

"Journal your granny -- JIM can't write.""S'pose he CAN'T write -- he can make marks on the shirt, can't he, if we make him a pen out of an old pewter spoon or a piece of an old iron barrelhoop?""Why, Tom, we can pull a feather out of a goose and make him a better one; and quicker, too.""PRISONERS don't have geese running around the donjon-keep to pull pens out of, you muggins.They ALWAYS make their pens out of the hardest, toughest, troublesomest piece of old brass candlestick or something like that they can get their hands on; and it takes them weeks and weeks and months and months to file it out, too, because they've got to do it by rubbing it on the wall.THEY wouldn't use a goose-quill if they had it.It ain't regular.""Well, then, what'll we make him the ink out of?""Many makes it out of iron-rust and tears; but that's the common sort and women; the best authorities uses their own blood.Jim can do that;and when he wants to send any little common ordinary mysterious message to let the world know where he's captivated, he can write it on the bottom of a tin plate with a fork and throw it out of the window.The Iron Mask always done that, and it's a blame' good way, too.""Jim ain't got no tin plates.They feed him in a pan.""That ain't nothing; we can get him some.""Can't nobody READ his plates."

"That ain't got anything to DO with it, Huck Finn.All HE'S got to do is to write on the plate and throw it out.You don't HAVE to be able to read it.Why, half the time you can't read anything a prisoner writes on a tin plate, or anywhere else.""Well, then, what's the sense in wasting the plates?""Why, blame it all, it ain't the PRISONER'S plates.""But it's SOMEBODY'S plates, ain't it?"

"Well, spos'n it is? What does the PRISONER care whose --"He broke off there, because we heard the breakfasthorn blowing.So we cleared out for the house.

Along during the morning I borrowed a sheet and a white shirt off of the clothes-line; and I found an old sack and put them in it, and we went down and got the fox-fire, and put that in too.I called it borrowing, because that was what pap always called it; but Tom said it warn't borrowing, it was stealing.He said we was representing prisoners; and prisoners don't care how they get a thing so they get it, and nobody don't blame them for it, either.It ain't no crime in a prisoner to steal the thing he needs to get away with, Tom said; it's his right; and so, as long as we was representing a prisoner, we had a perfect right to steal anything on this place we had the least use for to get ourselves out of prison with.He said if we warn't prisoners it would be a very different thing, and nobody but a mean, ornery person would steal when he warn't a prisoner.So we allowed we would steal everything there was that come handy.And yet he made a mighty fuss, one day, after that, when I stole a watermelon out of the nigger-patch and eat it; and he made me go and give the niggers a dime without telling them what it was for.Tom said that what he meant was, we could steal anything we NEEDED.Well, I says, I needed the watermelon.But he said I didn't need it to get out of prison with; there's where the difference was.He said if I'd a wanted it to hide a knife in, and smuggle it to Jim to kill the seneskal with, it would a been all right.So I let it go at that, though I couldn't see no advantage in my representing a prisoner if I got to set down and chaw over a lot of gold-leaf distinctions like that every time I see a chance to hog a watermelon.

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