

Berryl bargained with me, I should have told him that he should have looked to these things before his carriage went out of our yard.'

The indignation of Lord Colambre kindled at these words--but in vain.To all that indignation could by word or look urge against Mordicai, he replied--'Maybe so, sir; the law is open to your friend--the law is open to all men who can pay for it.'

Lord Colambre turned in despair from the callous coach-maker, and listened to one of his more compassionate-looking workmen, who was reviewing the disabled curricle; and, whilst he was waiting to know the sum of his friend's misfortune, a fat, jolly, Falstaff looking personage came into the yard, accosted Mordicai with a degree of familiarity, which, from a gentleman, appeared to Lord Colambre to be almost impossible.

'How are you, Mordicai, my good fellow?' cried he, speaking with a strong Irish accent.

'Who is this?' whispered Lord Colambre to the foreman, who was examining the curricle.

'Sir Terence O'Fay, sir.There must be entire new wheels.'

'Now tell me, my tight fellow,' continued Sir Terence, holding Mordicai fast, 'when, in the name of all the saints, good or bad, in the calendar, do you reckon to let us sport the SUICIDE?'

Mordicai forcibly drew his mouth into what he meant for a smile, and answered, 'As soon as possible, Sir Terence.'

Sir Terence, in a tone of jocose, wheedling expostulation, entreated him to have the carriage finished OUT OF HAND.'Ah, now! Mordy, my precious! let us have it by the birthday, and come and dine with us o' Monday, at the Hibernian Hotel--there's a rare one--will you?'

Mordicai accepted the invitation, and promised faithfully that the SUICIDE should be finished by the birthday.Sir Terence shook hands upon this promise, and, after telling a good story, which made one of the workmen in the yard--an Irishman--grin with delight, walked off.Mordicai, first waiting till the knight was out of hearing, called aloud--'You grinning rascal! mind, at your peril, and don't let that there carriage be touched, d'ye see, till further orders.'

One of Mr.Mordicai's clerks, with a huge long-feathered pen behind his ear, observed that Mr.Mordicai was right in that caution, for that, to the best of his comprehension, Sir Terence O'Fay and his principal, too, were over head and ears in debt.

Mordicai coolly answered that he was well aware of that; but that the estate could afford to dip further; that, for his part, he was under no apprehension; he knew how to look sharp, and to bite before he was bit.That he knew Sir Terence and his principal were leagued together to give the creditors THE GO BY, but that, clever as they both were at that work, he trusted he was their match.

'Will you be so good, sir, to finish making out this estimate for me?' interrupted Lord Colambre.

'Immediately, sir.Sixty-nine pound four, and the perch.Let us see--Mr.Mordicai, ask him, ask Paddy, about Sir Terence,' said the foreman, pointing back over his shoulder to the Irish workman, who was at this moment pretending to be wondrous hard at work.However, when Mr.Mordicai defied him to tell him anything he did not know, Paddy, parting with an untasted bit of tobacco, began, and recounted some of Sir Terence O'Fay's exploits in evading duns, replevying cattle, fighting sheriffs, bribing SUBS, managing cants, tricking CUSTODEES, in language so strange, and with a countenance and gestures so full of enjoyment of the jest, that, whilst Mordicai stood for a moment aghast with astonishment, Lord Colambre could not help laughing, partly at, and partly with, his countryman.All the yard were in a roar of laughter, though they did not understand half of what they heard;but their risible muscles were acted upon mechanically, or maliciously, merely by the sound of the Irish brogue.

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  • 笑抽三国


  • 中南海里的战友情深


    本系列是反映我国老一代革命家毛泽东、周恩来、刘少奇、朱德、邓小平、叶剑英、陈云等人的工作和生活故事的系列图书。本系列共分为家世渊源、乡情悠悠、衣食住行、情趣爱好、博览群书、战友情深、博大胸怀、肝胆相照八部。通过对老一代革命家在工作和生活当中的小细节和有趣的故事的描述,揭示新中国第一代中央领导集体平易近人、朴实无华的生活作风和实事求是、坚持原则的高尚革命品格。 本书介绍了领袖们在戎马一生的革命生涯中,相互关怀,相互支持,建立了终生可信赖的兄弟般情义的感人故事。
  • 我怀孕了一把剑


  • 混迹诸天的黑商


  • 那么孤单·那么彷徨


  • 价值的自我实现


  • 贤者商店


  • 唯恋青梅心之融化


    冰一样寒冷,冰一样坚毅,冰一样脆弱。光一样明亮,光一样温暖,光一样无奈。风一样冷漠,风一样凛冽,风一样柔和。光一样的他想要走近冰一样的她,风一样的他希望守护冰一样的她。坚冰,也有会被融化的一天。冷漠,也有被瓦解的一天。坚强,也有被击垮的一天。当泪水爬满脸颊,他知道,她曾有多么绝望。当笑容轻轻绽放,她知道,他曾有多么心痛。当落寞充斥全身,他知道,他一直无法放弃。 无论她是谁,彻骨的冰冷都会成为遥远的过去。 最终,一切都交给命运决定吧,该有的该无的,都会在落幕的一刻展现它们的结局。
  • 毛泽东的情趣


    《毛泽东的情趣》共分七篇,分别是体育篇、览胜篇、博览群书篇、 交友篇、诗词篇、书法·题词·对联篇、戏曲·文娱篇。全书从毛泽东日 常生活、娱乐等的七个侧面,全面展示了毛泽东的爱好、习惯、娱乐、趣 味等鲜为人知的故事,让人们看到毛泽东在工作之余,是怎样生活、休闲 的,有哪些特殊的文化娱乐和爱好,从而可以从这些方面探寻毛泽东人格 魅力和过人才能的源泉。