when her daughter-in-law, serene and royally attired, took her place as usual, no emotion was allowed to appear before the purple footman who attended.

"I understood you were out, Viva," she said politely.

"I was," replied Viva, with equal decorum."It is charming outside at this time in the evening--don't you think so?"Young Matthew was gloomy and irritable throughout the length and breadth of the meal; and when they were left with their coffee in the drawing room, he broke out, "What's this I hear about Mrs.Halsey being fired without notice?""That is what I wish to know, Viva," said the grandmother."The poor woman is greatly distressed.Is there not some mistake?""It's a damn shame," said Matthew.

The younger lady glanced from one to the other, and wondered to see how little she minded it."The door was there all the time!" she thought to herself, as she looked her stepson in the eye and said, "Hardly drawing-room language, Matthew.Your grandmother is present!"He stared at her in dumb amazement, so she went on, "No, there is no mistake at all.I discharged Mrs.Halsey about an hour before dinner.

The terms of the engagement were a month's warning or a month's wages.

I gave her the wages."

"But! but!" Madam Weatherstone was genuinely confused by this sudden inexplicable, yet perfectly polite piece of what she still felt to be in the nature of 'interference' and 'presumption.' "I have had no fault to find with her.""I have, you see," said her daughter-in-law smiling."I found her unsatisfactory and shall replace her with something better presently.

How about a little music, Matthew? Won't you start the victrolla?"Matthew wouldn't.He was going out; went out with the word.Madam Weatherstone didn't wish to hear it--had a headache--must go to her room--went to her room forthwith.There was a tension in the athmosphere that would have wrung tears from Viva Weatherstone a week ago, yes, twenty-four hours ago.

As it was she rose to her feet, stretching herself to her full height, and walked the length of the great empty room.She even laughed a little."It's open!" said she, and ordered the car.While waiting for it she chatted with Mrs.Porne awhile over the all-convenient telephone.

Diantha sat at her window, watching the big soft, brilliant moon behind the eucalyptus trees.After the close of the strenuous meeting, she had withdrawn from the crowd of excited women anxious to shake her hand and engage her on the spot, had asked time to consider a number of good opportunities offered, and had survived the cold and angry glances of the now smaller but far more united Home and Culture Club.She declined to talk to the reporters, and took refuge first in an open car.This proved very unsatisfactory, owing to her sudden prominence.Two persistent newspaper men swung themselves upon the car also and insisted on addressing her.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," she said, "I am not acquainted with you."They eagerly produced their cards--and said they were "newspaper men.""I see," said Diantha, "But you are still men? And gentlemen, Isuppose? I am a woman, and I do not wish to talk with you.""Miss Bell Declines to Be Interviewed," wrote the reporters, and spent themselves on her personal appearance, being favorably impressed thereby.

But Miss Bell got off at the next corner and took a short cut to the house where she had rented a room.Reporters were waiting there, two being women.

Diantha politely but firmly declined to see them and started for the stairs; but they merely stood in front of her and asked questions.The girl's blood surged to her cheeks; she smiled grimly, kept absolute silence, brushed through them and went swiftly to her room, locking the door after her.

The reporters described her appearance--unfavorably this time; and they described the house--also unfavorably.They said that "A group of adoring-eyed young men stood about the doorway as the flushed heroine of the afternoon made her brusque entrance." These adorers consisted of the landlady's Johnny, aged thirteen, and two satellites of his, still younger.They _did_ look at Diantha admiringly; and she _was_ a little hurried in her entrance--truth must be maintained.

  • The Muse of the Department

    The Muse of the Department

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    The Consul

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  • 雌雉啼


    吕雉,字娥姁,她是中国历史第一位皇后,史称汉高后,终年六十二岁,与汉高祖刘邦合葬长陵。 吕雉,生于公元前241年,于公元前180年8月1日病逝,是秦始皇统一中国实行皇帝制度后第一个临朝称制的女性,开启了汉代外戚专权的先河,权势滔天,当时无人敢有违逆。后来,吕雉被司马迁列入记录帝王政事的本纪,后来班固作汉书仍然沿用。汉高后吕雉,至今仍以狠毒冷血著称,可谓中国历史上第一毒妇(按时间排名),听闻人彘事件后的惊心后怕,远胜于她的功绩传颂,而她,更是残害儿女的另一加害者,以及婚配外孙女张嫣于其子刘盈,以及后来饿死亲孙。如此毒妇,生于温馨之家,长于富贵安乐,本是温婉贤淑之闺秀,也曾善良如孩童,婚后又是出了名的贤妻良母。纵观吕雉前半生,无论为妻为母,可谓完美模范,当她面对诸次不公,为了守护儿女更为守护自己,时光磨灭善良,她也曾是受害者,使其成为加害人,力量更使其膨胀,似乎遗忘初衷,专断狠毒迫害多人,反遭其害,终成一个人的孤苦,遗憾是有,不知她是否是悔恨离世。
  • 嫡女惊华


  • 中国历代通俗演义:唐史演义(下)


    本书讲述从“第五十一回 失潼关哥舒翰丧师 驻马嵬杨贵妃殒命”到“第一百回 徒乘舆朱全忠行弑 移国祚昭宣帝亡唐”的历史。安史乱起,唐玄宗仓皇西走之事,历述唐朝由盛转衰直至朱温篡唐之后续诸事件,重点交代了大唐王朝衰亡之三大历史教训中的阉祸(即宦官擅政,挟制天子)与藩镇祸(即军阀混战,割据一方,终于篡夺中央政权)。大唐盛世终至灭亡,从根本问题上解决起来,实自宫闱淫乱,造成种种恶果……
  • 二隐谧禅师语录

