

I could scarcely refrain from smiling at this antipathy to the poor fellow; who was a well-made, athletic youth, good-looking in features, and stout and healthy, but attired in garments befitting his daily occupations of working on the farm, and lounging among the moors after rabbits and game.Still, I thought I could detect in his physiognomy a mind owning better qualities than his father ever possessed.Good things lost amid a wilderness of weeds, to be sure, whose rankness far overtopped their neglected growth; yet, notwithstanding, evidence of a wealthy soil, that might yield luxuriant crops under other and favourable circumstances.Mr Heathcliff, I believe, had not treated him physically ill, thanks to his fearless nature, which offered no temptation to that course of oppression:

it had none of the timid susceptibility that would have given zest to ill-treatment, in Heathcliff's judgment.He appeared to have bent his malevolence on making him a brute: he was never taught to read or write; never rebuked for any bad habit which did not annoy his keeper; never led a single step towards virtue, or guarded by a single precept against vice.And from what I heard, Joseph contributed much to his deterioration, by a narrow-minded partiality which prompted him to flatter and pet him, as a boy, because he was the head of the old family.And as he had been in the habit of accusing Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, when children, of putting the master past his patience, and compelling him to seek solace in drink by what he termed their `offalld ways', so at present he laid the whole burden of Hareton's faults on the shoulders of the usurper of his property.If the lad swore, he wouldn't correct him: nor however culpably he behaved.It gave Joseph satisfaction, apparently, to watch him go the worst lengths: he allowed that he was ruined: that his soul was abandoned to perdition; but then, he reflected that Heathcliff must answer for it.Hareton's blood would be required at his hands; and there lay immense consolation in that thought.

Joseph had instilled into him a pride of name, and of his lineage; he would, had he dared, have fostered hate between him and the present owner of the Heights: but his dread of that owner amounted to superstition; and he confined his feelings regarding him to muttered innuendoes and private comminations.

I don't pretend to be intimately acquainted with the mode of living customary in those days at Wuthering Heights: I only speak from hearsay; for I saw little.The villagers affirmed Mr Heathcliff was near , and a cruel hard landlord to his tenants; but the house, inside, had regained its ancient aspect of comfort under female management, and the scenes of riot common in Hindley's time were not now enacted within its walls.The master was too gloomy to seek companionship with any people, good or bad; and he is yet.

This, however, is not making progress with my story.Miss Cathy rejected the peace offering of the terrier, and demanded her own dogs, Charlie and Phoenix.They came limping, and hanging their heads; and we set out for home, sadly out of sorts, every one of us.I could not wring from my little lady how she had spent the day; except that, as I supposed, the goal of her pilgrimage was Penistone Crags; and she arrived without adventure to the gate of the farmhouse, when Hareton happened to issue forth, attended by some canine followers, who attacked her train.They had a smart battle, before their owners could separate them: that ormed an introduction.Catherine told Hareton who she was, nd where she was going;and asked him to show her the way: finally, beguiling him to accompany her.He opened the mysteries of the Fairy Cave, and twenty other queer places.But, being in disgrace, I was not favoured with a description of the interesting objects she saw.I could gather, however, that her guide had been a favourite till she hurt his feelings by addressing him as a servant; and Heathcliffs housekeeper hurt hers by calling him her cousin.

Then the language he had held to her rankled in her heart; she who was always `love', and `darling', and `queen', and `angel', with everybody at the Grange, to be insulted so shockingly by a stranger! She did not comprehend it; and hard work I had to obtain a promise that she would not lay the grievance before her father.I explained how he objected to the whole household at the Heights, and how sorry he would be to find she had been there; but I insisted most on the fact, that if she revealed my negligence of his orders, he would perhaps be so angry, that I should have to leave;and Cathy couldn't bear that prospect: she pledged her word, and kept it, for my sake.After all, she was a sweet little girl.

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  • 触不到的彼岸


    有人说这是文艺青年的笔触,有人说这是吊丝男的自述,还有人说这是无所事事者的自虐意淫…… 捉摸不透漂浮不定的肖晴青,潇洒玩世的吴萧,乐观搞笑的朱志卓,冷面寡言的余露,顽固现实的付红敏,还有在这些人中间无法摆脱牵绊的“我”……千千结是否能解开?如果可以,那么又将如何解开?彼此牵绊的人又将何去何从?彼岸的故事为您悠然铺陈。 —————————— 上架+推荐,第一本用心叙述的故事。 订阅、收藏、推荐各种求!各位父老乡亲,有票的只管砸过来,飞翔的笨蛋郑重承诺:砸伤了绝不索赔!感谢您的支持!