

La Mere Bauche by Anthony Trollope The Pyreneean valley in which the baths of Vernet are situated is not much known to English,or indeed to any travellers.Tourists in search of good hotels and picturesque beauty combined,do not generally extend their journeys to the Eastern Pyrenees.They rarely get beyond Luchon;and in this they are right,as they thus end their peregrinations at the most lovely spot among these mountains,and are as a rule so deceived,imposed on,and bewildered by guides,innkeepers,and horse-owners,at this otherwise delightful place,as to become undesirous of further travel.Nor do invalids from distant parts frequent Vernet.People of fashion go to the Eaux Bonnes and to Luchon,and people who are really ill to Bareges and Cauterets.

It is at these places that one meets crowds of Parisians,and the daughters and wives of rich merchants from Bordeaux,with an admixture,now by no means inconsiderable,of Englishmen and Englishwomen.But the Eastern Pyrenees are still unfrequented.And probably they will remain so;for though there are among them lovely valleys--and of all such the valley of Vernet is perhaps the most lovely--they cannot compete with the mountain scenery of other tourists-loved regions in Europe.At the Port de Venasquez and the Breche de Roland in the Western Pyrenees,or rather,to speak more truly,at spots in the close vicinity of these famous mountain entrances from France into Spain,one can make comparisons with Switzerland,Northern Italy,the Tyrol,and Ireland,which will not be injurious to the scenes then under view.But among the eastern mountains this can rarely be done.The hills do not stand thickly together so as to group themselves;the passes from one valley to another,though not wanting in altitude,are not close pressed together with overhanging rocks,and are deficient in grandeur as well as loveliness.And then,as a natural consequence of all this,the hotels--are not quite as good as they should be.

But there is one mountain among them which can claim to rank with the Pic du Midi or the Maledetta.No one can pooh-pooh the stern old Canigou,standing high and solitary,solemn and grand,between the two roads which run from Perpignan into Spain,the one by Prades and the other by Le Boulon.Under the Canigou,towards the west,lie the hot baths of Vernet,in a close secluded valley,which,as I have said before,is,as far as I know,the sweetest spot in these Eastern Pyrenees.

The frequenters of these baths were a few years back gathered almost entirely from towns not very far distant,from Perpignan,Narbonne,Carcassonne,and Bezieres,and the baths were not therefore famous,expensive,or luxurious;but those who believed in them believed with great faith;and it was certainly the fact that men and women who went thither worn with toil,sick with excesses,and nervous through over-care,came back fresh and strong,fit once more to attack the world with all its woes.Their character in latter days does not seem to have changed,though their circle of admirers may perhaps be somewhat extended.

In those days,by far the most noted and illustrious person in the village of Vernet was La Mere Bauche.That there had once been a Pere Bauche was known to the world,for there was a Fils Bauche who lived with his mother;but no one seemed to remember more of him than that he had once existed.At Vernet he had never been known.La Mere Bauche was a native of the village,but her married life had been passed away from it,and she had returned in her early widowhood to become proprietress and manager,or,as one may say,the heart and soul of the Hotel Bauche at Vernet.

This hotel was a large and somewhat rough establishment,intended for the accommodation of invalids who came to Vernet for their health.

It was built immediately over one of the thermal springs,so that the water flowed from the bowels of the earth directly into the baths.

There was accommodation for seventy people,and during the summer and autumn months the place was always full.Not a few also were to be found there during the winter and spring,for the charges of Madame Bauche were low,and the accommodation reasonably good.

And in this respect,as indeed in all others,Madame Bauche had the reputation of being an honest woman.She had a certain price,from which no earthly consideration would induce her to depart;and there were certain returns for this price in the shape of dejeuners and dinners,baths and beds,which she never failed to give in accordance with the dictates of a strict conscience.These were traits in the character of an hotel-keeper which cannot be praised too highly,and which had met their due reward in the custom of the public.But nevertheless there were those who thought that there was occasionally ground for complaint in the conduct even of Madame Bauche.

In the first place she was deficient in that pleasant smiling softness which should belong to any keeper of a house of public entertainment.In her general mode of life she was stern and silent with her guests,autocratic,authoritative and sometimes contradictory in her house,and altogether irrational and unconciliatory when any change even for a day was proposed to her,or when any shadow of a complaint reached her ears.

Indeed of complaint,as made against the establishment,she was altogether intolerant.To such she had but one answer.He or she who complained might leave the place at a moment's notice if it so pleased them.There were always others ready to take their places.

The power of making this answer came to her from the lowness of her prices;and it was a power which was very dear to her.

The baths were taken at different hours according to medical advice,but the usual time was from five to seven in the morning.The dejeuner or early meal was at nine o'clock,the dinner was at four.

After that,no eating or drinking was allowed in the Hotel Bauche.

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