

It need hardly be said,that the walls of my house are entirely free from fireplaces.These all congregate in the middle--in the one grand central chimney,upon all four sides of which are hearths--two tiers of hearths--so that when,in the various chambers,my family and guests are warming themselves of a cold winter's night,just before retiring,then,though at the time they may not be thinking so,all their faces mutually look towards each other,yea,all their feet point to one centre;and,when they go to sleep in their beds,they all sleep round one warm chimney,like so many Iroquois Indians,in the woods,round their one heap of embers.And just as the Indians'fire serves,not only to keep them comfortable,but also to keep off wolves,and other savage monsters,so my chimney,by its obvious smoke at top,keeps off prowling burglars from the towns--for what burglar or murderer would dare break into an abode from whose chimney issues such a continual smoke--betokening that if the inmates are not stirring,at least fires are,and in case of an alarm,candles may readily be lighted,to say nothing of muskets.

But stately as is the chimney--yea,grand high altar as it is,right worthy for the celebration of high mass before the Pope of Rome,and all his cardinals--yet what is there perfect in this world?Caius Julius Caesar,had he not been so inordinately great,they say that Brutus,Cassius,Antony,and the rest,had been greater.My chimney,were it not so mighty in its magnitude,my chambers had been larger.How often has my wife ruefully told me,that my chimney,like the English aristocracy,casts a contracting shade all round it.She avers that endless domestic inconveniences arise--more particularly from the chimney's stubborn central locality.The grand objection with her is,that it stands midway in the place where a fine entrance-hall ought to be.In truth,there is no hall whatever to the house--nothing but a sort of square landing-place,as you enter from the wide front door.A roomy enough landing-place,I admit,but not attaining to the dignity of a hall.Now,as the front door is precisely in the middle of the front of the house,inwards it faces the chimney.

In fact,the opposite wall of the landing-place is formed solely by the chimney;and hence-owing to the gradual tapering of the chimney--is a little less than twelve feet in width.Climbing the chimney in this part,is the principal staircase--which,by three abrupt turns,and three minor landing-places,mounts to the second floor,where,over the front door,runs a sort of narrow gallery,something less than twelve feet long,leading to chambers on either hand.This gallery,of course,is railed;and so,looking down upon the stairs,and all those landing-places together,with the main one at bottom,resembles not a little a balcony for musicians,in some jolly old abode,in times Elizabethan.Shall I tell a weakness?I cherish the cobwebs there,and many a time arrest Biddy in the act of brushing them with her broom,and have many a quarrel with my wife and daughters about it.

Now the ceiling,so to speak,of the place where you enter the house,that ceiling is,in fact,the ceiling of the second floor,not the first.The two floors are made one here;so that ascending this turning stairs,you seem going up into a kind of soaring tower,or lighthouse.At the second landing,midway up the chimney,is a mysterious door,entering to a mysterious closet;and here I keep mysterious cordials,of a choice,mysterious flavor,made so by the constant nurturing and subtle ripening of the chimney's gentle heat,distilled through that warm mass of masonry.Better for wines is it than voyages to the Indias;my chimney itself a tropic.A chair by my chimney in a November day is as good for an invalid as a long season spent in Cuba.Often I think how grapes might ripen against my chimney.

How my wife's geraniums bud there!Bud in December.Her eggs,too--can't keep them near the chimney,an account of the hatching.Ah,a warm heart has my chimney.

How often my wife was at me about that projected grand entrance-hall of hers,which was to be knocked clean through the chimney,from one end of the house to the other,and astonish all guests by its generous amplitude."But,wife,"said I,"the chimney--consider the chimney:if you demolish the foundation,what is to support the superstructure?""Oh,that will rest on the second floor."The truth is,women know next to nothing about the realities of architecture.However,my wife still talked of running her entries and partitions.She spent many long nights elaborating her plans;in imagination building her boasted hall through the chimney,as though its high mightiness were a mere spear of sorrel-top.At last,I gently reminded her that,little as she might fancy it,the chimney was a fact--a sober,substantial fact,which,in all her plannings,it would be well to take into full consideration.But this was not of much avail.

  • 大般涅槃经疏


  • 人参谱


  • 五代史纂误


  • 东林本末


  • 四书近指


  • 流离的萤火爱情


  • 哈里发国家的浮沉


    《哈里发国家的浮沉》内容始于610年伊斯兰教的诞生,结束于1258年蒙古军占领巴格达,包括以下四个方面:一、伊斯兰文明的兴起;二、哈里发国家的变迁;三、哈里发时代的中东经济与社会生活;四、异彩纷呈的阿拉伯伊斯兰文化。 公元632年,伊斯兰教的创立者穆罕默德逝世之后,穆斯林经过百年努力,建立起一个西起大西洋、东至帕米尔高原、北迄高加索、南达阿拉伯海和亚丁湾的庞大帝国,这就是哈里发国家。在“三洲五海”的宏大舞台上,那些信奉伊斯兰教的阿拉伯人、波斯人和突厥人等在岁月的磨砺中共同缔造了光彩夺目的阿拉伯伊斯兰文明。它承前启后,汇流东西,使人类文明之薪火得以续传,使相互孤立之民族融通交流,为世界由分散走向统一做出了卓越的贡献。
  • 李义山诗集注


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