

"These yere two high-rollin' bucks I speaks of, who's strugglin' for the social soopremacy, is in the midst of them strifes while I'm visitin' Florer.It's some two moons prior when one of 'em, which we'll call him the 'Astor Injun,' takes a heavy fall out of the opp'sition by goin' over to Cherryvale an' buyin' a sooperannuated two-seat Rockaway buggy.To this he hooks up a span of ponies, loads in his squaws, an' p'rades 'round from Pawhusky to Greyhoss--the same bein' a couple of Osage camps--an' tharby redooces the enemy--what we'll name the 'Vanderbilt Injuns'--to desp'ration.The Astor savage shorely has the call with that Rockaway.

"But the Vanderbilt Osage is a heap hard to down.He takes one look at the Astor Injun's Rockaway with all its blindin' splendors, an'

then goes streakin' it for Cherryvale, like a drunkard to a barbecue.An' he sees the Rockaway an' goes it several better.What do you-all reckon now that savage equips himse'f with? He wins out a hearse, a good big black roomy hearse, with ploomes onto it an'

glass winders in the sides.

"As soon as ever this Vanderbilt Injun stiffens his hand with the hearse, he comes troopin' back to camp with it, himse'f on the box drivin', an' puttin' on enough of lordly dog to make a pack of hounds.Which he shorely squelches the Astors; they jest simply lay down an' wept at sech grandeur.Their Rockaway ain't one, two, three,--ain't in the money.

"An' every day the Vanderbilt Injun would load his squaws an'

papooses inside the hearse, an' thar, wropped in their blankets an'

squattin' on the floor of the hearse for seats, they would be lookin' out o' the winders at common savages who ain't in it an'

don't have no hearse.Meanwhiles, the buck Vanderbilt is drivin' the outfit all over an' 'round the cantonments, the entire bunch as sassy an' as flippant as a coop o' catbirds.It's all the Astors can do to keep from goin' plumb locoed.The Vanderbilts win.

"One mornin', when Florer an' me has jest run our brands onto the fourth drink, an old buck comes trailin' into the store.His blanket is pulled over his head, an' he's pantin' an' givin' it out he's powerful ill.

"'How is my father?' says Johnny in Osage.

"'Oh, my son,' says the Injun, placin' one hand on his stomach, an'

all mighty tender, 'your father is plenty sick.Your father gets up this mornin', an' his heart is very bad.You must give him medicine or your father will die.'

"Johnny passes the invalid a cinnamon stick an' exhorts him to chew on that, which he does prompt an' satisfactory, like cattle on their cud.This cinnamon keeps him steady for 'most five minutes.

"'Whatever is the matter with this savage?' I asks of Johnny.

"'Nothin' partic'lar,' says Johnny.'Last night he comes pushin' in yere an' buys a bottle of Worcestershire sauce; an' then he gets gaudy an' quaffs it all up on a theery she's a new-fangled fire water.He gets away with the entire bottle.It's now he realizes them errors, an' takes to groanin' an' allowin' it gives him a bad heart.Which I should shorely admit as much!'

"'Your father is worse,' says the Osage, as he comes cuttin' in on Johnny ag'in.'Must have stronger medicine.That medicine,' holdin'

up some of the cinnamon, 'that not bad enough.'

"At this, Johnny passes his 'father' over a double handful of black pepper before it's ground.

"'Let my father get away with that,' says Johnny, 'an' he'll feel like a bird.It will make him gay an' full of p'isen, like a rattlesnake in August.'

"Out to the r'ar of Johnny's store is piled up onder a shed more'n two thousand boxes of axle grease.It was sent into the nation consigned to Johnny by some ill-advised sports in New York, who figgers that because the Osages as a tribe abounds in wagons, thar must shorely be a market for axle grease.That's where them New York persons misses the ford a lot.Them savages has wagons, troo; but they no more thinks of greasin' them axles than paintin' the runnin'

  • 道门语要


  • The Heritage of the Desert

    The Heritage of the Desert

  • 上清黄庭养神经


  • 元始上真众仙记 枕中书

    元始上真众仙记 枕中书

  • 黄帝阴符经注


  • 全民学武道


  • 快穿之老婆最大


  • 这个夏朝有寒流


  • 潜力影后孕妈也是宝


  • 魅影(外二篇)


  • 新收一切藏经音义


  • 获得主角能力的我只想过平凡生活


  • 被凉


  • 重生娇妻很嚣张


  • 妖后:皇上求您别宠了


    【指路瓜某人新书《恭喜公主这个驸马敲萌哒》直男长公主x相府大小姐,搞笑甜宠文(非女尊)】 【1v1双洁】“看着朕的眼睛说话,是不是又拿朕的玉玺砸核桃吃了?”“没有,皇上您想多了。”某女嘴角挂着核桃渣手拿玉玺将头转向一旁。……一朝穿越当妖后这事,原不是她本意,本想放飞自我做个无拘无束的无良少女,却偏偏阴差阳错跟着皇帝夫君成就一番大事业。妖后妖后,不能因为她本身是只猫妖就这么叫她吧!摔!好生气,可是又能怎么办,只好天天捉弄皇上了。……“朕再问你一遍,这些奏折都经历了什么?”“爪子痒……忍不住都撕了……”某女变回原形晃着自己的小猫爪。