

Stones took the place of grass.Goats and musmons gambolled among the rocks.Here began the barren part of the island.It could already be seen that, of the numerous valleys branching off at the base of Mount Franklin, three only were wooded and rich in pasturage like that of the corral, which bordered on the west on the Falls River valley, and on the east on the Red Creek valley.These two streams, which lower down became rivers by the absorption of several tributaries, were formed by all the springs of the mountain and thus caused the fertility of its southern part.As to the Mercy, it was more directly fed from ample springs concealed under the cover of Jacamar Wood, and it was by springs of this nature, spreading in a thousand streamlets, that the soil of the Serpentine Peninsula was watered.

Now, of these three well-watered valleys, either might have served as a retreat to some solitary who would have found there everything necessary for life.But the settlers had already explored them, and in no part had they discovered the presence of man.

Was it then in the depths of those barren gorges, in the midst of the piles of rock, in the rugged northern ravines, among the streams of lava, that this dwelling and its occupant would be found?

The northern part of Mount Franklin was at its base composed solely of two valleys, wide, not very deep, without any appearance of vegetation, strewn with masses of rock, paved with lava, and varied with great blocks of mineral.This region required a long and careful exploration.It contained a thousand cavities, comfortless no doubt, but perfectly concealed and difficult of access.

The colonists even visited dark tunnels, dating from the volcanic period, still black from the passage of the fire, and penetrated into the depths of the mountain.They traversed these somber galleries, waving lighted torches; they examined the smallest excavations; they sounded the shallowest depths, but all was dark and silent.It did not appear that the foot of man had ever before trodden these ancient passages, or that his arm had ever displaced one of these blocks, which remained as the volcano had cast them up above the waters, at the time of the submersion of the island.

However, although these passages appeared to be absolutely deserted, and the obscurity was complete, Cyrus Harding was obliged to confess that absolute silence did not reign there.

On arriving at the end of one of these gloomy caverns, extending several hundred feet into the interior of the mountain, he was surprised to hear a deep rumbling noise, increased in intensity by the sonorousness of the rocks.

Gideon Spilett, who accompanied him, also heard these distant mutterings, which indicated a revivification of the subterranean fires.Several times both listened, and they agreed that some chemical process was taking place in the bowels of the earth.

"Then the volcano is not totally extinct?" said the reporter.

"It is possible that since our exploration of the crater," replied Cyrus Harding, "some change has occurred.Any volcano, although considered extinct, may evidently again burst forth.""But if an eruption of Mount Franklin occurred," asked Spilett, "would there not be some danger to Lincoln Island?""I do not think so," answered the reporter."The crater, that is to say, the safety-valve, exists, and the overflow of smoke and lava, would escape, as it did formerly, by this customary outlet.""Unless the lava opened a new way for itself towards the fertile parts of the island!""And why, my dear Spilett," answered Cyrus Harding, "should it not follow the road naturally traced out for it?""Well, volcanoes are capricious," returned the reporter.

"Notice," answered the engineer, "that the inclination of Mount Franklin favors the flow of water towards the valleys which we are exploring just now.To turn aside this flow, an earthquake would be necessary to change the mountain's center of gravity.""But an earthquake is always to be feared at these times," observed Gideon Spilett.

  • Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom

    Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom

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    弗里德里希·席勒(1759—1805) 德国古典文学和古典美学最重要的代表人物之一,与歌德并称为“德国最伟大的作家”,死后与歌德合葬。席勒与歌德的合作创造了德国文学史上最辉煌的十年,他的《欢乐颂》被贝多芬谱为《第九交响曲》四海传唱,他以美学为依托思考了人性的完善、人类的命运和社会的改良。席勒的著作影响了几代中国人,从蔡元培到郭沫若,从鲁迅到田汉,从王国维到朱光潜、宗白华,无不推崇他的思想成就、受到他的直接影响。