

Kit Bellew landed through the madness of the Dyea beach, congested with thousand-pound outfits of thousands of men.This immense mass of luggage and food, flung ashore in mountains by the steamers, was beginning slowly to dribble up the Dyea valley and across Chilcoot.It was a portage of twenty-eight miles, and could be accomplished only on the backs of men.Despite the fact that the Indian packers had jumped the freight from eight cents a pound to forty, they were swamped with the work, and it was plain that winter would catch the major portion of the outfits on the wrong side of the divide.

Tenderest of the tender-feet was Kit.Like many hundreds of others he carried a big revolver swung on a cartridge-belt.Of this, his uncle, filled with memories of old lawless days, was likewise guilty.But Kit Bellew was romantic.He was fascinated by the froth and sparkle of the gold rush, and viewed its life and movement with an artist's eye.He did not take it seriously.As he said on the steamer, it was not his funeral.He was merely on a vacation, and intended to peep over the top of the pass for a 'look see' and then to return.

Leaving his party on the sand to wait for the putting ashore of the freight, he strolled up the beach toward the old trading post.He did not swagger, though he noticed that many of the be-revolvered individuals did.A strapping, six-foot Indian passed him, carrying an unusually large pack.Kit swung in behind, admiring the splendid calves of the man, and the grace and ease with which he moved along under his burden.The Indiandropped his pack on the scales in front of the post, and Kit joined the group of admiring gold-rushers who surrounded him.The pack weighed one hundred and twenty pounds, which fact was uttered back and forth in tones of awe.It was going some, Kit decided, and he wondered if he could lift such a weight, much less walk off with it.

"Going to Lake Linderman with it, old man?" he asked.The Indian, swelling with pride, grunted an affirmative."How much you make that one pack?""Fifty dollar."

Here Kit slid out of the conversation.A young woman, standing in the doorway, had caught his eye.Unlike other women landing from the steamers, she was neither short-skirted nor bloomer-clad.She was dressed as any woman travelling anywhere would be dressed.What struck him was the justness of her being there, a feeling that somehow she belonged.Moreover, she was young and pretty.The bright beauty and colour of her oval face held him, and he looked over-long--looked till she resented, and her own eyes, long-lashed and dark, met his in cool survey.

From his face they travelled in evident amusement down to the big revolver at his thigh.Then her eyes came back to his, and in them was amused contempt.It struck him like a blow.She turned to the man beside her and indicated Kit.The man glanced him over with the same amused contempt.

"Chechaquo," the girl said.

The man, who looked like a tramp in his cheap overalls and dilapidated woollen jacket, grinned dryly, and Kit felt withered though he knew not why.But anyway she was an unusually pretty girl, he decided, as the two moved off.He noted the way of her walk, and recorded the judgment that he would recognize it after the lapse of a thousand years.

"Did you see that man with the girl?" Kit's neighbour asked him excitedly."Know who he is?"Kit shook his head.

"Cariboo Charley.He was just pointed out to me.He struck it big on Klondike.Old timer.Been on the Yukon a dozen years.He's just come out.""What's chechaquo mean?" Kit asked."You're one; I'm one," was the answer.

"Maybe I am, but you've got to search me.What does it mean?" "Tender-foot."On his way back to the beach Kit turned the phrase over and over.It rankled to be called tender-foot by a slender chit of a woman.

Going into a corner among the heaps of freight, his mind still filled with the vision of the Indian with the redoubtable pack, Kit essayed to learn his own strength.He picked out a sack of flour which he knew weighed an even hundred pounds.He stepped astride of it, reached down, and strove to get it on his shoulder.His first conclusion was that one hundred pounds was the real heavy.His next was that his back was weak.His third was an oath, and it occurred at the end of five futile minutes, when he collapsed on top of the burden with which he was wrestling.He mopped his forehead, and across a heap of grub-sacks saw John Bellew gazing at him, wintry amusement in his eyes.

"God!" proclaimed that apostle of the hard."Out of our loins has come a race of weaklings.When I was sixteen I toyed with things like that.""You forget, avuncular," Kit retorted, "that I wasn't raised on bear- meat.""And I'll toy with it when I'm sixty." "You've got to show me."John Bellew did.He was forty-eight, but he bent over the sack, applied a tentative, shifting grip that balanced it, and, with a quick heave, stood erect, the somersaulted sack of flour on his shoulder.

"Knack, my boy, knack--and a spine." Kit took off his hat reverently.

"You're a wonder, avuncular, a shining wonder.D'ye think I can learn the knack?"John Bellew shrugged his shoulders.

"You'll be hitting the back trail before we get started.""Never you fear," Kit groaned."There's O'Hara, the roaring lion, down there.I'm not going back till I have to."

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