

The Wellesley fire did the college one good turn by bringing to the notice of the general public the departments of Science. When so many of the laboratories and so much of the equipment were swept away, outsiders became aware of the excellent work which was being done in those laboratories; of the modern work in Geology and Geography carried on not only in Wellesley but for the teachers of Boston by Professor Fisher who is so wisely developing the department which Professor Niles set on its firm foundation; of the work of Professor Robertson who is an authority on the bryozoa fauna of the Pacific coast of North America and Japan; of the authoritative work on the life history of Pinus, by Professor Ferguson of the Department of Botany; of the quiet, thorough, modern work for students in Physics and Chemistry and Astronomy.

An evidence of the excellent organization of departmental work at Wellesley is found in the ease and smoothness with which the Department of Hygiene, formerly the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, has become a force in the Wellesley curriculum under the direction of Miss Amy Morris Homans, who was also the head of the school in Boston. By a gradual process of adjustment, admission to the two years' course leading to a certificate in the Department of Hygiene "will be limited to applicants who are candidates for the B.A. degree at Wellesley College and to those who already hold the Bachelor's degree either from Wellesley College or from some other college." A five years' course is also offered, by which students may obtain both the B.A. degree and the certificate of the department. But all students, whether working for the certificate or not, must take a one-hour course in Hygiene in the freshman year, and two periods a week of practical gymnastic work in the freshman and sophomore years.

Like all American colleges, Wellesley makes heavy and constant demands on the mere pedagogic power of its teachers. Their days are pretty well filled with the classroom routine and the necessary and incessant social intercourse with the eager crowd of youth.

It may be years before an American college for women can sustain and foster creative scholarship for its own sake, after the example of the European universities; but Wellesley is not ungenerous; the Sabbatical Grant gives certain heads of departments an opportunity for refreshment and personal work every seven years; and even those who do not profit by this privilege manage to keep their minds alive by outside work and contacts.

Every two years the secretary to the president issues a list of faculty publications, ranging from verse and short stories in the best magazines to papers in learned reviews for esoteric consumption only; from idyllic novels, such as Margaret Sherwood's "Daphne", and sympathetic travel sketches like Katharine Lee Bates's "Spanish Highways and Byways", to scholarly translations, such as Sophie Jewett's "Pearl" and Vida D. Scudder's "Letters of St. Catherine of Siena", and philosophical treatises, of which Mary Whiton Calkins's "Persistent Problems of Philosophy", translated into several languages, is a notable example.

But the Wellesley faculty is a public-spirited body; its contribution to the general life is not only abstract and literary; for many of its members are identified with modern movements toward better citizenship. Miss Balch, besides her work on municipal committees, is connected with the Woman's Trade Union League, and is interested in the great movement for peace. In the spring of 1915, she was one of those who sailed with Miss Jane Addams to attend the Woman's Peace Congress at the Hague, and she afterwards visited other European countries on a mission of peace. Miss Bates is active in promoting the interests of the International Institute in Spain.

The American College for Girls in Constantinople often looks to Wellesley for teachers, and more than one Wellesley professor has given a Sabbatical year to the schoolgirls in Constantinople.

During the absence of President Patrick, Professor Roxana Vivian of Wellesley was acting president, and had the honor of bringing the college safely through the perplexities and terrors of the Young Turks' Revolution in 1908 and 1909. Professor Kendall, of the Department of History, is Wellesley's most distinguished traveler. Her book, "A Wayfarer in China", tells the story of some of her travels, and she has received the rare honor, for a woman, of being made a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

Miss Calkins is an officer of the Consumers' League. Miss Scudder has been identified from its outset with the College Settlements Movement, and of late years with the new service to Italian immigrants inaugurated by Denison House.

As a result of these varied interests, the intellectual fellowship among the older women in the college community is of a peculiarly stimulating quality, and the fact that it is almost exclusively a feminine fellowship does not affect its intellectuality. The Wellesley faculty, like the faculty of Harvard, is not a cloistered body, and contact with the minds of "a world of men" through books and the visitations of itinerant scholars is about as easy in the one case as in the other. Every year Wellesley has her share of distinguished visitors, American, European, and Oriental, scholars, poets, scientists, statesmen, who enrich her life and enlarge her spiritual vision.


  • 添品妙法莲华经序


  • 劝修净土切要


  • 大乘起信论义记


  • 集验方


  • 宋大事记讲义


  • 画棠相思赋


  • 唱道真言


    《唱道真言》是托名青华老人传 、清鹤臞子辑的道教文献,运用诗文形式表现养生的一种观念,是十分符合当时的社会。此书被认为是道教炼心方面的名著,不仅讲了炼心、炼丹与炼形的方法,同时也系统地论述了丹道功夫的基本观点:如开始即对虚无自然、无为而为的指导思想进行阐发,其次提出在性命双修的原则指导下,以静观为主,凝神为要。进而强调在真意元神的主宰下,采取药物,火候付之自然,不急不缓,功到自然成。
  • 将军家的小媳妇


  • 东宫藏娇


  • 抢夺小丫头:妖孽太缠人


  • 学行


  • 霹雳风暴


  • 心理医生在吗


    《心理医生在吗》是一个中年女人的自白,在委婉的叙述中,展现出国家的伤痕苦难、个人的爱恨嗔痴。一个四十五岁,操着蹩脚英文的中国女人,向一名美国心理医生娓娓倾诉出自己的过往。其中饱含着,她对父亲之友“贺叔叔”长达三十九年的爱恋、父亲与贺叔叔在大饥荒和文革前后的恩怨情仇、自己远渡美国后与教授间的情爱纠葛……只是治疗尚未结束,女人已飘然远引。本书(原名《人寰》)是严歌苓的代表作,曾在20世纪90年代末获得华语地区令人瞩目的台湾时报百万大奖,以及2000年的上海文学奖。她也成为了继朱天文之后女性作家获此殊荣的第二人,轰动一时,使作者在十多年前,一跃成为华语地区备受关注的女作家。本书结构在当时看来是大胆的,其题材在今天看来仍旧是时髦的。这就是经典文艺作品的共性——永不过时。台湾作家、出版人詹宏志评价说:“像这一篇委婉动人的小说,它有一个惊天动地的历史背景……但真正的故事是一个小女孩……直到她漂洋过海来到美国,直到她成了中年妇人,这场隐藏的爱恋未曾在生命中褪色,甚至成为她性格命运的基调。不要急着把小说当历史…… 像《西游记》的八十一劫数一样,我们就看到一个轻柔却刚强的女性故事。”
  • 终末的黑魔法师


  • 她家男神超傲娇

