

Ah! longer than thy creed has blest the world This toy, thus ravished from thy brother's breast, Was to the heart of Mizraim as divine, As holy, as the symbol that we lay On the still bosom of our white-robed dead, And raise above their dust that all may know Here sleeps an heir of glory.Loving friends, With tears of trembling faith and choking sobs, And prayers to those who judge of mortal deeds, Wrapped this poor image in the cerement's fold That Isis and Osiris, friends of man, Might know their own and claim the ransomed soul>

An idol? Man was born to worship such!

An idol is an image of his thought;

Sometimes he carves it out of gleaming stone, And sometimes moulds it out of glittering gold, Or rounds it in a mighty frescoed dome, Or lifts it heavenward in a lofty spire, Or shapes it in a cunning frame of words, Or pays his priest to make it day by day;For sense must have its god as well as soul;A new-born Dian calls for silver shrines, And Egypt's holiest symbol is our own, The sign we worship as did they of old When Isis and Osiris ruled the world.


Think! when the men of Israel had their God Encamped among them, talking with their chief, Leading them in the pillar of the cloud And watching o'er them in the shaft of fire, They still must have an image; still they longed For somewhat of substantial, solid form Whereon to hang their garlands, and to fix Their wandering thoughts, and gain a stronger hold For their uncertain faith, not yet assured If those same meteors of the day and night Were not mere exhalations of the soil.

Are we less earthly than the chosen race?

Are we more neighbors of the living God Than they who gathered manna every morn, Reaping where none had sown, and heard the voice Of him who met the Highest in the mount, And brought them tables, graven with His hand?

Yet these must have their idol, brought their gold, That star-browed Apis might be god again;Yea, from their ears the women brake the rings That lent such splendors to the gypsy brown Of sunburnt cheeks,--what more could woman do To show her pious zeal ? They went astray, But nature led them as it leads us all.

We too, who mock at Israel's golden calf And scoff at Egypt's sacred scarabee, Would have our amulets to clasp and kiss, And flood with rapturous tears, and bear with us To be our dear companions in the dust, Such magic works an image in our souls!

Man is an embryo; see at twenty years His bones, the columns that uphold his frame Not yet cemented, shaft and capital, Mere fragments of the temple incomplete.

At twoscore, threescore, is he then full grown?

Nay, still a child, and as the little maids Dress and undress their puppets, so he tries To dress a lifeless creed, as if it lived, And change its raiment when the world cries shame!

We smile to see our little ones at play So grave, so thoughtful, with maternal care Nursing the wisps of rags they call their babes;Does He not smile who sees us with the toys We call by sacred names, and idly feign To be what we have called them?

He is still The Father of this helpless nursery-brood, Whose second childhood joins so close its first, That in the crowding, hurrying years between We scarce have trained our senses to their task Before the gathering mist has dimmed our eyes, And with our hollowed palm we help our ear, And trace with trembling hand our wrinkled names, And then begin to tell our stories o'er, And see--not hear-the whispering lips that say, "You know--? Your father knew him.--This is he, Tottering and leaning on the hireling's arm,--"And so, at length, disrobed of all that clad The simple life we share with weed and worm, Go to our cradles, naked as we came.

  • 素问经注节解


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  • 序列进化之我要化成光


  • 变臭的萝卜


  • 这个唐朝太有意思了(第二卷):从贞观长歌到天下共主


  • 和爸爸在一起


    《和爸爸在一起》是井上厦先生发表于1994年《新潮》杂志(单行本1998年由新潮社出版)的话剧剧本,于当年由小松座剧团首演,并曾在俄罗斯、 法国等国上演。2004年7月该剧又被搬上银幕,由著名导演黑木和雄执导,主人公福吉美津江由日本实力派影星官泽理惠出演。该剧讲述主人公美津江在广岛惨剧的三年之后,始终无法摆脱原子弹爆炸的阴影一相依为命的爸爸、 亲密的朋友、伙伴、同事的惨死令她愧疚不巳。爸爸化作 “灵魂” 陪伴在她的身边,安慰、鼓励、照顾她。面对有志于收集原子弹爆炸材料、揭露美军暴行的青年教师木下的爱慕,她十分痛苦,高喊 “我是不能爱别人的……“
  • 太极拳经

