

The two words were had apart; in a couple of minutes Mr Wackford Squeers announced that Mr Nicholas Nickleby was, from that moment, thoroughly nominated to, and installed in, the office of first assistant master at Dotheboys Hall.

`Your uncle's recommendation has done it, Mr Nickleby,' said Wackford Squeers.

Nicholas, overjoyed at his success, shook his uncle's hand warmly, and could almost have worshipped Squeers upon the spot.

`He is an odd-looking man,' thought Nicholas. `What of that? Porson was an odd-looking man, and so was Doctor Johnson; all these bookworms are.'

`At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, Mr Nickleby,' said Squeers, `the coach starts. You must be here at a quarter before, as we take these boys with us.'

`Certainly, sir,' said Nicholas.

`And your fare down, I have paid,' growled Ralph. `So, you'll have nothing to do but keep yourself warm.'

Here was another instance of his uncle's generosity! Nicholas felt his unexpected kindness so much, that he could scarcely find words to thank him; indeed, he had not found half enough, when they took leave of the schoolmaster, and emerged from the Saracen's Head gateway.

`I shall be here in the morning to see you fairly off,' said Ralph.

`No skulking!'

`Thank you, sir,' replied Nicholas; `I never shall forget this kindness.'

`Take care you don't,' replied his uncle. `You had better go home now, and pack up what you have got to pack. Do you think you could find your way to Golden Square first?'

`Certainly,' said Nicholas. `I can easily inquire.'

`Leave these papers with my clerk, then,' said Ralph, producing a small parcel, `and tell him to wait till I come home.'

Nicholas cheerfully undertook the errand, and bidding his worthy uncle an affectionate farewell, which that warm-hearted old gentleman acknowledged by a growl, hastened away to execute his commission.

He found Golden Square in due course; Mr Noggs, who had stepped out for a minute or so to the public-house, was opening the door with a latch-key, as he reached the steps.

`What's that?' inquired Noggs, pointing to the parcel.

`Papers from my uncle,' replied Nicholas; `and you're to have the goodness to wait till he comes home, if you please.'

`Uncle!' cried Noggs.

`Mr Nickleby,' said Nicholas in explanation.

`Come in,' said Newman.

Without another word he led Nicholas into the passage, and thence into the official pantry at the end of it, where he thrust him into a chair, and mounting upon his high stool, sat, with his arms hanging, straight down by his sides, gazing fixedly upon him, as from a tower of observation.

`There is no answer,' said Nicholas, laying the parcel on a table beside him.

Newman said nothing, but folding his arms, and thrusting his head forward so as to obtain a nearer view of Nicholas's face, scanned his features closely.

`No answer,' said Nicholas, speaking very loud, under the impression that Newman Noggs was deaf.

Newman placed his hands upon his knees, and, without uttering a syllable, continued the same close scrutiny of his companion's face.

This was such a very singular proceeding on the part of an utter stranger, and his appearance was so extremely peculiar, that Nicholas, who had a sufficiently keen sense of the ridiculous, could not refrain from breaking into a smile as he inquired whether Mr Noggs had any commands for him.

Noggs shook his head and sighed; upon which Nicholas rose, and remarking that he required no rest, bade him good-morning.

It was a great exertion for Newman Noggs, and nobody knows to this day how he ever came to make it, the other party being wholly unknown to him, but he drew a long breath and actually said, out loud, without once stopping, that if the young gentleman did not object to tell, he should like to know what his uncle was going to do for him.

Nicholas had not the least objection in the world, but on the contrary was rather pleased to have an opportunity of talking on the subject which occupied his thoughts; so, he sat down again, and (his sanguine imagination warming as he spoke) entered into a fervent and glowing description of all the honours and advantages to be derived from his appointment at that seat of learning, Dotheboys Hall.

`But, what's the matter--are you ill?' said Nicholas, suddenly breaking off, as his companion, after throwing himself into a variety of uncouth attitudes, thrust his hands under the stool, and cracked his finger-joints as if he were snapping all the bones in his hands.

Newman Noggs made no reply, but went on shrugging his shoulders and cracking his finger-joints; smiling horribly all the time, and looking steadfastly at nothing, out of the tops of his eyes, in a most ghastly manner.

At first, Nicholas thought the mysterious man was in a fit, but, on further consideration, decided that he was in liquor, under which circumstances he deemed it prudent to make off at once. He looked back when he had got the street-door open. Newman Noggs was still indulging in the same extraordinary gestures, and the cracking of his fingers sounded louder that ever.

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    没什么目的,我只是为了集邮而已。盲目在一个固定的圈子里选择任务者,这样多次之后可以得出惨烈的经验。系统:我家宿主安安稳稳的,虽然任务完成的成绩在没有出现在榜单里,但是她安稳啊!实际宿主心里只有:啊啊啊啊!忍得好辛苦,这位哥哥似乎在梦里见过,好适合进入我的名册啊!这边这个弟弟再看我又要心动了,再次警告你。 预警:男主不是同一个人,每个世界和同一个人谈恋爱做游戏我真的不行。过程也许会出现N.P.提前预警下。想到什么写什么,总结就是其实作者本人不会写文,但是有些时候就是想写。
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