

"I don't quite understand this," I said."In what way?"He unbent a little and explained without too much scorn that Captain Harry being dead, his half of the insurance money went to his wife, and her trustees of course bought consols with it.

Enough to keep her comfortable.George Dunbar's half, as Cloete feared from the first, did not prove sufficient to launch the medicine well; other moneyed men stepped in, and these two had to go out of that business, pretty nearly shorn of everything.

"I am curious," I said, "to learn what the motive force of this tragic affair was - I mean the patent medicine.Do you know?"He named it, and I whistled respectfully.Nothing less than Parker's Lively Lumbago Pills.Enormous property! You know it;all the world knows it.Every second man, at least, on this globe of ours has tried it.

"Why!" I cried, "they missed an immense fortune.""Yes," he mumbled, "by the price of a revolver-shot."He told me also that eventually Cloete returned to the States, passenger in a cargo-boat from Albert Dock.The night before he sailed he met him wandering about the quays, and took him home for a drink."Funny chap, Cloete.We sat all night drinking grogs, till it was time for him to go on board."It was then that Cloete, unembittered but weary, told him this story, with that utterly unconscious frankness of a patent-medicine man stranger to all moral standards.Cloete concluded by remarking that he, had "had enough of the old country." George Dunbar had turned on him, too, in the end.Cloete was clearly somewhat disillusioned.

As to Stafford, he died, professed loafer, in some East End hospital or other, and on his last day clamoured "for a parson,"because his conscience worried him for killing an innocent man.

"Wanted somebody to tell him it was all right," growled my old ruffian, contemptuously."He told the parson that I knew this Cloete who had tried to murder him, and so the parson (he worked among the dock labourers) once spoke to me about it.That skunk of a fellow finding himself trapped yelled for mercy...Promised to be good and so on...Then he went crazy...screamed and threw himself about, beat his head against the bulkheads...you can guess all that - eh?...till he was exhausted.Gave up.Threw himself down, shut his eyes, and wanted to pray.So he says.

Tried to think of some prayer for a quick death - he was that terrified.Thought that if he had a knife or something he would cut his throat, and be done with it.Then he thinks: No! Would try to cut away the wood about the lock...He had no knife in his pocket...he was weeping and calling on God to send him a tool of some kind when suddenly he thinks: Axe! In most ships there is a spare emergency axe kept in the master's room in some locker or other...Up he jumps...Pitch dark."Pulls at the drawers to find matches and, groping for them, the first thing he comes upon -Captain Harry's revolver.Loaded too.He goes perfectly quiet all over.Can shoot the lock to pieces.See? Saved! God's providence! There are boxes of matches too.Thinks he: I may just as well see what I am about.

"Strikes a light and sees the little canvas bag tucked away at the back of the drawer.Knew at once what that was.Rams it into his pocket quick.Aha! says he to himself: this requires more light.

So he pitches a lot of paper on the floor, set fire to it, and starts in a hurry rummaging for more valuables.Did you ever? He told that East-End parson that the devil tempted him.First God's mercy - then devil's work.Turn and turn about...

"Any squirming skunk can talk like that.He was so busy with the drawers that the first thing he heard was a shout, Great Heavens.

He looks up and there was the door open (Cloete had left the key in the lock) and Captain Harry holding on, well above him, very fierce in the light of the burning papers.His eyes were starting out of his head.Thieving, he thunders at him.A sailor! An officer!

No! A wretch like you deserves no better than to be left here to drown.

"This Stafford - on his death-bed - told the parson that when he heard these words he went crazy again.He snatched his hand with the revolver in it out of the drawer, and fired without aiming.

Captain Harry fell right in with a crash like a stone on top of the burning papers, putting the blaze out.All dark.Not a sound.He listened for a bit then dropped the revolver and scrambled out on deck like mad."The old fellow struck the table with his ponderous fist.

"What makes me sick is to hear these silly boat-men telling people the captain committed suicide.Pah! Captain Harry was a man that could face his Maker any time up there, and here below, too.He wasn't the sort to slink out of life.Not he! He was a good man down to the ground.He gave me my first job as stevedore only three days after I got married."As the vindication of Captain Harry from the charge of suicide seemed to be his only object, I did not thank him very effusively for his material.And then it was not worth many thanks in any case.

For it is too startling even to think of such things happening in our respectable Channel in full view, so to speak, of the luxurious continental traffic to Switzerland and Monte Carlo.This story to be acceptable should have been transposed to somewhere in the South Seas.But it would have been too much trouble to cook it for the consumption of magazine readers.So here it is raw, so to speak -just as it was told to me - but unfortunately robbed of the striking effect of the narrator; the most imposing old ruffian that ever followed the unromantic trade of master stevedore in the port of London.



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    我们生活在一个看似和平的世界,但是一些隐藏着的病菌病毒伺机潜伏寻找攻击的时机。Ps:狐先我脑洞奇大但胆小特小,所以波拉计划只悬疑不惊悚;千万不要睡前看,不会做噩梦可能会失眠。 狐先的文就一个宗旨:之所以会有阴影,是因为阳光在身后。 听不懂我在说啥?看完故事就懂了……
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    低调做人 高调做事

    低调做人,高调做事,是一门做人的学问,也是一门做事的艺术。它需要日常的积累,需要生活的历练,需要我们在生活中认真揣摩、细心领悟。学会做人做事,我们才能在做人上少遇摩擦,在做事上少有挫折,最终让我们面前呈现出广阔天地,成就完美事业。 龙少云编著的《低调做人高调做事》将低调做人、高调做事的细节一一呈现。《低调做人高调做事》取材于我们熟悉的生活,通过生动有趣的实例和简洁的分析,将做人做事的智慧加以系统总结以供你参考;《低调做人高调做事》语言平实、活泼,娓娓道来又无哗众取宠之意,目的是启迪你的智慧,让你在烦躁的生活中顿悟人生之道。
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