


"Who are you?Who is trailing me?Is that you, LeGrand?"The challenge came sharply out of the darkness, and Colonel Ashley, who had been following Morocco Kate, plodding along through the sand, stumbling over the hillocks of sedge grass, halted.

"Who's there?" was the insistent demand."I know some one is following me.Is it you, LeGrand Blossom? Have you - have you - "The voice died out in a choking sob."She's gamer than I thought," mused the detective."And, strange as it may seem, I believe she cares." Then he answered, almost as gently as to a grieving child:

"It is not LeGrand Blossom.But it is a friend of his, and I want to be a friend to you.Wait a moment."Then, as he came close to her side and flashed on his face a gleam from an electric torch he always carried, she started back, and cried:

"Colonel Ashley! Heavens!"

"Exactly!" he chuckled."You didn't expect to see me here, did you? Well, it's all right.""Then you're not after me for - " She gasped and could not go on."That last deal was straight.I'm not the one you want.""Don't get Spotty's habit, and throw up your hands just because you see me, Kate," went on the colonel soothingly."I'm not after you professionally this time.In fact, if things turn out the way I want, I may shut my eyes to one or two little phases of your - er - let us call it career.I may ignore one or two little things that, under other circumstances, might need explaining.""You mean you want me for a stool pigeon?" "Something like that, yes.""And suppose I refuse?"

"That's up to you, Kate.I may be able to get along without you - I don't say I can, but I may.However it would mean harder work and a delay, and I don't mind, seeing it's you, saying that I'd like to get back tomy fishing.So if you'll come to reason, and tell me what I want to know, it will help you and - Blossom.""Blossom!" she gasped."Then you know - ""I may as well tell you that I was back there - a while ago," and the colonel nodded vaguely to the splotch of blackness from whence Morocco Kate had rushed with that despairing cry on her lips.

"I'm a friend of LeGrand Blossom's - at least, I am now since I overheard what he had to say to you and Miss Webb," went on the detective."Now then, if you'll tell me what I want to know, I'll help him to come across - clean, and I'll help you to the extent I mentioned."Morocco Kate seemed to be considering as she stood in the darkness.Then a long sigh came from her lips, and it was as though she had come to the end of everything.

"I'll tell," she said simply."What do you want to know? But first, let me say I didn't no more have an idea that Sport Carwell was going to die than you haveDo you believe that?" she asked fiercely.

"I believe you, Kate.Now let's get down to brass tacks.Who is Jean Carnot, and where can I find him?""Oh!" she murmured."You want him?" "Very much, I think.Don't you?""Yes, I do! I - I would like to tear out his eyes! I'd like to - ""Now, Kate, be nice! No use losing your temper.That's got you into trouble more than once.Try to play the lady - you can do it when you have to.Calling names isn't going to get us anywhere.Just tell me where I can find your former husband - or the one you thought was your husband - Jean Carnot.""You're right, Colonel Ashley, I did think him my husband," said Morocco Kate simply."And when I found out he had tricked me by a false marriage, and wouldn't make it good - well, I just went to the devil and hell - that's all.""I know it, Kate, and I appreciate your position.I'm not throwing any stones at you.I've seen enough of life to know that none of us can do that with impunity.Now tell me all you can.And I'll say this - that after this is all over, if you want to try and do as Blossom is going to do -come through clean - I'll help you to the best of my ability." "Will you, Colonel?" the big blonde woman asked eagerly."I will - and here's my hand on it!"He reached out in the darkness, but there was no answering clasp.The woman seemed to shrink away.And then she said:

"I don't believe it would be of any use.I guess I'm too far down to crawl up.But I'll help you all I can.""Don't give up, Kate!" said the detective gently."I've seen lots worse than you - you notice I'm not mincing words - I've seen lots worse than you start over again.All I'll say is that I'll give you the chance if you want it.There's nothing in this life you're leading.You know the end and the answer as well as I do.You've seen it many a time.""God help me - I have!" she murmured."Well, I - I'll think about it." "And, meanwhile, tell me about this Jean Carnot," went on the colonel.

"You were married to him?" "I thought I was.""What sort of man was he? Come, sit down on this sand dune and tell me all about it.I think I want that man.""No more than I do," she said fiercely."He left me as he would an old coat he couldn't use any more! He cast me aside, trampled on me, left me like a sick dog! Oh, God - "For a moment she could not go on.But she calmed herself and resumed.Then, by degrees, she told the whole, sordid story.It was common enough - the colonel had listened to many like it before.And when it was finished, brokenly and in tears, he put forth his hand on the shoulder of Morocco Kate and said:

"Now, Kate, let's get down to business.Are you willing to help me finish this up?""I'll do all I can, Colonel Ashley.But I don't see how we're going to find this devil of a Jean.""Leave that to me.Now where can I find you when I want you - in a hurry, mind.I may want you in a great hurry.Where can I find you?""I'm stopping in the village.I'll arrange to be within call for the next few days.Will it take long?""No, not very.If I can I'll clean it all up tomorrow.Things are beginning to clear up.And now allow me the pleasure of walking back to town with you.It's getting late and beginning to rain.I have an umbrella, and you haven't."And through the rain which began to fall, as though it might wash away some of the sordid sin that had been told of in the darkness, the strangely different couple walked through the dark night, Morocco Kate as an ally of Colonel Ashley.

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