

I am sure the district schools would become what they are not now, if the geographers would make the other parts of the globe as attractive as the sonorous Bay of Fundy.The recitation about that is always an easy one; there is a lusty pleasure in the mere shouting out of the name, as if the speaking it were an innocent sort of swearing.From the Bay of Fundy the rivers run uphill half the time, and the tides are from forty to ninety feet high.For myself, I confess that, in my imagination, I used to see the tides of this bay go stalking into the land like gigantic waterspouts; or, when I was better instructed, I could see them advancing on the coast like a solid wall of masonry eighty feet high."Where," we said, as we came easily, and neither uphill nor downhill, into the pleasant harbor of St.John,---where are the tides of our youth?"They were probably out, for when we came to the land we walked out upon the foot of a sloping platform that ran into the water by the side of the piles of the dock, which stood up naked and blackened high in the air.It is not the purpose of this paper to describe St.

John, nor to dwell upon its picturesque situation.As one approaches it from the harbor it gives a promise which its rather shabby streets, decaying houses, and steep plank sidewalks do not keep.Acity set on a hill, with flags flying from a roof here and there, and a few shining spires and walls glistening in the sun, always looks well at a distance.St.John is extravagant in the matter of flagstaffs; almost every well-to-do citizen seems to have one on his premises, as a sort of vent for his loyalty, I presume.It is a good fashion, at any rate, and its more general adoption by us would add to the gayety of our cities when we celebrate the birthday of the President.St.John is built on a steep sidehill, from which it would be in danger of sliding off, if its houses were not mortised into the solid rock.This makes the house-foundations secure, but the labor of blasting out streets is considerable.We note these things complacently as we toil in the sun up the hill to the Victoria Hotel, which stands well up on the backbone of the ridge, and from the upper windows of which we have a fine view of the harbor, and of the hill opposite, above Carleton, where there is the brokenly truncated ruin of a round stone tower.This tower was one of the first things that caught our eyes as we entered the harbor.It gave an antique picturesqueness to the landscape which it entirely wanted without this.Round stone towers are not so common in this world that we can afford to be indifferent to them.This is called a Martello tower, but I could not learn who built it.I could not understand the indifference, almost amounting to contempt, of the citizens of St.John in regard to this their only piece of curious antiquity."It is nothing but the ruins of an old fort," they said;"you can see it as well from here as by going there." It was, how-ever, the one thing at St.John I was determined to see.But we never got any nearer to it than the ferry-landing.Want of time and the vis inertia of the place were against us.And now, as I think of that tower and its perhaps mysterious origin, I have a longing for it that the possession of nothing else in the Provinces could satisfy.

But it must not be forgotten that we were on our way to Baddeck; that the whole purpose of the journey was to reach Baddeck; that St.John was only an incident in the trip; that any information about St.

John, which is here thrown in or mercifully withheld, is entirely gratuitous, and is not taken into account in the price the reader pays for this volume.But if any one wants to know what sort of a place St.John is, we can tell him: it is the sort of a place that if you get into it after eight o'clock on Wednesday morning, you cannot get out of it in any direction until Thursday morning at eight o'clock, unless you want to smuggle goods on the night train to Bangor.It was eleven o'clock Wednesday forenoon when we arrived at St.John.The Intercolonial railway train had gone to Shediac; it had gone also on its roundabout Moncton, Missaquat River, Truro, Stewiack, and Shubenacadie way to Halifax; the boat had gone to Digby Gut and Annapolis to catch the train that way for Halifax; the boat had gone up the river to Frederick, the capital.We could go to none of these places till the next day.We had no desire to go to Frederick, but we made the fact that we were cut off from it an addition to our injury.The people of St.John have this peculiarity: they never start to go anywhere except early in the morning.

The reader to whom time is nothing does not yet appreciate the annoyance of our situation.Our time was strictly limited.The active world is so constituted that it could not spare us more than two weeks.We must reach Baddeck Saturday night or never.To go home without seeing Baddeck was simply intolerable.Had we not told everybody that we were going to Baddeck? Now, if we had gone to Shediac in the train that left St.John that morning, we should have taken the steamboat that would have carried us to Port Hawkesbury, whence a stage connected with a steamboat on the Bras d'Or, which (with all this profusion of relative pronouns) would land us at Baddeck on Friday.How many times had we been over this route on the map and the prospectus of travel! And now, what a delusion it seemed! There would not another boat leave Shediac on this route till the following Tuesday,--quite too late for our purpose.The reader sees where we were, and will be prepared, if he has a map (and any feelings), to appreciate the masterly strategy that followed.


During the pilgrimage everything does not suit the tastes of the pilgrim.--TURKISH PROVERB.

  • 东山破峰重禅师语录


  • 秘传外科方


  • 为霖道霈禅师秉拂语录


  • 大博干禅师语录


  • 郴江百咏


  • 背叛 (龙人日志系列#3)

    背叛 (龙人日志系列#3)

    “《背叛》扣人心弦的结尾会让读者欲罢不能,《背叛》因其紧凑的节奏,可以获得一个绝对的好评。”,是一个非常富有想象力的故事。”--The Dallas Examiner在《背叛》一书中(龙人日志系列#3),凯特琳潘恩从深度昏迷中醒来,发现自己已经被转变了。成了一个真正的,完整的龙人,她惊叹于自己的新能力,包括她的飞行能力和她超人的力量。她发现,她的真爱,迦勒,仍然在她身边,耐心地等待着她恢复。她拥有一切她所梦想的东西。直到这一切,突然间,可怕的事情出现了。凯特琳惊恐地发现,迦勒和他的前妻,塞拉,在一起。在迦勒还没有解释机会的时候,凯特琳就让他离开。凯特琳心灰意冷,十分迷茫,想蜷缩起来,等死,她唯一的安慰就是,她的狼幼崽——玫瑰。她的新环境也让凯特琳倍感安慰。她来到哈得逊河一个隐藏的岛屿上——Pollepel——发现了一群由十几岁的龙人组成的精英家庭,这里有男有女,总共24个人,包括她在内。她得知,这是被抛弃之人来的地方,就像她一样。在这里她遇到了她最好的朋友,波利,然后在精英龙人战中开始了她的训练,她意识到,她可能终于有了一个可以叫做家的地方。但是,一场龙人大战迫在眉睫,而她的弟弟山姆依然在外,被萨曼莎绑架。邪恶的凯尔,现在也挥舞着的神魔之剑,依旧立志掀起战争,他会不惜一切代价消灭纽约。凯特琳,尽管她有了新家,尽管在这里找到了新欢,但她知道,她不会永远留在这个岛上,当她的命运召唤她的时候,就得离开。毕竟,她仍然是那一个天选之子,所有的眼睛仍然期待着她,找到她的父亲和其他能拯救他们的武器。在感情方面,她在新朋友和迦勒之间挣扎,她必须决定,自己真心到底在谁身上,她是否愿意去冒这个险,不顾一切找到迦勒,让他重新回到她的生命中……“《背叛》是这个系列的第三部。是摩根赖斯这个系列的佼佼者。充满了动作、爱情、冒险和悬念。如果你还没有读过她的前两部小说,那就赶快去读把,然后就可以着手《背叛》了!”--DragonmenBookSite“《背叛》有着浪漫的爱情,扣人心弦的情节,有很多动作打斗,节奏紧凑。摩根赖斯让故事更上了一个台阶。故事里有好多精彩的惊喜,不读完你肯定都舍不得放手。--The Romance Reviews
  • 我的系统是菜地


  • 首席夫人太抢手


  • 当个孟婆不容易


  • 起点天道


  • 比桃非野


  • 从行动开始:自我管理的科学


  • 曾国藩家书


  • 凉生只恋一个你


  • 天才魔音师

