


I don't know how it was that in the course of the next six months Mr.Roundhand, the actuary, who had been such a profound admirer of Mr.Brough and the West Diddlesex Association, suddenly quarrelled with both, and taking his money out of the concern, he disposed of his 5,000L.worth of shares to a pretty good profit, and went away, speaking everything that was evil both of the Company and the Director.

Mr.Highmore now became secretary and actuary, Mr.Abednego was first clerk, and your humble servant was second in the office at a salary of 250L.a year.How unfounded were Mr.Roundhand's aspersions of the West Diddlesex appeared quite clearly at our meeting in January, 1823, when our Chief Director, in one of the most brilliant speeches ever heard, declared that the half-yearly dividend was 4L.per cent., at the rate of 8L.per cent.per annum; and I sent to my aunt 120L.sterling as the amount of the interest of the stock in my name.

My excellent aunt, Mrs.Hoggarty, delighted beyond measure, sent me back 10L.for my own pocket, and asked me if she had not better sell Slopperton and Squashtail, and invest all her money in this admirable concern.

On this point I could not surely do better than ask the opinion of Mr.Brough.Mr.B.told me that shares could not be had but at a premium; but on my representing that I knew of 5,000L.worth in the market at par, he said--"Well, if so, he would like a fair price for his, and would not mind disposing of 5,000L.worth, as he had rather a glut of West Diddlesex shares, and his other concerns wanted feeding with ready money." At the end of our conversation, of which I promised to report the purport to Mrs.Hoggarty, the Director was so kind as to say that he had determined on creating a place of private secretary to the Managing Director, and that I should hold that office with an additional salary of 150L.

I had 250L.a year, Miss Smith had 70L.per annum to her fortune.

What had I said should be my line of conduct whenever I could realise 300L.a year?

Gus of course, and all the gents in our office through him, knew of my engagement with Mary Smith.Her father had been a commander in the navy and a very distinguished officer; and though Mary, as I have said, only brought me a fortune of 70L.a year, and I, as everybody said, in my present position in the office and the City of London, might have reasonably looked out for a lady with much more money, yet my friends agreed that the connection was very respectable, and I was content: as who would not have been with such a darling as Mary? I am sure, for my part, I would not have taken the Lord Mayor's own daughter in place of Mary, even with a plum to her fortune.

Mr.Brough of course was made aware of my approaching marriage, as of everything else relating to every clerk in the office; and I do believe Abednego told him what we had for dinner every day.Indeed, his knowledge of our affairs was wonderful.

He asked me how Mary's money was invested.It was in the three per cent.consols--2,333L.6S.8D.

"Remember," says he, "my lad, Mrs.Sam Titmarsh that is to be may have seven per cent.for her money at the very least, and on better security than the Bank of England; for is not a Company of which John Brough is the head better than any other company in England?" and to be sure I thought he was not far wrong, and promised to speak to Mary's guardians on the subject before our marriage.Lieutenant Smith, her grandfather, had been at the first very much averse to our union.(I must confess that, one day finding me alone with her, and kissing, I believe, the tips of her little fingers, he had taken me by the collar and turned me out of doors.) But Sam Titmarsh, with a salary of 250L.a year, a promised fortune of 150L.more, and the right-hand man of Mr.John Brough of London, was a very different man from Sam the poor clerk, and the poor clergyman's widow's son; and the old gentleman wrote me a kind letter enough, and begged me to get him six pairs of lamb's-wool stockings and four ditto waistcoats from Romanis', and accepted them too as a present from me when I went down in June--in happy June of 1823--to fetch my dear Mary away.

Mr.Brough was likewise kindly anxious about my aunt's Slopperton and Squashtail property, which she had not as yet sold, as she talked of doing; and, as Mr.B.represented, it was a sin and a shame that any person in whom he took such interest, as he did in all the relatives of his dear young friend, should only have three per cent.for her money, when she could have eight elsewhere.He always called me Sam now, praised me to the other young men (who brought the praises regularly to me), said there was a cover always laid for me at Fulham, and repeatedly took me thither.There was but little company when I went; and M'Whirter used to say he only asked me on days when he had his vulgar acquaintances.But I did not care for the great people, not being born in their sphere; and indeed did not much care for going to the house at all.Miss Belinda was not at all to my liking.After her engagement with Captain Fizgig, and after Mr.Tidd had paid his 20,000L.and Fizgig's great relations had joined in some of our Director's companies, Mr.Brough declared he believed that Captain Fizgig's views were mercenary, and put him to the proof at once, by saying that he must take Miss Brough without a farthing, or not have her at all.Whereupon Captain Fizgig got an appointment in the colonies, and Miss Brough became more ill-humoured than ever.But I could not help thinking she was rid of a bad bargain, and pitying poor Tidd, who came back to the charge again more love-sick than ever, and was rebuffed pitilessly by Miss Belinda.Her father plainly told Tidd, too, that his visits were disagreeable to Belinda, and though he must always love and value him, he begged him to discontinue his calls at the Rookery.Poor fellow! he had paid his 20,000L.away for nothing! for what was six per cent.to him compared to six per cent.and the hand of Miss Belinda Brough?

  • 因为你我的世界有了光


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    2012年,南京航空航天大学将迎来六十华诞。六十年来,南航培养了12万余名校友,他们在社会各个领域建功立业,其中涌现出了一大批航空航天等领域的开拓者及各条战线上的杰出人才,为国家建设做出了重要贡献。本书共收录了20世纪50年代至21世纪初,各个时期从南航毕业到校外工作或曾经在南航工作过的校友访谈录100篇 (共两辑)。篇目按受访校友的入校先后顺序排列,同级校友以姓氏笔画为序。从这些讲述校友成长足迹和创业风采的朴实文字中,读者能够分享南航校友们的人生经验,汲取丰富的精神营养;可以读出一部鲜活的南航“校史”,找寻一脉相承的南航“基因”,感悟生生不息的南航“精神”。
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  • 红发女人


    诺贝尔文学奖得主举重若轻之作,帕慕克首次尝试“写一部更短的小说”,尽管这个故事已经酝酿了三十年——它始于1988年夏天,帕慕克在住处附近遇到的一对情同父子的挖井人。 掘井取水的过程,也是向着记忆的幽暗深处一路挖掘的旅程。失去父亲、做了挖井学徒的少年杰姆,在多年以后渐渐变成一个衣食无忧的商人。他平静的中年生活之下,却埋藏着不为人知的过去。直到有一天,他试图遗忘的往事终于将他吞没。我们到底需要一个什么样的父亲,是宽容我们的一切,还是教会我们服从?或许,在尝试了所有的自由之后,我们只想重新寻找一个意义、一个中心,一个能对自己说“不”的人。十六岁的高中生杰姆在暑假来到伊斯坦布尔郊区的恩格然小镇,跟随挖井师傅马哈茂德挖井。因为长期找不到水,劳作变得格外枯燥。不过,马哈茂德师傅和杰姆也渐渐变得像一对父子那样亲近。就在这个夏天,一位红发女人短暂地出现在杰姆的生活中。因为一次意外事件,杰姆仓皇逃离小镇。在未来的三十年里,他不断地阅读和寻找两个古代传说。他发现,这些古老的故事仍然在神秘地牵引着自己的命运。三十年后,杰姆已成为建筑公司老板,过上富足而平静的中年生活。他再度回到了恩格然,并发现了他试图忘记的一切……