

"They're all in Spain,"he remarked abruptly."I'm alone;I drove up for the opera.The Ravogli's good.Have you seen the cow-houses?"

In a situation so charged with mystery and something very like emotion he moved instinctively towards that bit of property,and she moved beside him.Her figure swayed faintly,like the best kind of French figures;her dress,too,was a sort of French grey.

He noticed two or three silver threads in her amber-coloured hair,strange hair with those dark eyes of hers,and that creamy-pale face.A sudden sidelong look from the velvety brown eyes disturbed him.It seemed to come from deep and far,from another world almost,or at all events from some one not living very much in this.And he said mechanically "Where are you living now?""I have a little flat in Chelsea."

He did not want to hear what she was doing,did not want to hear anything;but the perverse word came out:


She nodded.It was a relief to know that.And it came into his mind that,but for a twist of fate,she would have been mistress of this coppice,showing these cow-houses to him,a visitor.

"All Alderneys,"he muttered;"they give the best milk.This one's a pretty creature.Woa,Myrtle!"The fawn-coloured cow,with eyes as soft and brown as Irene's own,was standing absolutely still,not having long been milked.She looked round at them out of the corner of those lustrous,mild,cynical eyes,and from her grey lips a little dribble of saliva threaded its way towards the straw.The scent of hay and vanilla and ammonia rose in the dim light of the cool cow-house;and old Jolyon said:

"You must come up and have some dinner with me.I'll send you home in the carriage."He perceived a struggle going on within her;natural,no doubt,with her memories.But he wanted her company;a pretty face,a charming figure,beauty!He had been alone all the afternoon.

Perhaps his eyes were wistful,for she answered:"Thank you,Uncle Jolyon.I should like to."He rubbed his hands,and said:

"Capital!Let's go up,then!"And,preceded by the dog Balthasar,they ascended through the field.The sun was almost level in their faces now,and he could see,not only those silver threads,but little lines,just deep enough to stamp her beauty with a coin-like fineness--the special look of life unshared with others."I'll take her in by the terrace,"he thought:"I won't make a common visitor of her.""What do you do all day?"he said.

"Teach music;I have another interest,too."

"Work!"said old Jolyon,picking up the doll from off the swing,and smoothing its black petticoat."Nothing like it,is there?Idon't do any now.I'm getting on.What interest is that?""Trying to help women who've come to grief."Old Jolyon did not quite understand."To grief?"he repeated;then realised with a shock that she meant exactly what he would have meant himself if he had used that expression.Assisting the Magdalenes of London!

What a weird and terrifying interest!And,curiosity overcoming his natural shrinking,he asked:

"Why?What do you do for them?"

"Not much.I've no money to spare.I can only give sympathy and food sometimes."Involuntarily old Jolyon's hand sought his purse.He said hastily:

"How d'you get hold of them?"

"I go to a hospital."

"A hospital!Phew!"

"What hurts me most is that once they nearly all had some sort of beauty."Old Jolyon straightened the doll."Beauty!"he ejaculated:"Ha!

Yes!A sad business!"and he moved towards the house.Through a French window,under sun-blinds not yet drawn up,he preceded her into the room where he was wont to study 'The Times'and the sheets of an agricultural magazine,with huge illustrations of mangold wurzels,and the like,which provided Holly with material for her paint brush.

"Dinner's in half an hour.You'd like to wash your hands!I'll take you to June's room."He saw her looking round eagerly;what changes since she had last visited this house with her husband,or her lover,or both perhaps--he did not know,could not say!All that was dark,and he wished to leave it so.But what changes!And in the hall he said:

"My boy Jo's a painter,you know.He's got a lot of taste.It isn't mine,of course,but I've let him have his way."She was standing very still,her eyes roaming through the hall and music room,as it now was--all thrown into one,under the great skylight.Old Jolyon had an odd impression of her.Was she trying to conjure somebody from the shades of that space where the colouring was all pearl-grey and silver?He would have had gold himself;more lively and solid.But Jo had French tastes,and it had come out shadowy like that,with an effect as of the fume of cigarettes the chap was always smoking,broken here and there by a little blaze of blue or crimson colour.It was not his dream!

Mentally he had hung this space with those gold-framed masterpieces of still and stiller life which he had bought in days when quantity was precious.And now where were they?Sold for a song!That something which made him,alone among Forsytes,move with the times had warned him against the struggle to retain them.But in his study he still had 'Dutch Fishing Boats at Sunset.'

He began to mount the stairs with her,slowly,for he felt his side.

"These are the bathrooms,"he said,"and other arrangements.I've had them tiled.The nurseries are along there.And this is Jo's and his wife's.They all communicate.But you remember,Iexpect."

Irene nodded.They passed on,up the gallery and entered a large room with a small bed,and several windows.

"This is mine,"he said.The walls were covered with the photographs of children and watercolour sketches,and he added doubtfully:

"These are Jo's.The view's first-rate.You can see the Grand Stand at Epsom in clear weather."The sun was down now,behind the house,and over the 'prospect'a luminous haze had settled,emanation of the long and prosperous day.Few houses showed,but fields and trees faintly glistened,away to a loom of downs.

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