

`Ye heven't?' he said, speaking very low, as he always did, and taking the cigar out of his mouth -- Bill always smoked cigars when he could get them, and not very cheap ones either;`well, then, I surmise you're lettin' her think quite contrairy, and there's bound to be a muss if you don't hide your tracks and strike a trail she can't foller on.'

`I begin to think I've been two ends of a dashed fool;but what's a man to do?'

`See here, now,' he said; `you hev two cl'ar weeks afore ye.

You slack off and go slow; that'll let her see you didn't sorter cotton to her more'n's in the regulations.'

`And have a row with her?'

`Sartin,' says Bill, `and hev the shootin' over right away.

It's a plaguey sight safer than letting her carry it in her mind, and then laying for yer some day when ye heven't nary thought of Injuns in your head.That's the very time a woman like her's bound to close on yer and lift yer ha'r if she can.'

`Why, how do you know what she's likely to do?'

`I've been smokin', pard, while you hev bin talkin', sorter careless like.

I've had my eyes open and seen Injun sign mor'n once or twice either.

I've hunted with her tribe afore, I guess, and old Bill ain't forgot all the totems and the war paint.'

After this Bill fresh lit his cigar, and wouldn't say any more.

But I could see what he was driving at, and I settled to try all I knew to keep everything right and square till the time came for us to make our dart.

I managed to have a quiet talk with Starlight.He thought that by taking care, being very friendly, but not too much so, we might get clean off, without Kate or any one else being much the wiser.

Next week everything seemed to go on wheels -- smooth and fast, no hitches anywhere.Jim reckoned the best of our claim would be worked out by the 20th of the month, and we'd as good as agreed to sell our shares to Arizona Bill and his mate, who were ready, as Bill said, `to plank down considerable dollars' for what remained of it.

If they got nothing worth while, it was the fortune of war, which a digger never growls at, no matter how hard hit he may be.

If they did well, they were such up and down good fellows, and such real friends to us, that we should have grudged them nothing.

As for Jeanie, she was almost out of her mind with eagerness to get back to Melbourne and away from the diggings.

She was afraid of many of the people she saw, and didn't like others.

She was terrified all the time Jim was away from her, but she would not hear of living at the Prospectors' Arms with her sister.

`I know where that sort of thing leads to,' she said; `let us have our own home, however rough.'

Kate went out to Specimen Gully to see her sister pretty often, and they sat and talked and laughed, just as they did in old times, Jeanie said.She was a simple little thing, and her heart was as pure as quartz crystal.I do really believe she was no match for Kate in any way.

So the days went on.I didn't dare stay away from the Prospectors' Arms, for fear she'd think I wanted to break with her altogether, and yet I was never altogether comfortable in her company.

It wasn't her fault, for she laid herself out to get round us all, even old Arizona Bill, who used to sit solemnly smoking, looking like an Indian chief or a graven image, until at last his brick-coloured, grizzled old face would break up all of a sudden, and he'd laugh like a youngster.As the days drew nigh Christmas I could see a restless expression in her face that I never saw before.

Her eyes began to shine in a strange way, and sometimes she'd break off short in her talk and run out of the room.

Then she'd pretend to wish we were gone, and that she'd never seen us again.

I could hardly tell what to make of her, and many a time I wished we were on blue water and clear away from all chance of delay and drawback.

  • 扫迷帚


  • 轩辕黄帝传


  • 余墨偶谈


  • 修真十书杂着捷径


  • 龙王兄弟经


  • 人间与实践


  • 浅笑醉红颜


  • 中国石油人


  • 观点(译文随笔)


  • 生肖战帝


  • 一切从异能开始


  • 纯真告别


    《纯真告别》是出版史上的一个奇迹,上市仅6个月就销售600多万册,创下吉尼斯世界之最;总销3000万册,获评“20世纪全球三大畅销小说”;荣获美国亚马逊评选「人生必读的 100 本书」。安妮,一个独立的女孩,善良坚定,是爱情的虔信者。那个曝烈夏日闯入她生命的英国气质的男子身上,有她一生受困的真爱之谜。詹妮弗,拥有睥睨一切的美貌,却无法摆脱家庭的阴影。从青春懵懂的欧洲到生活安稳的美国,再到她功成名就的法国,她渴望完美的家庭和婚姻,却一生流离。尼丽,一个火焰一样的女孩,拥有璀璨的天赋和与娇小身形不相称的旺盛生命力。名利的焰火一次次绽放,她却坠入无尽循环的寂寞和空虚。
  • 前世今生的妙缘


  • 情深几许:夫人别想逃


  • 女记者婚恋纪事

