

Leaning up against a freight car the lad considered what he had better do.At first he was inclined to try to steal a ride on the circus train, but after thinking the matter over he concluded that this would be dangerous.

"If they catch me again they surely will handle me pretty roughly, and they may throw me off the train.A few knocks more or less might not make much difference, but I am not anxious to be thrown from a rapidly moving circus train.I guess I'll walk.Let me see, tomorrow will be Sunday, and it is fifty miles to Corinto.I should be able to make the town by tomorrow night sometime.Yes, I'll try it."Having formed this resolve, Phil started manfully off for his long walk to Corinto.He did not stop to consider that he would be hungry before he got there.

He left the yards, for these were now full of employees busily engaged in loading the cars.Off near the outskirts of the town he turned back to the tracks.

For two hours he plodded along cheerfully, but by this time the rough traveling over the ties so hurt his feet, clad as they were in light slippers, that he could scarcely walk.Phil took off the slippers and trotted about in the damp grass at the side of the railroad track, until getting some relief, then started on again.

An hour later the first of the circus trains thundered by him.He could see the dim lights in the sleepers, and now and then he made out the figure of a man stretched out under a cage on a flat car.

"Anyway, I would rather be walking than locked up in that narrow linen closet," decided the Circus Boy philosophically, once more taking up his weary journey.

At sunrise Phil found that he was too tired to go much further without taking a rest, so, as soon as he found a wooded place, he climbed a fence and lay down in the shade of the trees, where he quickly went to sleep.

The afternoon was well along when finally he awakened, sore and stiff in every joint.

"If I should try to ride a bareback horse now I should fall off for sure," he moaned, rubbing his lame spots vigorously."My, but I am hungry! I wonder how far I am from Corinto?"A mile post a little further along told him that he had covered just twenty miles of his journey.He still had thirty miles to go--a long distance for one in his condition.

All during the rest of the day Phil was obliged to take frequent rests.Whenever he came to a stream he would halt and thrusting his feet into the cooling water, keep them there for some time.This helped him considerably, for his feet were swollen and feverish.The sun beating down on his head made him dizzy and faint, which was made the more disturbing because of his empty stomach.

He managed, just before sunset, to get a sandwich at a farmhouse, though he was looked upon with suspicion by the housewife who gave him the food.Phil offered to do something to pay for the slender meal, but the woman refused and bade him be on his way.

"I don't blame her.I must be a tough looking customer," grinned the boy, again climbing the fence and starting along the track.He fought shy of villages during daylight, fearing that he might be arrested for vagrancy and locked up.That would defeat his plans.

"I simply must get to Corinto and warn Mr.Sparling," he gritted."He doesn't know the plans these people have to harm him.If it were not for that I wouldn't try to go any further today.I could get somebody to help me out for a day or so, until I could write to Mr.Sparling."Now and then he met a tramp or two, but none that he thought looked any more disreputable than he himself did.He passed the time of day pleasantly, with such, and continued on his way.

Late in the evening he once more lay down for a rest.But Phil did not permit himself to sleep long.He feared he should not be able to wake up until morning if he did, and then he never would reach the show town in time to warn Mr.Sparling of the impending danger.

At daylight he was still ten miles from his destination.

"I must make it.I shall make it!" he breathed, starting on a run, having found a path at the side of the track.

However, he could not keep this up for long, and was soon obliged to settle back into his former slow pace.

At last Phil came in sight of the church spires of a town.

"I believe that is Corinto," he said, shading his eyes and peering off at the distant town."At any rate I can't be far from it now."The knowledge was almost as good as a meal.Its effect on PhilForrest was magical.He forgot all about his tender feet and empty stomach as he swung into a good strong pace.

All at once he halted and listened.The blare of the big horns of a circus band reached his ears.

"The parade has started.I must hurry now.The Sully wretches may do something to the parade," Phil cried, starting away on a run.Nor did he slacken his pace until he had gotten well into the town.Now he could hear two bands playing, and knew that the rival parades were under way.

"Where is the circus lot--where is the parade," he asked a man as he dashed by.

The man pointed off to the right and Phil took the next corner with a rush.As he swung into that street he saw the banners of the Sparling show fluttering in the breeze as the parade moved majestically toward him.Taking to the street, for the sidewalks were crowded, Phil ran with all speed.Mr.Sparling, in his carriage at the head, saw him coming.At first he did not recognize the lad; then all at once he discovered who the boy was.

Phil dashed up to the carriage.Mr.Sparling reached out a hand and pulled him in.

"Phil!" he cried.

"Quick, get the tents guarded! Sully's gang are going to cut the guy ropes.Look out for the parade too.I suspect they will try to break it up!"

  • 佛说回向轮经


  • Hospital Sketches

    Hospital Sketches

  • 未来星宿劫千佛名经


  • Aucassin and Nicolete

    Aucassin and Nicolete

  • 白香集


  • 兴汉使命


  • 历练桃花劫:来生遇见你


  • 喉科指掌


  • 特工穿越:弃妃嬉冷王


  • 秋无意传奇


  • 陈氏幼科秘诀


  • 流离的萤火爱情


  • 加缪文集2:堕落·流放与王国


    《堕落·流放与王国》为郭宏安译加缪文集第二卷,包含中篇《堕落》和短篇小说集《流放与王国》,重点表现了作家对于社会现实的深刻反思。阿贝尔·加缪(Albert Camus,1913—1960),法国小说家和戏剧家,存在主义的代表作家之一,1957年获得诺贝尔文学奖。加缪在50年代以前,一直被看作是存在主义者,尽管他自己多次否认。1951年加缪发表了哲学论文《反抗者》之后,引起一场与萨特等人长达一年之久的论战,最后与萨特决裂,这时人们才发现,加缪是荒诞哲学及其文学的代表人物。
  • 1966的獒(郭小东文集)


  • 福运两行行

