

Perhaps we are treading where man since the creation never trod before; perhaps the waters of this bubbling spring, which we deepen by scraping out the decayed leaves and the black earth, have never been tasted before, except by the wild denizens of these woods.We cross the trails of lurking animals,--paths that heighten our sense of seclusion from the world.The hammering of the infrequent woodpecker, the call of the lonely bird, the drumming of the solitary partridge,--all these sounds do but emphasize the lonesomeness of nature.The roar of the mountain brook, dashing over its bed of pebbles, rising out of the ravine, and spreading, as it were, a mist of sound through all the forest (continuous beating waves that have the rhythm of eternity in them), and the fitful movement of the air-tides through the balsams and firs and the giant pines,--how these grand symphonies shut out the little exasperations of our vexed life!

It seems easy to begin life over again on the simplest terms.

Probably it is not so much the desire of the congregation to escape from the preacher, or of the preacher to escape from himself, that drives sophisticated people into the wilderness, as it is the unconquered craving for primitive simplicity, the revolt against the everlasting dress-parade of our civilization.From this monstrous pomposity even the artificial rusticity of a Petit Trianon is a relief.It was only human nature that the jaded Frenchman of the regency should run away to the New World, and live in a forest-hut with an Indian squaw; although he found little satisfaction in his act of heroism, unless it was talked about at Versailles.

When our trampers come, late in the afternoon, to the bank of a lovely lake where they purpose to enter the primitive life, everything is waiting for them in virgin expectation.There is a little promontory jutting into the lake, and sloping down to a sandy beach, on which the waters idly lapse, and shoals of red-fins and shiners come to greet the stranger; the forest is untouched by the axe; the tender green sweeps the water's edge; ranks of slender firs are marshaled by the shore; clumps of white-birch stems shine in satin purity among the evergreens; the boles of giant spruces, maples, and oaks, lifting high their crowns of foliage, stretch away in endless galleries and arcades; through the shifting leaves the sunshine falls upon the brown earth; overhead are fragments of blue sky; under the boughs and in chance openings appear the bluer lake and the outline of the gracious mountains.The discoverers of this paradise, which they have entered to destroy, note the babbling of the brook that flows close at hand; they hear the splash of the leaping fish; they listen to the sweet, metallic song of the evening thrush, and the chatter of the red squirrel, who angrily challenges their right to be there.But the moment of sentiment passes.This party has come here to eat and to sleep, and not to encourage Nature in her poetic attitudinizing.

The spot for a shanty is selected.This side shall be its opening, towards the lake; and in front of it the fire, so that the smoke shall drift into the hut, and discourage the mosquitoes; yonder shall be the cook's fire and the path to the spring.The whole colony bestir themselves in the foundation of a new home,--an enterprise that has all the fascination, and none of the danger, of a veritable new settlement in the wilderness.The axes of the guides resound in the echoing spaces; great trunks fall with a crash; vistas are opened towards the lake and the mountains.The spot for the shanty is cleared of underbrush; forked stakes are driven into the ground, cross-pieces are laid on them, and poles sloping back to the ground.

In an incredible space of time there is the skeleton of a house, which is entirely open in front.The roof and sides must be covered.

For this purpose the trunks of great spruces are skinned.The woodman rims the bark near the foot of the tree, and again six feet above, and slashes it perpendicularly; then, with a blunt stick, he crowds off this thick hide exactly as an ox is skinned.It needs but a few of these skins to cover the roof; and they make a perfectly water-tight roof, except when it rains.Meantime busy hands have gathered boughs of the spruce and the feathery balsam, and shingled the ground underneath the shanty for a bed.It is an aromatic bed:

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  • 三坟


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  • Notes


  • 山高树大


  • 才高八斗:曹植


  • 未来可期之娇妻可依


  • 三生三世莲上舞(全集)


  • 医经溯洄集


  • 痴情天子


    慈宁宫位于紫禁城的最深处,两尊威猛高大的麒麟镇守在门前,四周古柏森森,优雅恬静,因为是皇太后的寝宫所以显得神秘和庄重。东暖阁里,皇太后——大清顺治皇帝爱新觉罗·福临的额娘端坐在上首,四周围坐着一群妃嫔命妇。她们喝着奶茶聊着天,消磨时光。今天皇太后有点特别,没有像往日掺和妃嫔命妇的闲聊,两眼紧盯着暖阁门外,不住询问时间,像是在等待什么人。“苏嘛,现在什么时辰啦?” 皇太后问。苏嘛答道:“皇太后,今儿怎么啦?您已是第三遍问我了。回太后,现在辰时已过,巳时未到。”“哦,快到巳时。”
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  • 新万历十五年

