

Assistant Commissioner of Police T.X.Meredith did not occupy offices in New Scotland Yard.It is the peculiarity of public offices that they are planned with the idea of supplying the margin of space above all requirements and that on their completion they are found wholly inadequate to house the various departments which mysteriously come into progress coincident with the building operations.

"T.X.," as he was known by the police forces of the world, had a big suite of offices in Whitehall.The house was an old one facing the Board of Trade and the inscription on the ancient door told passers-by that this was the "Public Prosecutor, Special Branch."The duties of T.X.were multifarious.People said of him - and like most public gossip, this was probably untrue - that he was the head of the "illegal" department of Scotland Yard.If by chance you lost the keys of your safe, T.X.could supply you (so popular rumour ran) with a burglar who would open that safe in half an hour.

If there dwelt in England a notorious individual against whom the police could collect no scintilla of evidence to justify a prosecution, and if it was necessary for the good of the community that that person should be deported, it was T.X.who arrested the obnoxious person, hustled him into a cab and did not loose his hold upon his victim until he had landed him on the indignant shores of an otherwise friendly power.

It is very certain that when the minister of a tiny power which shall be nameless was suddenly recalled by his government and brought to trial in his native land for putting into circulation spurious bonds, it was somebody from the department which T.X.

controlled, who burgled His Excellency's house, burnt the locks from his safe and secured the necessary incriminating evidence.

I say it is fairly certain and here I am merely voicing the opinion of very knowledgeable people indeed, heads of public departments who speak behind their hands, mysterious under-secretaries of state who discuss things in whispers in the remote corners of their clubrooms and the more frank views of American correspondents who had no hesitation in putting those views into print for the benefit of their readers.

That T.X.had a more legitimate occupation we know, for it was that flippant man whose outrageous comment on the Home Office Administration is popularly supposed to have sent one Home Secretary to his grave, who traced the Deptford murderers through a labyrinth of perjury and who brought to book Sir Julius Waglite though he had covered his trail of defalcation through the balance sheets of thirty-four companies.

On the night of March 3rd, T.X.sat in his inner office interviewing a disconsolate inspector of metropolitan police, named Mansus.

In appearance T.X.conveyed the impression of extreme youth, for his face was almost boyish and it was only when you looked at him closely and saw the little creases about his eyes, the setting of his straight mouth, that you guessed he was on the way to forty.

In his early days he had been something of a poet, and had written a slight volume of "Woodland Lyrics," the mention of which at this later stage was sufficient to make him feel violently unhappy.

In manner he was tactful but persistent, his language was at times marked by a violent extravagance and he had had the distinction of having provoked, by certain correspondence which had seen the light, the comment of a former Home Secretary that "it was unfortunate that Mr.Meredith did not take his position with the seriousness which was expected from a public official."His language was, as I say, under great provocation, violent and unusual.He had a trick of using words which never were on land or sea, and illustrating his instruction or his admonition with the quaintest phraseology.

Now he was tilted back in his office chair at an alarming angle, scowling at his distressed subordinate who sat on the edge of a chair at the other side of his desk.

"But, T.X.," protested the Inspector, "there was nothing to be found."It was the outrageous practice of Mr.Meredith to insist upon his associates calling him by his initials, a practice which had earnt disapproval in the highest quarters.

"Nothing is to be found!" he repeated wrathfully."Curious Mike!"He sat up with a suddenness which caused the police officer to start back in alarm.

"Listen," said T.X., grasping an ivory paperknife savagely in his hand and tapping his blotting-pad to emphasize his words, "you're a pie!""I'm a policeman," said the other patiently.

"A policeman!" exclaimed the exasperated T.X."You're worse than a pie, you're a slud! I'm afraid I shall never make a detective of you," he shook his head sorrowfully at the smiling Mansus who had been in the police force when T.X.was a small boy at school, "you are neither Wise nor Wily; you combine the innocence of a Baby with the grubbiness of a County Parson - you ought to be in the choir."At this outrageous insult Mr.Mansus was silent; what he might have said, or what further provocation he might have received may be never known, for at that moment, the Chief himself walked in.

The Chief of the Police in these days was a grey man, rather tired, with a hawk nose and deep eyes that glared under shaggy eyebrows and he was a terror to all men of his department save to T.X.who respected nothing on earth and very little elsewhere.

He nodded curtly to Mansus.

  • 句

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  • 公主要抱金大腿


    本文别名《论抱金大腿的花式方法》讲的是位天宠地娇的白切黑小公举一路抱着默默伸来的金大腿,最终与最粗最值钱的那个,一起看尽繁华浮世的故事。某年某月某日某时,某街某车厢里。狼狈的小祖宗见到那少年,确认过眼神,那就是她想抱的金大腿,但奈何少年眼里没有她。但后来,少年默默地且不动声色地将大腿挪到小祖宗面前,所有人都瞧得清楚,唯她笨笨傻傻不自知。 她以命入盘,谋划天下棋局,只愿求得盛世安宁。 他算尽所有,助她护她,唯愿心中之人能笑靥如花,一如当年初见。 江湖,朝局,天下风起云涌也敌不过小祖宗她一抱腿一撒娇,某大腿挥袖间便将一切渣渣鬼魅灰飞烟灭。文艺版简介:初见,他心若磐石,目下无尘。再见,他被拉入万丈红尘,成了某小白花的“靠山石”。 双强结合,坑品保证。
  • 最后独行者的孤独

