

THE NEWS of the fight between the sheriff's posse and the band at Lynch's Creek was telegraphed to the Richmond papers by their local agent upon the day after it occurred.The report said that Captain Wingfield, a young officer who had frequently distinguished himself, had followed the traces of a gang, one of whom was a notorious criminal who had evaded the pursuit of the law and escaped from that section fifteen years ago, and had, under an assumed name, been acting as overseer at Mrs.

Wingfleld's estate of the Orangery.These men had carried off a negress belonging to Mrs.Wingfleld, and had taken her down South.Captain Wingfleld, having obtained the asistance of the sheriff with a posse of determined men, rode to the place which served as headquarters for the gang.Upon being summoned to surrender the men opened a fire upon the sheriff and his posse.Asharp fight ensued, in which the sheriff was killed and one of his men wounded; while the four members of the gang were either killed or taken prisoners.It was reported that a person occupying a position as a planter in the neighborhood of Richmond is connected with this gang.

The reporter had obtained his news from Vincent, who had purposely refrained from mentioning the names of those who had fallen.He had already had a conversation with the wounded prisoner.The latter had declared that he had simply acted in the affair as he had been paid to do by the man ho knew in Richmond as Pearson, who told him that he wanted him to aid in carrying off a slave woman, who was really his property, but had been fraudulently taken from him.He had heard him say that there was another interested in the affair, who had his own reasons for getting the woman out of the way, and had paid handsomely for the job.Who that other was Pearson had never mentioned.

Vincent saw that he had no absolute evidence against Jackson, and therefore purposely suppressed the fact that Pearson was among the killed in hopes that the paragraph would so alarm Jackson that he would at once decamp.His anticipations were entirely justified;for upon the day of his return to Richmond he saw a notice in the paper that the Cedars, with its field hands, houses, and all belonging to it, was for sale.He proceeded at once to the estate agent, and learned from him that Jackson had come in two days before and had informed him that sudden and important business had called him away, and that he was starting at once for New York, where his presence was urgently required, and that he should attempt to get through the lines immediately.He had asked him what he thought the property and slaves would fetch.Being acquainted with the estate, he had given him a rough estimate, and had, upon Jackson's giving him full power to sell, advanced him two.thirds of the sum.Jackson had apparently started at once;indeed, he had told him that he should take the next train as far North as he could get.

Vincent received the news with great satisfaction.He had little doubt that Jackson had really made down to the South, and that he would try to cross the lines there, his statement that he intended to go direct North being merely intended to throw his pursuers off his track should a warrant be issued against him.However, it mattered little which way Jackson had gone, so that he had left the State.

There was little chance of his ever returning; for even when he learned that his confederate in the business had been killed in the fight, he could not be certain that the prisoner who had been taken was not aware of the share he had in the business.

A fortnight later Vincent went down into Georgia and brought back Lucy Kingston for a visit to his mother.She had already received a letter from her father in reply to one she had written after reaching her aunt's protection, saying how delighted he was to hear that she had crossed the lines, for that he had suffered the greatest anxiety concerning her, and had continually reproached himself for not sending her away sooner.He said that he was much pleased with her engagement to Captain Wingfield, whom he did not know personally, but of whom he heard the most favorable reports from various Virginian gentlemen to whom he had spoken since the receipt of her letter.

Lucy remained at Richmond until the beginning of March, when Vincent took her home to Georgia again, and a week after his return rejoined the army on the Rappahaunock.Every effort had been made by the Confederate authorities to raise the army of General Lee to a point that would enable him to cope with the tremendous force the enemy were collecting for the ensuing campaign.The drain of men was now telling terribly, and Lee had at the utmost 40,000 to oppose the 160,000 collected under General Hooker.

The first fight of the campaign had already taken place when Vincent rejoined the army.A body of 3,000 Federal cavalry had crossed the river on the 17th of March at Kelley's Ford, but had been met by General Fitz Lee with about 800 cavalry, and after a long and stubborn conflict had been driven back with heavy loss across the river.It was not until the middle of April that the enemy began to move in earnest.Every ford was watched by Stuart's cavalry, and the frequent attempts made by the Federal horse to push across to obtain information were always defeated.

On the 27th of April General Hooker's preparations were complete.

  • 黄箓九幽醮无碍夜斋次第仪


  • A Fragment on Government

    A Fragment on Government

  • The Ebb-Tide

    The Ebb-Tide

  • 犍稚梵赞


  • 冥祥记


  • 凤凰女苏晓晓的美丽人生


  • 我的世界之空岛历险记


  • 诸天欧神系统


  • 双剑法师


  • 雪鸿泪史


  • 玟羽秦凰


  • 我有一座龙巢


  • 暗恋成立指南


  • 怀安策


    人生不过黄粱大梦一场,一壶烈酒,往事皆云烟,烟消云散。世人深感皇恩浩荡,唯独定北侯府四小姐愚蠢至极,殊不知,一切不过是她以身设法营造的假象罢了,所谋不过远离皇城,江湖一场。昭国二十四年。 江辞堪堪十二岁,失了至亲,亦失了傲骨,敛去一身锋芒,藏身于峡谷之中,不再背负那些沉重的枷锁,也忘却了过往的血色猩红,不悲不喜是她,随遇而安也是她。 昭国二十七年肇秋,天下形势大乱。 江辞年十五,携一世风华缓步归来,乱世风云之中,一袭白衣祸世,言笑晏晏,似不食人间烟火,犹如过境穿堂风。再后来。 世人皆道,定北侯府四小姐生性淡漠,可无人知那平静如水的眸子里也曾万丈光芒,更无人知她无双风华的背后也曾跌落尘埃。沐云起:我年少时承蒙一人所救,那人是位娇小的姑娘,一袭白衣,逆光而来,笑起来尤其好看。 季慎行:我心悦一人,筹谋半身,想给她最好的。 这一生如亘古长夜,直到你出现,才算破晓。
  • 命世星主

